Chapter 1. Alone (Edited)

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Thunder woke me from my sleep. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I let my eyes focus on the figures in the dark room. Thunder roared as I got up and blindly found my way to the door. I shiver as I felt the cool surface of the door knob. I opened the door and I see a light at the end of the hallway. I shivered. 'It's really cold in here.' I thought as walked down the blackened hall. I heard voices and the closer I got to the light, the louder the voices got louder. When I reached the door, I saw that it was slightly cracked opened. I look through the crack and see my mom, holding my two year old sister, Willow, and my father standing a few feet ahead of her, with an angry look on his face.

"How could you do this to him without my consent! He's only nine years old! No! I forbid it! I won't let you burden him like this."

"You don't have a choice Helen!" He yelled.

"Let me do it, I'll-"

"No, it has to be him! I promised them!"

"Is it that important to you? Is it worth ruining our family over!" Mom yelled. Thunder made it presence known again as I held in a frightened whimper.

"I won't let you take him from me!"

"Oh, Helen, please make me have use this on you." He pulls out a gun and points it at her.

"You wouldn't dare-"

"I know you have been sleeping with my brother." I held in a gasp.

I can't believe my mom had a sleepover with Uncle Henry and didn't invite me!

"I no longer think of you as my wife and the ONLY reason, I haven't killed you earlier is because I've been waiting for this day to come. So try and test me." My dad said in a low voice. My mom had tears running down her cheeks as she looked away. He turned away from her in anger. She looked at the door and she saw me staring back at her. Her eyes were screaming at me to run away, but all I knew was that I was going to save my mom. My dad turned to her and looked at her. It was a look I had a never seen in his eyes before but I knew it was a very scary look.

"I am taking the kid and I am leaving."


"Then you leave me no choice." He said as his fingers hovered near the trigger. Thunder roared as I pushed the door open as hard as I could.

"MOM!" My dad quickly moves the gun behind his back as I run to her.

"Mommy?" Willow said as she rubbed her tired eyes.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, Will." I said patting her head. "I was scared because of the storm." My father hard gaze softened a bit before he said "Go back to bed. In the morning, we got to get packing."

"Your not taking my son anywhere!" My mom said to him in a threatening voice. She handed me Willow and said "She came in here because she was scared too. How about you two sleep in your room, huh."I held her in an awkward position. She hugged me.

"I love you." She said as she looked into my eyes. Her eyes revealed to me her true words. Hide and take care of your sister. I nodded.

"I love you too. Goodnight you guys." I said.

"Goodnight."Mom said.

"Nite, nite." Willow said sticking her thumb in her mouth. I shut the door and run down the hallway. The yelling gets quieter and quieter the further away I went from the room. I saw my hiding closet near the end of the hallway. We went inside and I locked the door. No one is getting through here. I accidentally locked myself in here one time when I was little and I was stuck in there for two hour until my mom found the key.

"Zek. I sweepy."

"Oh, ugh." I said. I unfolded the towels and made them into a pallet and laid her on the shelf. "There, now you can sleep." She yawned as she drifted to sleep. I listened to the faint yelling and then it was quiet. Then I hear a loud bang. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Her 'I love you' is still tingling in my ears. I hear a yell of agony.

"Boy! Where are you?" I held my breath as he passed the door. He called my name as he searched the whole house. I don't want to be with that murder. He stopped right in front of the closet and sighed.

"Fine don't come out, but I will get you one way or another." He said. Then I listen to his footsteps get further and further and then I hear a door slam. I let out a deep breath. I gently brush Willow hair as she slept peacefully. I was so comfortable that I feel asleep on the floor right next to Willow. I wake up again but this time because of the lack of fresh air. I have a coughing fit and see the smoke seeping in from the crack of the door.

"Fire." I said. I woke up Willow as she cried.

"Zek?" She said. I grabbed a towel and put it in the crack of the door.

"It's okay. We'll be fine." I touched the door knob and felt the heat and pulled back in pain. I pounded on the door, screaming hoping that someone would hear me. No one heard me and no one came. Willow cried as we scooted to the far end of the closet.

"Fire department! Is anyone there?"

"Help! Help us!" The door was kicked down and I saw bright flames everywhere. The firemen carried us out of the flaming house. I breathed in the fresh, cool, night time air. Then I blacked out.


When I wake, it's morning and I am in the hospital. I turn to my left to see my Willow sitting up coloring in a coloring book. I smile as I listen to her hum a song that she made up. A nurse walked in.

"I see that you both are awake now." She said.

"Are you feeling any pain?"

"No." I said.

"Well then you and this little one are free to go." she said. Then my dad walked in with two suitcases.

"Come on boy, we have to go." He said.

"No, I don't want to go with you. Murderer!" I shouted. Willow's eyes started to tear up as Dad grabbed my arm. The nurse somehow disappeared as he forced me out of bed.

"Daddy?" He looked at her, frowned and shook his head. Then the nurse came back with security.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to let go of the child."

"This is my kid! I could do with him whatever I want."

"Let me go!" I cried. Then the police came in.

"You are under arrest for arson." I blocked out the rest of what they said. The nurse came over to us and said

"Don't worry you guys are going to be in a better place now." We didn't realize how wrong she actually was.



Hi guys I hope you liked it. I will try to post regularly, just remind me and I will do so. I hope you guys like my story. I love you all.

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