Chappie 2 <3 Get To Know Alex

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Picture of Alex at the side:) - - - - - - >>

Alex <3

I slammed my bag on the ground next to me.

I turned my head up and see both mom and dad on the couch looking at me. Mom smiled at me.

"Honey, come have a seat. Both of us have something to tell you. Good news." She said, still smiling.

I dragged my butt across the room at sat on the one-seat recliner. 

"What's up?"I asked, a little curious. They've never been around so much. who would've thought they still remembered me.

"We're going to Dallas,Texas! You excited?" Mom asked. A grin stretched on her face, looking at me intently.

"Kinda. Why are we going there? For a business trip? If it is, I'll pass. I'd rather rot at home than be ignored in Dallas by my own parents"

"No, of course not Alex. We're going there for a vacation. Get our minds off the stress. We're there during the whole summer. Get packing, we're leaving tomorrow morning"Mom instructed.

"WHAT?! We're leaving tomorrow and you're telling me this the day before? I'm not even ready for anything. I'm leaving my friends without any notice? No way." I argued.

"Oh, but you have to. Our flight is at 8am in the morning tomorrow. Do whatever you have by tonight. Make sure you're ready by tomorrow or you're going to Dallas without your necessities" Mom said, sternly.


At The Airport of California.

 I plopped down to my seat , pouting.I crossed my arms and sank into my seat.IM GONNA DIE!! How can my 'dearest' parents drag me down to one hell of a badass country?! Come on, what do you expect me to do in the country-side?! Okayy..maybe Im overreacting but I'm more of a city type of  boy not a hill-billy!

In a matter of seconds, I was rolling on the ground like a wiggly worm..wiggle..wiggle..wiggle.

"Honey,I know that you're not happy with me dragging you to Dallas but please dont embarass me",she smiled weakly while gesturing others who were glancing at our direction.I smirked , what a bad bad boy am I.

Well, maybe if I piss mom off we could go back home. To where I belong. A tiny smile stretched across my face.

As if reading my mind... 

"I know what you're thinking of Alex. Forget about it. No matter how much you piss me off, you won't get back home Alex. Not until the end of summer."Mom said, a smirk playing on her face.

I dragged my ass down to my seat and put on a sad face while looking at my mom.

"Oh, come on Alex. Don't give me that face. Let's go to the Candy Shop. I'll buy you whatever you want" Mom said, exasperated.

"Oh yay! Let's Go! Let's Go! Let's Go! CANDDDDDDY!" I shouted, with a goofy grin on my face.

"I wonder if you really are 18 this year. You act like an 8-year-old." She said, shaking her head.

I pretend to ignore her statement and walked with her to the candy store.

By the time we got out, in my hands were a bag full of M&M's, Sourpatch Kids, Skittles,Twizzlers and Nerds.

Altogether, I spent $87.60 on a bunch of candy.

Thank god, for being blessed with hardworking parents.

I wonder, if I was acting like an 8-year-old, how does my little 6-year-old brother act like.

Mom's has always been calm around Adam.

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