Chapter Thirty Seven

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AN: I changed the ending of the last chapter. It didn't seem to fit the character for Draco that I've made thus far, so if you read the original, no, Draco will not be turning evil. I'm starting a different book for that ;)

Pansy wondered how life would have turned out if she had never been cursed. If Draco had been in Slytherin where he was supposed to be, and not in bloody Gryffindor. If Millie had never had to be mad at her for being gay because she never was. Was she even gay now? Would she even be able to tell at this age? Pansy doubted it. Although, it was pretty easy to tell that Draco was extremely gay himself, so maybe it was obvious to other people. Perhaps she could ask Tracey. Tracey would tell her the truth.

Pansy drifted off to sleep slowly and her dreams were about her and a blonde talking together.

Today is a nice day.

Yes. Perfect for talking to the fish.

Talking to the fish?

Yes. Would you like me to show you how?


Come with me, then.

Do you do this often?

I have ever since my mother died. The fish like to talk to me. I bet they'll like you.

Do fish have names?

Of course. One of my favorites is named Shimmer. She's very pretty.

I bet. What kind of fish is she?

I'm not sure to be honest. I never looked her up in the reference books.

It was a weird dream. Even full mermaids couldn't talk to fish. Oh well. It was just a dream. Wait, why was she awake? It was still dark.

"Pansy, I have to go to detention." Oh.

Pansy sat up from where she had accidentally taken a nap on the couch. She rubbed her eyes and blinked at Hermione. "Why are you going so late? It's eleven."

Hermione shrugged nervously. "I'm not sure. I'm just glad I won't be going alone."

"Oh, yeah, remind me to yell at Millie tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure. Will you be alright here by yourself?"

Pansy slipped off her bathrobe revealing her bathing suit. "Yeah, as long as I stay in the water. Have fun."

"I'm sure I won't."

As soon as Pansy heard the door shut, she ran to the bathroom and changed into regular clothes. She was going to talk to Millie now. Pansy had no idea until tonight that it was Millie who had gotten Draco and his friends in trouble. What was up with her?

Pansy snuck out and ran as silently as she could down the hall to Slytherin. Thankfully, she didn't run into any Prefects, because now she had no excuse to be out and about at this time of night. She whispered the password and entered the Common Room. No one was in there except for a few fifth and seventh years who had fallen asleep with their books. Pansy ignored them and walked up to Millicent's door. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. She didn't want to wake up Bridget. She didn't like the girl that much, but she also didn't want to be rude.

Pansy tried the door and found it unlocked, so she opened it and stepped inside. It was pretty dark in Millicent's room. The fireplace was off, but it came to life as the cold air from the open door flowed in. Pansy shut the door behind her and wandered over to Millicent's bed. Millicent was out cold, snoring lightly and drooling a bit too. Ew.

Pansy carefully reached out and shook Millicent awake. Millicent grumbled something intelligible and scowled when she saw Pansy.

"What?!" She whisper-shouted, sitting up.

"You got Draco and the others in trouble. Why?"

Millicent groaned and flopped onto her bed. "Because they suck and they deserved it. Why would they keep the secret about that big freak having a dragon? It wasn't safe for anyone for them to keep the secret."

"I kept it," Pansy said coldly.

Millicent's eyes widened. "You knew?"

"Hermione told me."

"Oh, of course."


"You and Hermione. I can't figure out what you see in her."

Pansy frowned. "I don't. I didn't choose her, Millie, you know that."

Millicent sighed. "Yes, I know. It's dumb that I can't get over it, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is."

"Well, I never said I was smart. Now go away."

Pansy decided to admit temporary defeat and left Millicent's room. She waited just before the passage to see if anyone was coming before bolting back into her room. Gaica and Jalsedica both promised not to say anything to anyone, so Pansy was fairly certain she was safe.

Hermione wasn't back yet. It had only been about ten minutes, so Pansy wasn't surprised, but that also meant that she needed to get into the artificial pond as soon as possible, so she hurried back into the bathroom to change. Once changed, she submerged herself in the pond and thought about her weird dream. Talking fish. That seemed too impossible even for magical creatures. There weren't exactly many kinds of magical fish, and none of them could talk. These were just koi, so there was no way they could talk, right?

"Hello," Pansy murmured, feeling rather silly. "I'm Pansonia."

One of the koi swam up to her hand and nuzzled it. Pansy felt a weird sensation blooming in her. Maybe this was what that weird girl in her dreams meant. Getting the fish to trust you. Yes, perhaps that was what she meant.

It was at least two hours before Hermione came back. Pansy pretended to be asleep and watched Hermione. Hermione changed into her pyjamas and lay down on the sunken bed, then reached out and brushed her hand gently over Pansy's head. Pansy felt a surge of comfort wash through her and bet Hermione felt the same thing. Pansy felt the urge to ask Hermione what she had to do in her detention, but figured it could wait. They were both exhausted anyway.

Pansy's dream this time included Hermione and a redhead as well as the blonde. Now that they were together, Pansy recognized the faceless blonde as the girl who would be coming to Hogwarts next year, Luna, the other half mermaid. Pansy wondered how her mother was cursed. Surely both of their mothers couldn't have made the same mistake, could they? And what was the redhead's name? Pansy had never asked. Well, it was too late now. Wait, how come she was thinking while she was dreaming? Was she lucid dreaming? Pansy looked down. She couldn't see her body, and she was able to look at a flower and make it bloom. She must be lucid dreaming. A look towards Hermione and Pansy decided that in the dream they were about fifteen, so Pansy did something rather Gryffindor of her: grabbed Hermione and kissed her.

She woke up the instant their lips touched, and was shocked to find that she was holding the real Hermione's hand.

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