My prince

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Jace's POV.
I wake up and feel colder than I did. I feel around for my source of warmth but feel nothing. I then remembered that Alec stayed over last night and I jumped up looking for him. I look over to his spot and see a note.
Reading it, I sigh. I wish he would've stayed.
I mean... no I don't.
Who am I kidding, yes I fucking do.
I miss his warmth and his cuddling. He is very cuddly at night and I do not have a problem with that.
I look at my phone and see that it is 6:30 am. I have to get ready for school.
I get up and go to the bathroom. I shower, brush my teeth and fix my hair.
With a towel around my waist, I go into my room to get dressed.
Jeans and a Harley Davidson shirt.
Good enough.
I grab my bag and jog down stairs.
"Hey mom." I kiss her cheek and grab a waffle.
"Hey sweetie. Where's your friend?" SHe says with a smirk.
"Left early this morning." I say with a mouth full.
"Gotta go." I put on my sneakers and yell a quick bye before I get into my car and drive to school.
I really want to see Alec. I don't even know why. I just do.
When I get to school, the people who pulled the stupid prank, aka my idiotic and immature asshole friends, walk up to me.
"Ey man. You left pretty early yesterday. Run after your little boyfriend?" Brock says as he slings his arm over my shoulder.
"No. And that prank was immature. We aren't kindergarteners. We're fucking high schoolers. Grow up." I push his arm off of me.
"Wow ok man. Defending your fuck buddy." He holds his hands up on defense.
"Seriously Brock, shut the fuck up before I knock your teeth out." At this point I'm dangerously close to his face and I'm seething.
"Whatever man." Everyone walks away.
For fucks sake.
I walk into first period and go along my day.

I haven't seen Alec all day. I'm guessing he skipped.
I should've went to his house. He's probably lonely. I miss him.
I take out my phone to text him.
To Alec<3
Are you ok?
A few minutes later I get a reply.
From Alec<3
Yeah. Just didn't want to show up.
To Alec<3
Want me to pick you up after school and we can go back to mine and watch movies?
Watch movies? I mean.. that's kinda cute. I just want an excuse to hang out with him.
From Alec<3
Yeah that sounds good.
I can't wait till the end of the day. My brother will be with his friends and my sister hers.
My mom will be home but who cares. My dad will be at work.

It's finally the end of the day so I hurriedly get out to my car and drive off to Alec's.
Knocking on his door, someone opened it Who I didn't recognize.
"Can I help you?" A tall, well built man grumbles out.
Must be Alec's dad.
This thought has me pissed. Alec is small he has no chance in fighting against this asshole.
I just smile and say, "I'm here for Alec. We have a project to work on."
"Alec! Get your ass over here!" He yells.
I flinch back a bit. Fuck.
Alec comes hurriedly over and we make eye contact. He looks like he just got beat up. Bruises litter his face and exposed neck, chest, and arms.
Oh my god.
"Yeah dad?" Alec timidly says.
"This kid your new fuck Buddy? Huh!" He grabs onto Alec's arm.
Alec winces and shakes his head no.
"We just have to work on a project. " Alec looks at me pleadingly.
"Hey let go of him. Your hurting him." I grab Alec's other arm and pull him towards me.
His dad just spits and tells Alec to fuck off and closes the door.
I pull Alec to my car saying, "Cmon let's get out of here."
We get into the car and I get a better look at Alec.
He is in a tank top and red jeans.
His arms are a sickly black and purple splotch mix.
His neck has hand marks wrapped around and his cheek has big bruises. He has a black eye, swollen lip, cut under his other eye, bruised cheeks.
"Alec?" I put my hand on his knee and he flinches and covers his face with his hands.
"I'm sorry." He whispers.
I can't tell if he's crying or not.
"No no don't be. Here." I reach into the back and grab my lettermen jacket. I carefully put it around him and he puts his arms in and pulls it over his chest.
"Your dad did this." I meant for it to be a question but it came out as a statement.
He just closes his eyes.
I start the car, deciding not to pester him right now. I lay my arm on the middle consul and he lays his head on my arm. I look at him and kiss his head, continuing the drive home.

Once we get home we both just sit in the car. My mom is going to have so many questions and I don't know what I can say.
"Alec." He looks at me. "We have to tell someone."
"No no you can't say anything!" He looks at me panicky.
"Your dad made you look like a coloring book Alec! I can't stand seeing you hurt! I don't want you to go home, knowing that you are going to get beat again." My voice progressively gets softer as Alec begins to quietly cry.
"Cmon. Let's just go inside and watch a movie ya?" I touch his shoulder.
He nods his head and gets out.
We get in and go to my room. I turn on the tv and turn it to a random show.
Alec timidly sits beside me.
I look over at him and he is fiddling with the sleeves of my jacket.
"Are you ok?" I know he's not but maybe he'll open up to me.
"I have to tell you something." He whispers.
I turn completely towards him and he stays where he is.
"My dad beats me like you figured out." I nod my head and he continues. "But um." He tears up and his voice gets scratchy. "He comes into my room at night. He lays beside me and he... touches me."
I look at him and don't know what to say.
"Don't say anything yet. I'm not done. He makes me jerk him off or he forces himself.."
He's at this point crying hard and can't finish his sentence.
I just pull him tightly to me and wrap my arms protectively around him, one hand going up and down his back in a soothing manner.
"Sh sh it's ok. You don't have to say anything." At this point I'm crying as well.
I new his home life was bad but I never knew the extent of it.
"It's ok baby. I won't let him lay a hand on you ever again ok? I've got you my prince."
He looks up at me when I say that nickname.
"I'm your prince?" He whispers.
"You are. You are my baby, my prince, my everything."
He lays his head on my lap and I play with his hair as he falls asleep.
My poor baby.

Yes hello it's me.
How is everyone doing? This week seems to be going by so slowly.
Anyways I have something important to talk about. Skip the rest of this if you don't want to hear about it.
There is a baby in the UK who is on life support. He is 20 months old and has severe seizures. The doctors went to court and are allowed to give the baby a lethal injection in the morning. The Italy pope is fighting against it. They took him off of the breathing machine and he is breathing on his own. How do they have the right to kill a baby? The Italy pope thinks that the doctors made an error and is trying to cover their own asses by killing an innocent baby. Let's hope that the pope gets it turned around and the baby gets to keep the life that he is rightly given. They kicked the parents out of the hospital so they cant even see their baby if it's the last time or for when/if they give him the injection.
I know this is a very hard thing to talk about but I am just very angry and sad. A baby should not lose its life. Ok sorry bout that little rant. If you are religious in any way, please pray to your god for this baby's life.
I love you all so very much and I hope you have a good rest of the week. :)

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