Chapter Thirty Three

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"I will not calm down!" Weasley shouted. "That girl has done nothing but bully Hermione since day one!"

Dumbledore held up his hand. "Certain things must be forgiven, Mister Weasley. This is one of them. I'm certain that Miss Parkinson is repentant."

"I am," Pansy said. "I didn't know because stupid Rainey wouldn't tell me."

"Don't blame it on your imaginary friend," Weasley said angrily.

"She's not imaginary! Come down the the lake and I'll prove it!"

They all looked to Dumbledore.

"I'll escort you myself. Come."

All eight of them followed Dumbledore out of the castle. They all followed Dumbledore's lead and cast Lumos to light up their way.

Rainey, come to the surface.

oh, now you wish to see me?

Rainey, I'm sorry. Please come. Don't make a fool out of me.

i wouldn't pansy. i'll be there.

Thank you.



Millicent had a cold look in her eyes. "You never told me about this whole girl thing."

"I'm sorry." It was all Pansy could say. Millicent moved to the other side of Tracey, who looked at Pansy in worry.

When the group reached the lake's edge, there were a lot of gasps. Rainey did look a bit scary, Pansy thought with a smirk.

"Hi Rainey," Pansy said quietly. Rainey surfaced. She didn't speak, since it would destroy all of their ears. Instead, she waved. Her eyes found Hermione and she smiled.

she's not ugly.

How do you know which one is her?

her soul, silly. its pattern interlocks with yours.

Okay. Sure.

"Do you believe me now?" Pansy asked. Weasley just nodded.

Potter turned to Draco. "You knew, didn't you?"

Draco nodded. "I didn't know about, uh, what's her name again?"


"Yeah, her."

"How long have you known?"

"Just since we got back," Draco said. "Pans told Hermione and I on the train ride."

"Oh." Potter seemed disappointed. Draco stared at him. Poor boy, in love at this age. Pansy hoped that even though she and Hermione were supposed to bond that it wouldn't happen to them. According to everyone she had ever met, being in love sucked. Of course, she didn't know for sure that Draco was in love. But she was pretty damn sure nonetheless.

"Professor, when will our room be ready?" Hermione asked.

"Room?" Blaise asked.

"The two will need to share a room. There is currently being a koi pond installed. Miss Parkinson, I'm afraid you have one more night in the lake," Dumbledore explained.

"That's fine," Pansy said.

She noticed Draco and Potter standing a little closer than the rest and bit back a little grin. Draco was whispering to Potter and gently holding his arm. She knew it. Draco was totally in love. Draco caught her eye and shook his head furiously at her look. She just smirked at him.

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