Are you baked?

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Alec's POV
I don't know what I'm doing or how I got here. But I am getting wasted and as high as I can. Although it is only after 11 am.
I am behind some wrecked building with a bunch of dudes I don't know.
Whilst I'm taking a drag, I get a thought.
Damnit. Why am I thinking about him? All I want is him. I want him to ask what's wrong but I can't tell him.
I want him to hold me and tell me everything is ok.
I want him to want me.
But he hates me and he's straight. Plus he's probably pissed at me from last night.
Then I ran out this morning.
I should've stayed.
"Yo man, you aight?" Some guy asks as I'm slumped against the brick wall.
"Yeah yeah. Uh I gotta go." I stumble away, barely able to see what is in front of me. I just need to see him.
So, that's how I find myself twenty-two minutes later at Jace's door. It should have only taken me like 10 but, I'm pretty out of it.
I knock on the door and lose my balance, my ass hitting the ground.
The door opens to a confused Jace and I just start chuckling.
"Alec? What are you doing? What happened to your face?!" Jace's voice gets progressively louder.
"I just-I need you."

Jace's POV
"I just-I need you." Alec slurs.
My eyes widen but I realize that he's drunk and probably doesn't know what's going on.
"Ok let's get you inside ya?" I reach down and lift him to his feet by his armpits. He puts his hands on my shoulders and laughs.
We walk inside, more like me carrying all the weight but he doesn't weigh much to begin with, and I set him on the couch. We won't make it upstairs.
I sit down beside him and turn his face towards me.
Examining the bruises I say, "Jesus, what the fuck happened?"
He just smiles and touches my eyebrow.
"Nice face." He says.
I swat his hand away and say "I'm being serious. Who did this to you?"
He looks down at his lap and says, "I told you dad would be mad at me."
I freeze in place. Realizing that his dad really does beat him, like I thought.
"Fuck." I say under my breath and reach my hand up to place it on his cheek.
I rub my thumb in what I hope is comforting circles.
He looks into my eyes and we stare at each other.
"Uhm. Here let me get you cleaned up." I cough awkwardly, retracting my hand.
I then realize that his pupils were fucking huge.
"Are you backed?" I question, looking back at him with a stern look.
He starts laughing. "Like a cake."
Fucking hell
I grab his hand with a "cmon" and lead him to the bathroom.
I shut and lock the door. "Strip" I order.
His eyes go large and he shakes his head.
"No no no dude I just need you to take your shirt off so I can see all the marks." I reassure.
He seems to settle down and allows me to remove his shirt.
What I see is horrid.
Boot marks.
Black and blue and yellow smeared over his chest and stomach.
I don't know what to say.
What am I supposed to say? Sorry your dad beats the shit outta you?
What am I gonna do?

Alec's POV
He just stares at me. I start to feel self conscious so I wrap my arms around myself.
He seems to realize that he was staring cuz he looks up at my face.
Then back down to my arms.
"What the fuck is that!?" He yells pointing at my uncovered forearms.
In my drunken and high state, I completely forgot about what I do to take out my anger and sadness instead of screaming and fucking.
I always wear long sleeves.
"Alec? Give me your arms." He orders.
I quickly put my arms behind my back and back up against the wall.
"I'm not going to hurt you but you have to let me see. Please?" He almost begs.
I hesitantly show him my arms and he takes them in his rough but gentle hands.
Tears brim his eyes but mine stay hallow.
I can't cry in front of people. They'll see me weaker than I already am.
He strokes his thumbs over the scars and lets out a small cry.
Looking up at me He says, "why? How could you do this to yourself? Your so beautiful."
I'm surprised. He hates me. He makes sure that I know that too.
"No I'm not." I say.
He drops my arms and grabs my shoulders.
"Whatever you dad does to you, does not make you any less beautiful. What people at school say and do, you are worth so much more, Alec."
He seems so sincere. But I can't believe him.
I mean how can I?
"What does your dad do to you? You can tell me ok? I won't hurt you. I won't judge you." He all but whispers.
I sit down on the floor and he follows suit, sitting in front of me.
I put my head down but he just lifts it up with his pointer finger.
"I can't tell you." I say.
Goddamnit. I can feel the tears. Everything is blurry but I have to hold it in.
Silent cries.
He moves to sit beside me, silent, and pulls me into a sideways hug. I lay my head on his shoulder. One of his arms is around my shoulders, rubbing the side of my arm whilst the other is wrapped loosely around my neck, playing with my hair. My hands stay in my lap.
I'm too fucking stoned for this.

I wrote half of this during world cultures because I have 0 self control. Anyways... so I will put music in each chapter to kinda set the mood. My chapters are becoming longer which is good haha. Ok I'm out.
~ya girl

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