Chapter Sixteen

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"Draco, you might want to see this," Hermione said worriedly. She shoved the Daily Prophet into his hands.

Draco gaped as he read the headline. "The new Malfoy heir?" he exclaimed.

"That's not the worst part," Hermione told him. "Read the article."

Draco scanned the article and widened his eyes. "Lucius got a concubine?!"

"He doesn't trust Narcissa's blood anymore. His concubine is a pureblood from Chiva and Snyde's year and she's, like, twenty one, at most."

Draco made a face. "That's disgusting. He's almost forty."

Hermione shrugged. "He needs an heir now that you've been disowned. The baby is going to be a girl and he's probably not happy about it. The poor concubine is most likely going to be impregnated again as soon as her daughter is born."

Draco scowled. "I can't believe I came from him. This is ridiculous. For them to know the sex he had to have done this almost immediately after I was disowned! Quelle baise?!"

"Language, Drakey-dear."


Draco looked up from under the tree and saw Pansy standing above him. She was scowling at Hermione.

"Hanging out with the mudblood, I see," Pansy continued.

Hermione made a noise of hurt. Draco growled.

"She's my friend, Pansy, leave her alone."

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Owlhead. How is yours faring, by the way, in a dump? At least, compared to where she was before."

"Shut up," Draco warned. "Athena is doing just fine."

Pansy frowned. "Why are you acting like this?"

Draco groaned. "What do you want?"

"I saw the article. Horrible, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Draco agreed, nodding. Pansy sat down between him and Hermione, forcing them each to scoot a bit. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I miss you, you know," Pansy complained. "I still think you should call for a re-sort."

Draco sighed and leaned his head on hers. "I can't, Pans. It hasn't been long enough."

"Well, as soon as you can, you should. You're going to miss the Autumn Ball!"

"I'm not calling for a re-sort, Pansy. I'm sorry, but I like Gryffindor and I like my new friends."

Pansy made a 'hmph' noise and stood. "Well, if you change your mind, let me know."

Hermione scooted back to where she was as Pansy left towards the Black Lake. "Why is she so adamant that you get into Slytherin?"

Draco rolled his eyes in amusement. "She still wants to marry me. She thinks she can only do that if I become a Slytherin."

Hermione chuckled before thinking of something.

"Do you still want to marry her?"

Draco quieted.

Hermione let him think. Draco didn't know. Did  he still want to marry Pansy? It would be simple, which would be nice, and they already made plans, like moving to France and having three kids and two dogs, maybe a cat. A black shorthair, to be specific. The dogs would be cockerpoos. If the children were all girls, their names would be Kayla, Laina, and Maisa. If they were boys, the names would be Fanden, Gaidren, and Halden. If a mixture, the names would be chosen from the lists as they came. So yeah, Draco and Pansy had had a lot planned out. Draco did like the idea of having things planned out, but for some reason, that specific future was becoming less desirable, and he had a sinking suspicion as to why.

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