Champagne, cocaine, gasoline

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Alec's POV
After awhile of sitting on the bathroom floor with Jace, I left. I went home and Into my room and started on that stupid fucking project.
I'll do half of it and Jace can do the rest. So I text Jace saying what I was going to do and what he will do. He agreed and so I started
Three hours later I finally finished. It's not good but it's the bet I can do.
I lay in bed, contemplating everything.
The I remember something.
I lift up my mattress that lays on the ground and I retrieve a small packet of white powder.
I ask my razor blade and make a thin line of it.
Then I snort it.
I've the high starts to kick in I feel fucking fantastic.
I then grab my bong and smoke weed from it.
I haven't felt this good in a while.
Best part is, my dad isn't supposed to come home till Tomorrow night.
I lay down on my nasty bedroom floor and stare up at the ceiling until everything goes black.

Jace's POV
Alec texted me saying that he'll do part of the project and I'll do the other. I'm totally cool with that I was just wondering why he didn't want to work on it with me.
I finish the project and I have dinner with my mom, dad and sister.
It's around 8 pm when I get a call from Alec.
Incoming call from: Alec
Why is he calling me ?
Either way I pick up the phone with a "hello?"
"Hey Jace. It's Alec. I didn't think that you'd answer." He sounds so spaced out. Like he isn't even there.
"Alec? What's going on man?" I ask worriedly.
"Nothing. Did you know that someone somewhere is dying of starvation? Fuckin crazy shit man."
"Where are you?" I'm afraid that he may do something stupid.
"At home. I'm really high right now. My dad isn't home." He makes a "woohoo" sound but he sounds tired.
"What's your address?"
"Because I'm coming over."
"Oh like a sleepover!" I hear him fall off of something.
"Yeah like a sleepover. But I need your address."
"Hm ok it's —————————-"
"Ok I'll be over in 15 minutes alright?"
"Ok." He then hangs up.
I rush down stairs and into the living room where my mom is sitting watching tv.
"Hey mom? Can I stay over at a friends house tonight?"
"Oh who's house? Masons?" She asks, looking at me.
Mason is another jock.
"Uh no. Do you remember Alec? My project partner?"
"Yes. Why?"
"I'm staying at his house."
She sighs and pats the space beside her.
"Honey, I don't want you hanging around that boy. He seems like a drug addict and his father is a horrible man."
"His dad won't even be home and Alec is a good person, mom. Please?" I beg.
"Fine just text me if you need anything or if he tries anything." She sighs.
I thank her and grab my packed bag and get in my car.
One I arrive at his apartment building, I knock on his door. He lives in the bad part of town where the druggies and criminals live.
Then the door opens to reveal a tired looking Alec.
When he sees me he smiles a bit.
"Cmon in."
I walk in and the place is a dump. Glass all over the brown carpeted floor and a torn up couch. He leads me to his room.
He has a mattress on the floor up against the right wall, a stand beside his bed with weed and shut in it, and his clothes are in piles on the left side wall.
"It's a little messy." He laughs and falls on the bed.
I sit down beside him and pull his face towards me to look at his pupils. Yup, they're dilated.
"Jesus." I say.
He just laughs and lays down and I follow suite.
"I've never had a sleepover before." Alec admits.
I look at him. "Really? Not even when you where little?"
"Nope." He says and pops the P.
We lay there for a while before he says, "do you ever just want to disappear?"
I turn my head to look at him. "No not really. Why?"
"Because. I think about it all the time. I mean, I'm not here for anyone. Nobody would care if I just left."
"I would care."
"Then come with me."
"Your just high. You don't know what your talking about." I sigh, lookin back up at the ceiling.
"Do you wanna get high?"
I look at him. "No that's a stupid idea."

And before I knew it, I was high.

Sorry this is short. I'm having writers block. Anyways.. have any of you smoked or done drugs? Don't do drugs kids ;)
~ya girl

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