Get me out of here

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Alec's POV the next day
I find myself waking up in the bath tub. I took so many fucking pills last night that I can hardly remember anything. All I know is that I had a "busy" night. I look at my phone to see that is is 3 am. Too early for me. It's Friday so at least this is the last day of school for the week.
I take a shower and get dressed in fishnets, shorts and an oversized sweatshirt.
I make my way down stairs cuz I'm thirsty as fuck when I see my dad at the table.
"Oh look who it is." My obviously-drunk-dad slurs.
I hesitate before turning around to go back to my room.
My dad then swiftly grabs onto my arm.
He pushes me up against the counter, hunched over slightly and back facing him. His one hand has ahold of my wrists whilst his other runs down my side.
"Daddy's really horny." He whispers in my ear.
I try t jerk away but it's impossible as I mentioned before that he is much stronger than I.
He starts to pull down my pants as I just wait for it to be over.
He moans and says how I'm a slut and I am asking for it.
He forces me to moan "daddy" as he comes.
I sit on the floor, fully dressed now, as I watch my fathers retreating figure.
I can't stay in this fucking house.
I start to shake and my breathing becomes heavy as tears stream down my face.
I pull out my phone in the heat of the moment and decide to text Jace.
I know he hates me but I just really need him. As stupid as that sounds.
To Jace ;) :
I really need to get out of here.
I know you don't like me but please. If I give you a place to pick me up, will you? I wouldn't be asking you if I had no other choice.

I sit and try to even put my breathing. Five minutes later I get a notification.

From Jace ;) :
Where are you?

To Jace ;) :
Meet me @ the sheetz near the school

From Jace ;) :
I'll be there in 10

I put my phone away and make my way to sheetz.

Jace's POV
I sigh, putting on a shirt, jacket and jeans. I don't know what is so important that he texts ME at 3:20 am. I get in my car and head over.

I pull up 10 minutes later and see Alec smoking a cigarette, leaning against the building. I roll down and yell his name. He sees me, puts out the cigarette, and gets in my car.
"So what was so bad that you called me?" I growl.
He seems to shrink in his seat and avert his gaze to the window.
I sigh and make my way back home.
"Ya know your gunna have to tell me what happened." I say
He looks at me for a second and then says, "my dad is drunk and I can't be there right now ok?" He whispers.
I look at him for a second and decide not to say anything. Maybe his dad hurt him? I wouldn't be surprised since he said that he can't be there. I am worried tho. Sure I don't like him but your parents are supposed to take care of you, not beat you. I shiver at the thought of Alec getting beat by his father.
I pull into my parents drive way and look over at Alec to see that he is asleep. I decide to not wake him and just carry him inside.
I go over to the passengers side and open his door, scooping him up in my arms. I am surprised at how light he is. He can't be even 90 fucking pounds!
He nuzzles his head into my neck and huffs like a puppy. I find this oddly adorable.
What am I thinking ?? I'm not a fag like him!
I carry him into my room and lay him on my bed. I look at him and take in his appearance. He is good looking. With his unmade brown hair and oversized sweatshirt.
I take off my hoodie and pants and climb into bed next to him. I look at the back of his head and slowly I drift off to sleep. This is gunna be hard to explain to my parents.

Sorry that it took me so long to update. Also it is not letting me respond to messages that y'all put on my board and idk why. I will get that fixed. But for now, @-Walkingonsunshine posted on my board. Thank you love and I hope you enjoy this chapter. I have lots of ideas. 💕

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