Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Draco, mate, can we talk to you?"

Fred and George were standing above him with weirdly serious expressions on their face. Draco decided that studying his Transfiguration notes could wait.

"Sorry Hermione."

Hermione huffed. "Whatever."

Hermione had been in a bad mood recently. Perhaps it was the fact that exams started in two days. Harry and Ron weren't exactly being too studious even now and Hermione said that Pansy wasn't any better. Hermione must be so stressed. She was also getting rather pale. Was she eating enough? Draco would have to watch her next meal.

Draco followed the twins and stepped into the third year dorms. As he stepped in, one of the twins closed the door behind him.

"What?" Draco asked.

The twins looked at each other and seemed to communicate telepathically.

"I'll tell him," George said. Fred nodded.

"Draco, Mum's told us that you have to stay with us for the summer."

Draco cocked his head. He already knew that.

"No, you don't understand. She's thrilled," Fred said. "She's going to do something to make you feel 'at home' or whatever."

Draco groaned. "Great."

George sat down on what was apparently his bed and stretched out. "Hey, it won't be that bad. What's your favorite food?"

"Cherry pie. Why?"

Fred wrote down his answer on a piece of parchment. "Favorite color?"

"Light blue. Why?"

"Favorite song?"

"Dance With Him, by Hopeless Diadems. Why are you asking me this? And why are you writing it down?" Draco demanded.

"Well, we never said we weren't going to help Mum out, did we?" Fred winked and scribbled down the song name. "Just a few more questions, don't worry."

Draco was finally saved after Lee Jordan came into the room to feed his tarantula and thoroughly distracted the twins. It was disturbing, really, that there was a giant spider living in the same tower as them, and even though Draco wasn't exactly afraid of spiders he still didn't like them very much. Poor Ron nearly had a heart attack when the twins put Lee Jordan's tarantula on his head one time.

"Draco Black! Are you deaf?"

Oops. Draco stopped walking and let Oliver catch up to him. "What's up?"

"Last game of the year coming up. You going to be ready?"

Draco nodded. "It's the week after finals, right? I don't think I can put in any extra practice until then."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "You should know the schedule by now, Draco. But yes, it's the week after finals. It's against Ravenclaw. Practice hard, alright? I really think we can win this year. We haven't won in ages, not since Charlie was new."

"Charlie Weasley?"

"Yeah. He was the old Seeker. He was amazing. Captain, too. Only won the Quidditch Cup once though. Real shame. Slytherin plays dirty but Madam Hooch never catches it."

Draco nodded. He knew how Lucius used to play, even when Draco was young, and he had been taught to cheat in a way that wouldn't be caught.

"Welp, see you around. Remember, practice with that Snitch you got for Christmas whenever you get the chance."

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