Chapter 17

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Cally's pov

The next morning when I got up I felt my muscles protest. That sprint from yesterday really took it's toll on me. Besides from that, and maybe even worse, after my collision with Newton and my crash to the ground, I had somehow managed to break my phone. The screan cracked and it would not turn on anymore. Part of me couldn't believe it, I might also have cried over it a little while falling asleep last night... that phone was one of the only things connecting me to my old life, my family, my friends... I didn't know what to do without it. Still don't, but I have no choice but to continue. The sooner we got out of here the sooner I wouldn't need a phone to feel connected to my loved ones.
     Calmly I did the things I usually rush, so my muscles could get used to the movements before I started running again for hours. The prospective of running again all day didn't really appeal to me right now, but it was my job so I had to.
There were knocks on my door followed by Newt's voice, "Cally? Ar' ya awake?"
"Yeah! Come in!" I called at him while putting on a black tank top. I heard the door open and turned around while pulling my hair out from under my shirt. The moment the door opened Bark walked to him while waking her tail, Newt petted her on the head before looking up to me again. "What's up, Newton?"
"Just wanted to check on ya. Make sure you were awake. Ya're running with me today, just so you know."
I nodded while combing trough my hair, "good that."
"Okay, see ya downstairs."
"Wait," I said while dropping my brush on my bed. "I'm coming with you." I took my bag from the ground and walked with Newt to the kitchen where we sat down by Minho with our food.
"Morning Minho." Newt was the first to greet him.
"Hey Newt, Newbie."
I jerked my head around to look at Minho with a glare. "Did you just call me Newbie? Newsflash, Brandon is the Newbie now so stop calling me that."
My glare didn't have the effect I wished it had because Minho smirked at me, entirely unfazed. "That shank is the Greenie, but you're still a Newbie. So slim it and eat."
Knowing I had to accept my defeat I signed, "great, so I'm still stuck with that stupid nickname."
"Good morning guys and gall," Ben said while sitting down in front of me and beside Minho. "So Cally, haven't seen you at all last night, how was your first day alone in the Maze?"
"It was fine, not a lot of complications." I started, not feeling like engaging in a long conversation with Ben. "Well, except for that Griever chasing me, but that's it."
Now Minho and Ben looked both worried at me. "What? Why didn't you say anything about that?" Minho asked me, his playful tone entirely gone, he even had stopped eating.
"Well, I just did."
Minho turned to Newt, who wasn't surprised by the news, "you knew about this?"
"She told me yesterday." Newt's answer got Minho to roll his eyes in irritation.
"Come on, Prettyboy, so I didn't tell you last night. What's the big deal?"
"You're supposed to tell me those things, so we know when the Grievers are where. Maybe there's a pattern."
I shrugged, "no one told me that. Just like no one told me that Grievers can climb freaking walls. Maybe that's something you should tell some one who goes in there, you know, in case one almost drops on them."
"I've never seen one climb a wall before. Didn't know they could do that" Ben spoke up, suggesting it was not his fault I didn't know that.
"Do you remember where it happened and what time it was?" Minho asked, ignoring my commend.
"I wrote it down on the map from yesterday," I answered him before turning to Ben, "apparently they can. They're actually pretty awesome if you think about it. Except for the part where they try to kill us."
"They're what? Did ya bash your head against the ground too hard?" Newt asked me.
"No really. They're some kind of slug, cyborg creatures. I would love to know how they work, it should be interesting, don't you think?"
"No, not really." Minho answered me while giving me a side look with one raised eyebrow.

After breakfast and packing our lunches me and Newt walked to the entrance to the Maze. "You sure you want to go back after what happened?"
I nodded, "yep, it was just one Griever. Pretty sure it's gonna happen again so better get used to it."
"Okay, then." Newt said a second before the doors opened, "let's go." He said as he ran of.
"Alons-y," I said as I followed.

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