Chapter 53 - Euphoria

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Its been 3 weeks since Jimin and Jungkook started living together. They couldn't be any happier than being with each other's arms.

But today Bang Pd Nim asked Jungkook to write more songs for his upcoming album at their studio.

Jungkook didn't respond to him, instead he told him about Jimin, and how they love each other.

Bang Pd asked him if he still want to be an idol but Jungkook were out of words. He wanted to say that he wants a normal with Jimin, but being an idol was his dream.

Jungkook leaves the studio and drove home to his house, being greeted by Jimin's warm hug.

"Hi kookie!.. how was it?"
"Tiring.."Jungkook mumbles.

"Oh.. why? What happened?.. please tell me" Jimin asked pouting cutely.
"Before that.. can we sit down?" Jimin nodded and dragged Jungkook to the living room.

They take their sit and Jimin looks so eager to listen to him. Jungkook give him a peck on the kiss on the lips before speaking.

"I don't wanna go back.. and be an idol.. i wanna be with you.. "Jungkook stated softly. Jimin blushes at his cheesy words.

"Jungkookie.. no, didn't you tell me you love dancing, singing.. making music and be in front of many people.. cheering for you?" Jimin cups his cheeks, and there eyes meet.

"I will be here.. everyday.. waiting for you to get home, i'll make dinner.. breakfast! I will give you a lot of goodluck kisses... don't worry Kookie.. i will support you all the way.. just don't forget me" Jimin said with a positive tone.

"I will never forget you.. why would i? You are my everything.."

"Your everything?.. are you sure about that Kookie?.. "

"Yes... baby" jungkook smirked, placing a hand on Jimin's thigh.

"Kookieeee! Don't touch me there!" Jimin giggled, shoving Jungkook's hands but the elder move his hands on Jimin's inner thigh making Jimin gasp.

"Jiminiee.. don't you like being touch here? Why?" Jimin gulps as Jungkook caresses his inner thighs. "Because... it- its.. uh.. no-not..." Jimin stutters, pushing Jungkook by the chest as he stand up.

"Okay baby.. im just gonna call Bang Pd.. " Jungkook sighed before walking towards their bed room.


3 days later:

Jungkook is very busy composing songs, its not that hard, he has Jimin as his inspiration but since has to do five song he can't help but to be occupied.

He always tries to make time for Jimin , the younger also understand him. But he can't help but to worry about Jungkook , so he decided to help him compose a song.

"Jungkookie! Milk for you!, its healthy..." Jimin said with his beautiful eye smile. Jungkook can't help but smile .

"I want your milk" Jungkook said while grinning, finding cute with jimin looks at him with a confuse face.

"Kookie, i'm a man.. i can't produce milk!" Jimin response, placing the glass of milk on the table.

"You have a just too innocent to know what it is" jungkook said pulling Jimin's arm and to make him sit on his lap.

"Kookie.. can i see what song you already made?" Jimin asked. "Here is it" jungkook said as he hug Jimin and hold the sheet of paper he wrote the song with. Jimin smiled as he read the title. "Euphoria"

"Woah... Euphoria?.. what is the meaning of this song?" Jimin questioned, as he stand up and sat on Jungkook's lap facing the elder.

"This song is for you... when i was making this.. you are the only person im thinking...because.. you are the cause of my happiness.. my euphoria" Jimin can't help but squeeze Jungkook's cheeks and kiss him softly.

"You are the cause of mine too" Jimin whispered, before pulling Jungkook for a passionate kiss.

"You are the cause of mine too" Jimin whispered, before pulling Jungkook for a passionate kiss

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