Chapter 2 - New Life

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-Hey my beloved Army!, last night at Yoongi's party!, BURN!👏

KookieSGirl: Hi Oppa.. lookin'
                             Hot!, as always..

Jungcook: Yoongi is pretty mad now
                        You stole all his fan..

LisaBaby: Wanna kiss that lips!😛

YoongiBear: Attention Seeker.. 😒

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-'Hmm.. 10 minutes and i got this hundred likes already?"- I proudly thought to myself.

Last night was intense!, i saw how yoongi glare at me when his fans asked me to sing and dance on his own party. How pitiful right?, i just went home early, i dont wanna steal his fans, maybe he'll end up being a beggar.
-'Jungkook!"- Argh.. Its Jin again, what does he want?
-'BangPd is here"- Oh shit oh fuck!. I immediately rush, stumbling , running back and forth as i clean my very messy bedroom.
Knock! Knock!
-'Come in!"- I pant, i sat down on my bed, wiping the sweats that form while i was running back then. The door click open and i was trying to be calm as ever.
-'We need to talk"- Bang Pd said sternly,he didnt even greet me, where's his manners?, did he eat it too?.
-'Yeah.. obviously, thats why you're here"- I scoff, he sigh as he sit on my chair, which was infront of me.
-'I don't like your attitude anymore Jeon Jungkook,  you.. you are being a spoiled child!, you always party every day, do you think fans will like that?"-
-'What do you want me to do?, act like an angel so that i'll have many fans is that it?"- i respond, not caring if hes my manager.
-'No!, what i want you jungkook is to act like a role model to your fans, you're always in the newspaper!, doing some scandals!"- I really hate it when hes lecturing me. He isnt my dad.
-'Thats what i like!, i wanna be on the news!..."-
-'Jungkook.. i think your still a child, you still haven't grown up, you're still a fetus without any knowledge!.. you have to learn!"-
-'Can you just go straight to the point why you're here? Its not just about lecturing me right?"- i huff as i rolled my eyes, i hate people who always control me.
-'You have to go back to school.. and finish highschool"-
-'Is tha~~ Wait.. WHAT THE FUCK!?"- I shouts, my mouth agape.
-'Yes, thats your punishment!, you need to change yourself..  you need to learn and show the Armys that you are a role model , and show them that they haven't chose the wrong person to adore to~~" I shook my head, not liking his words or more like not believing them, i am a role model!, why should i be good, when all people are just like me?, the difference is that i am an artist and they are just an ordinary people.
-'People are saying that you're an arrogant boy, so cocky.. and argh.. they said all negatives things about you.. they said maybe your like this because you haven't finish highschool!"-
-'No.. im not agreeing~ ~"
-'Even if you don't agree , i will still enroll you and you need to go to school.. or else, i'll search for another artist to replace you"- I laugh fakely, he stood up from the chair as he stare at me, sternly.
-'You need to graduate, with a good grades or else~~"-
-'See?, you cannot even respect me anymore"-
-'Okay... okay'- i raise my hands up in the air.
-'im sorry okay?, please change your mind and~~"


We arrive at our new home, it isn't that big, but its really nice. I look around and see the big neigborhood, i hope i can make friends with them!.
I am unpacking my things when i heard a doorbell.
-'JIMIN! GET THAT PLEASE!"- Argh.. namjoon hyung is very lazy..
-'I run downstairs, opening the entrance door.


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Woah.. what a beautiful girl
-'Uhm. Hi!"- i wave at her, showing my best smile.
-'Im Chae Soo bin, your..neighborhood!"- She cheerfully said as he take my hand.
-'And you are?"-
-'Ah.. Park.. Park Jimin"- After we shake hands, she give me a box.
-'Welcome neighbor.. !"-
-'Thank you"- i bowed and she wave goodbye.
I close the door, going all the way to our small kitchen. I opened the box, and there was a rice cake and a cd.
-'Hmm.. what kind of Cd is this?"- i wondered. But before i could think further there was a letter.
Hi neighbor!, i know you'll like this.. i mean who wouldn't like Jeon Jungkook my husband right?, the cd contains his hotness, songs and concerts..  hope i made your day
-'Oh.. his husband is an artist!, she's very lucky..."- I hummed Yoongi's song before placing the cd on the cabinet.
-'Hyung!, there's a rice cake and a jun... jun.. argh.. what was the guys name?"-
-'Jimin.. "-
-'Im going out.. i need to buy some stuff.. don't open the door or talk to strangers okay?"- I nodded, be seems in a rush. He took his jacket before leaving. I sigh and took the cd on my hand, sitting on the sofa.
-'Should..i watch this?,  i'll just ask hyung, he doesnt want me to watch video much...but he always watch videos!, and he said im not allowed since its for adults only.. am i not an adult?"-
'But it maybe not bad right?, it says concerts ,songs.. and oh.. no hotness!, what is that even mean?, why does it sound.. bad?"-

2nd Chapter
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how me reactions~~♡

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