Chapter 10 : PiggyBack

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"You know, your hands are really small" Jungkook commented as he interwine their both hands. "Yah! Can you let my hand go?, and stop judging it.. it didn't do anything to you!" Jimin defended, pulling his hand out of jungkook's hold.
"Why are together anyway?, where am i going?, where are we going?" Jimin asks. Jungkook put his hand on his pocket as he glance at Jimin who has a confuse expression.

"I don't know why we're together.. and i don't know where we going" Jungkook replies. " Really?, how about my fries?, and yah! Apologize for dragging me out of the canteen!i left my sandwich!" Jimin complains, as he stop walking and pointed his finger infront of jungkook.
"Oh gosh.. you're so loud and noisy' Jungkook stated causing Jimin to get angry a little bit more.

"Im not noisy.. why are you so bad?" Jimin asks, huffing. Jungkook exhaled before walking away from Jimin.
"Yah" Jimin runs after him and jumps on his back." Get off! Midget! My gosh i have a midget in my back!" Jungkook joked, spinning around, hand reaching for Jimin's hair.
"Get off!"
"Apologize! You apologize!" Jimin yells. Everyone in the corridor was looking at them with a expression like. "What the hell are they doing?"

"Get off midget!" Jungkook smacks his butt for the second time." Noo!!" Jimin shouts as he push Jungkook by his hand and jumps out of his back, but then his feet slides down causing him to fall on his back.
"Awwwhhhh!" Jimin says in pain. Jungkook turns to Jimin, with his face worried.
"You okay midget?" Jungkook asked. Jimin fist his hand as he crawls towards Jungkook, grabbing his legs.

"What are you?!, stop it!" Jungkook said, making Jimin stop. " I'll tell hyung" Jimin pouted like he was about to cry. " Oh shit.. please don't cry.." Jungkook begs, as he pats jimin's back, kneeling down infront of him.

"I think thats Jungkook" A girl noticed. "Yeah thats him.. why is he with that boy?" The corridor starts to fill with noise, they were like a bee buzzing. "You touch me again. I Will tell hyung" jimin says madly.
"How about this.. lets eat ice cream?, my treat and then forgive me?" Jungkook said, trying to convience Jimin.
"Really?, i love ice cream!" Jimin claimed.

"Then thats good"
"Okay, but my legs are aching" Jimin pouted.
"How about you carry me! I love Piggy back ride" Jimin claims innocently.
"Or you can just ride me" Jungkook smirks.


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