Chapter Twenty Seven

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Rainey. Are you going to tell me who my mate is now?

against my better judgement, yes.

I'm ready, I swear. I've already accepted the fact thats she's a mudblood.

if you say so. it is Hermione Granger.

"What?!" Pansy shrieked out loud. Why her?!

i do not know. i did not pick her. i merely saw the marks in your souls and saw that they aligned.

Pansy groaned and ran her fingers through her short hair. This was it. She was doomed. She'd be cast out of the Sacred Twenty Eight and forced to live with the commoners. She was as doomed as Draco was. Tears welled up in her eyes and spilled out.

pansy. i am getting waves of distress over here. are you sure you're alright?

I want to go back to school.

why is that?

I can't tell Mother, Rainey. She and Father will disown me.

all the more reason to tell them now.


more time to find a place to live. preferably with Hermione.

I doubt she has a koi pond at her house for the summer.

i actually know that she lives near a creek.

Fine. I'll tell Mother. She'll decide what to do about Father.

good luck.


Pinka appeared and frowned at Pansy's tear streaked face. "What is wrong with Pansy?"

"Get Mother, Pinka."

Pinka disappeared and returned a few minutes later with Pansy's mother.

"Pansonia, why did you summon me? Your father and I are very busy. Why are you crying?"

Pansy sat up straight in the bathtub. "I know who my mate is, Mother."

Abella stiffened. "Who is he?"

"It's a girl."

"Is she pureblooded, at least?"




Abella's face twisted in disgust. "Your mate is a mudblood."

Pansy nodded. "She's not very pretty, either. Ow!"

do not insult your mate.

Abella took out her wand. "I must fix this. I will find that wretched mermaid that did this to you and I will kill her!"

Pansy shrieked in terror. "Mother, no!"

Abella had already Disapparated.

Pinka looked nervously between Pansy and the spot where her mother had stood.

"Pinka?" Pansy whispered.


"Is the mermaid going to kill my mother?"

"Almost certainly. Pinka is sorry."

"It's okay," Pansy lied. "I'll be okay."

The two remained silent for a long time. There seemed to be nothing left to say.

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