The rest of the evening Cameron and I spent finishing my packing, well I packed, and he spent his time eating up all of my sour patch kids.
Neither of us brought up the topic of Taylor and I or his previous record with relationships. I can't help but let my mind wander, what makes me different a from those other girls? am I different from the others? I'm nothing special, I'm not all that pretty, I'm not funny, I'm not skinny, I carry loads of baggage, hell I'm nothing.
Why should I be any different?
And some part of my brain was screaming at me that I wasn't different, taunting me, that some way some how I will end up exactly as those girls did, heartbroken and alone.
After all of my luggage was packed and ready to go Cameron and I said a quick goodbye, saving all of the mushy goodbyes for tomorrow at the airport. I hugged him tightly and he squeezed me close against his chest, the fragrance of his cologne engulfed me. I always loved the way Cameron smelled, a mixture of Hollister and green apples. I contemplated often on where the green apple odor originated from maybe it was his shampoo or body wash I wasn't quite sure but it was a delightful smell that always seemed to calm me and bring me peace for some odd reason.
Taylor still wasn't back yet and neither was Haley. I was all alone, although I didn't mind. I grabbed my night clothing and made my way to the bathroom. I ran myself a hot bubble bath and just relaxed my exhausted muscles from a full day of endless packing.
After about an hour of laying in the luxurious tub I could feel my eyes began to droop and become heavy. I exited the tub and dressed in my favorite pair of red and blue plaid pajama bottoms and a plain blue tank top. I brushed through my long tangled waves and left them hanging down my back stoping below the middle of my back. I brushed my teeth and by this point I could barely hold my eyes open. I returned all of my bathroom materials back to my toiletry bag I had already packed and left sitting on the bathroom counter.
I pulled back the covers and crawled into my side of the bed. I tried adjusting to make myself comfortable, but somehow nothing seemed to work although I was beyond tired sleep just wouldn't come. I felt empty without Taylor's arms wrapped around me making me feel safe and secure.
I lai on my back staring up a the white popcorned ceiling. My mind wandering through an endless maze of my thoughts.
I heard the slight click of the door opening and I looked over to see Taylor try quietly to make his way through the bags placed by the door although he failed miserably and tripped several times and with each time he let out a few curse words.
I couldn't help but giggle.
"Parker, I'm sorry did I wake you?" he said as he finally made his was to the side of the bed and realized I was still awake.
"No. I was just laying here."
"Oh can't sleep?" he asked.
"No" I sighed and he climbed in beside me wrapping his toned arms around me, I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and then my lips and that was all it took for me to find my comfort and finally drift off into a dreamless sleep.
Taylor and I both woke early the next morning it was still dark out when our alarms began to ring in unison.
Taylor groaned as he unwrapped his arms from around my waist and rolled over to turn the god awful continuous ring off and I did the same.
This is it.
Today's the day.
I have to say goodbye to my best friend since kindergarden and goodbye to the most gorgeous city and to the summer of my life.

Brokenhearted (a Taylor Caniff fanfic )
FanfictionParker wasn't your average 17 year old girl. She was broken, beaten, bullied, hurt, lost... She was coming to her last straw. She can only take so much before she breaks. Will he save her or will he break her heart ? Will everything change when she...