Chapter 10: The Last, I Promise.

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Childish Reject

Chapter 10

The Last, I Promise.

Alex’s POV!

After a long talk with my parents I went up my room. I'm so tired of talking, if that even makes sense. I dived straight into my bed and just as I was about to reach for my IPod from the nightstand, I was pulled back by a tiny pair of hands. And who does those cute hands belongs to? Yeap, you guessed it. Ally-gator! Get it? It’s an inside joke. I’m lame.

I stood up and grasped her hand, pulling her around so I was behind her. I wrapped my arm around her neck with one hand into a headlock and pulled her hands to the back with another. I pulled her close up to my body. I could tell that she was shocked feeling her body tense and stiffen against mine and hearing her ragged breath through my ears.

"I’ve owned you. Anything you want to say on my achievement?" I smirked knowing that I already  won. My dad has taught me how to do this when I was little and playing police and thief with him, I miss that. Who would've thought this trick would come in handy? I am now a hot, sexy cop arresting the cute little Allison. I know, my imaginations are effed up sometimes.

"Okay, you got me! But let me tell you something Mister Alex, never in a million years do I want to be punished by my mother. I- You and I do not wish to die alone so make sure you have nothing up your sleeves or we’ll have to die alone on a deserted island. I do not want to be there with you. " she said with her stance full and her voice full of confidence. She really wants this to stop but it’s my only way to interact with her.

"Now, don't be silly baby. Of course I will die with you! We’re soul mates, like werewolves are." I cooed and smiled. She rolled her eyes and said “If you are a werewolf, I’d be falling at your feet by now.”

“Oh really?” I asked amused. “Yes, really” she said grinning widely, probably imagining about werewolves in that tiny little head. I moved behind her while she’s still in that state of daydreaming, not realising I moved. I put my arms around her torso and growled into her ear. She jumped and clutched her chest. “Werewolf enough for you?” I whispered into her ear. She shivered and kept quiet for a moment still feeling stunned. I smiled knowing I made her daze.  After a moment of holding her, Ally went limp. I looked at her to find her fainted. I quickly laid her down on my bed and shook her gently to see if she would respond. “Ally, don’t mess with me. Please say you’re only joking and not actually just fainted.” She didn’t respond, damn it! Did I hold her too tight? No, my hands were only softly placed around her body that she could still breathe.

I ran out of my room and ran to the living room. “ What’s wrong Alex, you seen a ghost or something?” Dad asked amusement in his voice. Still panting, I said “This is far more worse than a ghost dad! Allison fainted! I was holding her when suddenly she went limp in my arms. I swear, I did nothing wrong. She could still breathe and-“ I was cut off. “ Shut up Alex, you ramble too much when you panic” mom said a little annoyed. “I’m sorry for being worried of someone I care for.” I said pointedly. “Well if you care, why are you still here and not up there with the rest of the men?” I looked around and realized dad and Mr Gonzalez are gone. I looked at mother sheepishly and ran up the stairs to my room.

“Alex, there you are. Go get me a glass of water” I nodded and ran down to the kitchen. I don’t care if I’m sleepy or tired, I need to make sure Ally is fine.

Ally’s POV.

I’m hearing voices. “She probably just starved. She didn’t had lunch or dinner earlier. That is unlike her, she's the food monster in this family” That gruff voice, probably dad’s. Who starved? What are they talking about? Oh, food monster, me. I opened my eyes and was overwhelmed with the bright light shone above me. “Turn off the light.” I whispered, my throat feeling rough. A straw was being placed on my lips and I desperately opened my mouth and sipped on the nice warm water, soothing my throat. “Thank you” I said softly to whoever that is, since I couldn’t see anyone. “ No problem, Ally-gator” From that voice and nickname used, I knew straight away it was Alex. What is he doing here, I don’t know. I squirm around and knew I was not on my bed. Of course I was on Alex’s bed, I came in here in the first place. I wanted to scare him and eventually blacked out still in his room, what a fail. I heard the door close and retreating footsteps, probably my dad and few of the others. “Alex?” I asked softly. “Yes Ally? I’m still here” he answered, his voice so soft and gentle like an angel.(It rhymed! :)) He moved closer to me.  “H-how did I black out? When did I black out?” I asked, because I honestly forgot that part.

“You forgot? Well, you said you’d be falling at my feet if I was a werewolf-“ I said that? “Yes you did Ally”. I blushed knowing I asked that loudly. “And then what happened?” I wanted him to continue this story. “Well, you started dazing probably thinking how hot and handsome I would be if I shifted into a wolf.” He chuckled, while I frowned. He saw my face in the dark and used his fingers to pull my mouth upwards into a smile. “Smile. You look cuter when you smile. Anyway, when I saw your dazed state, I went behind you and put my arms around you waist and growled in your ear to show you how much of a werewolf I am. When you didn’t move for a while, I thought you were shocked from daydreaming so I stayed holding you. Suddenly your body went limp and you scared the shit out of me. I honestly thought I caused you to faint. I was like a clown rambling and being all panic.” He chuckled once more softly and smiled.

For once, I actually saw his features. His smile was so genuine, there was no evilness. Even in the dark, his eyes were like a pool of water under the moon. It was glowing, shining brightly under the moonlight. His lips, a pale pink and looking kissable. I looked further down, his jaw. Oh God, his jaw. So defined. I looked up at his hair, it was tousled perfectly as usual. A strand of hair fell onto his face and without any control, I pushed the piece of hair off of his face. He looked into my eyes intensely. I looked down feeling embarrassed after checking him out and pushing away his away his soft hair.

“Ally” Alex whispered. When I didn’t look up, he used his thumb and pointer finger pushing my chin up. I looked into his eyes feeling mesmerized. His face was incredibly close to mine. It feels like an army’s running through my chest, it was pounding erratically.

“Ally, can I kiss you?” Alex whispered, I can smell his minty breath flying through my nostrils.

I opened my mouth to answer him when suddenly his lips was connected to mine. What was the point of asking if he won’t even let me answer? Our lips moved in sync perfectly like a beautifully played music piece. I could feel sparks, I could see colourful fireworks blasting in the background, I can hear music playing out of anticipation. So magical, I’ve never felt this way. Heck, I’ve never kissed anyone. Alex stole my first kiss.

I pulled away and rested my forehead against Alex’s.

“You just stole my first kiss, and sadly, it was wonderful.”

I whispered, while we laid down on his bed and fell into a nice and restful sleep.

Hey Guys! Sorry for the huge delay! It was 3 months since I last updated. How mean of me. Throw tomatoes at me, I don’t care. I hoped this chapter was up to your satisfaction. I would also try to start on regular updates, I have two months of school break. THANK GOD!

Until next time :)

-Love, Nadya, FlayKnuckleS




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