Chapter Forty Five

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Pansy sat with Tracey and Millicent on the train ride home. They were all talking about the ball they had had the day before. It really was quite fun, even if Pansy's night had been soured by the news.

To be perfectly honest, it was almost convenient that Pansy got disowned, as she had to live with Hermione anyway. Hermione's parents had been understandably shocked when they got Hermione's letter about their new house guest, but they had responded with an okay and Pansy officially had a place to stay. She didn't know exactly where she was going to be sleeping, but at least she wasn't homeless. That was the important part.

Pinka was off making the final preparations for Abella's funeral, which Fernand was allowing Pansy to attend as one last respect to her. Pinka was going to bring Pansy there when the time came. Pansy was not looking forward to it. Even though Abella hadn't exactly been the most caring mother, Pansy did still care about her and didn't know if she could handle seeing her all dead and destroyed.

"Are you excited to go see Fifi?" Pansy asked.

Millicent rolled her eyes. "It hasn't been that long since I've seen her, Pansy."

"I know, but she's a baby, Millie, surely you miss her."


"What about you, Tracey? Excited to see your little brother again?"

"Not particularly, no," Tracey laughed. "It's going to suck when he comes to Hogwarts in three years."

"You don't like him?" Millicent asked.

Tracey shrugged. "I mean, he's my brother and I love him, but he's a real pain. He's always pulling my hair and breaking my things."

"That sucks."

"Oh, we need to put on Muggle clothes," Pansy said. "We're almost there."

Pansy drew the shades so no one could see them and they all took off their uniforms. Pansy had 'borrowed' a pair of jean shorts from Hermione because they were comfortable, and then put on a green tank top and a pair of sandals. Tracey was wearing a blue skirt and a white tank top, and Millicent was wearing shorts and a dark purple tank top.

When the train arrived in the station Pansy gathered up her things and said goodbye to Tracey and Millicent with a promise to write every week and hopefully visit at some point.

Pansy found Hermione with Draco, Harry, and Ron.

"Are those my jean shorts?" Hermione asked.


Hermione grinned. "Oh thank god, I thought I lost them."

Pansy hugged Draco and let the Gryffindors say their goodbyes before following Hermione through the wall. Hermione led her over to a nice looking muggle couple that were staring at her.

Hermione put down her stuff and hugged the couple tightly.

"Mum, Dad, this is Pansy. She's the half mermaid I told you about."

The woman, Hermione's mother, turned to Pansy with a nervous smile. "Hello there."

"Hi," Pansy said. "Thanks for letting me stay with you."

"Of course," Hermione's father said. "If it helps Hermione then we'll do it."

Pansy followed the Grangers out of the train station and into a parking garage nearby. Hermione loaded their stuff into the trunk and showed Pansy how to use the seatbelt. The drive was long and quiet other than the music coming from somewhere in the car. It must be muggle music, because Pansy had never heard it before. Hermione seemed to know it, and was humming along. The car ride was making Pansy sick to her stomach, so she was thrilled when they finally pulled into the driveway of a decently sized house.

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