Chapter Twelve

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"Be careful, Draco," Oliver warned. "They aren't going to play nice, especially once they see that you're the Seeker."

Draco nodded in understanding. Oliver had warmed up to him quickly once he showed off his full potential, and even if Oliver only saw the talent, and not the person, Draco was okay with that for now. He was actually just glad that the rest of the team finally liked him too.

"What was your first game like?" He asked Oliver.

Oliver shrugged. "To be honest I don't really remember. Got hit with a bludger not long after the start and woke up in the hospital wing a week later."

Draco scoffed. "What a safe sport for children."

Oliver chuckled. "Never said it was safe, Draco. You of all people should know that."

Draco nodded grimly. "I've had more objects hit my head than I can count."

Oliver pat his back. "You'll do great out there. The Weasley's will protect you. You're their brother of sorts now, right?"

Draco looked away awkwardly. "Kind of. I'll be staying with them until I can get into contact with other disowned family members."

A whistle blew before Oliver could answer, and the team made their way onto the pitch. Draco felt proud to be here, on the field for a game, so young. Take that, Lucius.

Draco met eyes with multiple of the Slytherin players while waiting for the game to start. None of them seemed very pleased to see him.

"Bloody hell! Draco's the Seeker?!"

Draco turned in shock and burst out laughing at Ron's facial expression. Hermione had dragged the two boys right to the front, it seemed, so that they would be able to easily get a first glimpse of Draco in his Quidditch robes.

Harry's mouth fell open, then he smiled and gave Draco a thumbs up. Hermione beamed proudly. Draco felt his confidence soar.

The whistle blew to signal the start of the match and Draco burst up into the sky, having seen the Snitch go upwards and slightly left before he lost sight of it. The Slytherin Seeker hissed at him - in an extremely civilized manner, of course. Draco rolled his eyes in response and focused on finding that damn golden ball.

Where are you, buddy? Don't you want to come play?

Draco strained himself to see if the Snitch wanted to respond to his thoughts or not, but he didn't see any flash of gold fly towards him in a teasing manner.

He saw the Slytherin Seeker make a dive and his instincts told him to follow, but he looked at what he was chasing and laughed. It was an enchanted golden ring. Draco wondered who was doing that.

The game went on for far too long, at least to Draco. He thought it would feel more exhilarating, being up so high, having such an important role, but the adrenaline had worn off within the first ten minutes. The view was astonishing from up here, so at least when he got bored he could look out over all the trees and the lake, where the mermaids swam around, terrorizing first year Slytherins by slamming into the windows. Well, that's what Lucius told him anyway, and he didn't know if he could trust what that man said anymore.

The reminder that his life was gone hit him like a ton of bricks, and he almost slipped from his broom at the sudden pain. Why did he still feel upset? It was ages ago... well, not that long ago, actually, but that had been the first day of school, and now it was the first Quidditch match, and -

Quidditch. Look for the Snitch. Right.

Draco shook his head clear of bad thoughts and refocused on scanning the area around him. He saw the ring from earlier fly by, and he again wondered who was doing that. It had to have been sort form of cheating.

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