Chapter Seventeen

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AN: This chapter is a bit short, but it is full of details about the Pansy situation. Enjoy!

Pansy shivered as the cold water engulfed her. She didn't shiver from the cold though; she shivered from the pleasant feeling of being where she belonged.

The Black Lake had become her new home for the night. She came here with Snape's permission after curfew and returned early in the morning before anyone awoke. She was growing more and more tired as time drew on, but she couldn't risk anyone seeing her. Sleeping underwater was not something that normal people did, after all.

you are growing weak. you need to sleep longer.

I can't. Someone might see.

you will die, pansonia.

Don't call me that.

it is your name.

My name is Pansy, Rainey. We've been over this. Now let me sleep.

that, i will not stop you from doing.

Pansy shut her eyes and after a few moments felt Rainey's cold hands take her by the waist and draw her deeper underwater. She took a long refreshing breath of water and relaxed. This really was more comfortable than any bed had ever been, this feeling of relative weightlessness. She felt the water swish past and opened her eyes to catch a glimpse of the Giant Squid as it swam by in the dark water. She saw the windows to the Slytherin common room in the distance. No one was in there. They must be all doing their homework in their rooms.



Why won't you tell me who my mate is?

you do not need to know that yet. in fact, the knowledge might lead you to accidentally kill yourself. you are surviving, that is what you need to know. now sleep.

Pansy didn't feel like arguing right then, so she shut her eyes once more and felt the water grow even colder as they descended. She never stayed awake long enough to reach her watery bed, but she knew where it was as she woke up there every morning. Rainey used to have to guide her back up to the surface, but Pansy had gotten the hang of finding her way to the edge. Rainey only brought her down because Pansy was too exhausted to find her way in the dark.

Like all nights, Pansy felt herself drifting as she was tugged through the water, and she let herself slip off knowing that Rainey would protect her.


Pansy awoke feeling more refreshed than she had in a long time. That was because it was Saturday, so she had slept in. She pushed the reed blanket off of herself and stretched.


Rainey swam into the room with a breakfast tray. stay here today; you need the energy.

Pansy couldn't bring herself to disagree. The water rejuvenated her like nothing else. Tracey could brush her hair by herself today.

the water is beautiful today. would you like to go for a scenic swim after breakfast?

That would be lovely.

Pansy ate her breakfast of fish and lake weeds slowly.

darya would like to meet you.

Pansy shrugged. Sure, why not?

Darya was Rainey's little sister, whose human hadn't come of age yet. Darya's human's name was Luna, and she would be attending Hogwarts next year. That would be nice. Pansy would have someone to talk to about all of this. Although according to Rainey, Luna was a bit... eccentric.

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