Chapter 6: Oh it's on!

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Hello you wonderful people! 

May you read in peace.

God Bless You :)

Childish Reject

Chapter  6

Oh it’s on!

Alex Rae Evans

They went already. How dare Ally bring them to the beach without waiting for me.

I walk out the back door to the cooling breeze of the afternoon air. All the Vitamin D’s are out!

I step down the tiny step and felt the smooth sand touching my feet. My eyes roam 180 degrees of the beach until I saw Ally and the kids making sand castles together.

I walk towards them.

“Boo!” I whispered in Ally’s ear. She jumped 5 feet above the ground. That was hilarious. I laughed and clutched to my sides, hurting.

“Holy shit! Alex! Don’t scare me like that. You’re mean” She pouted while she sat back down and filled up the buckets with sand.

“Aww, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that.” I said sincerely, touching her shoulders. A jolt of current flow through my arm just by touching her.

“Fine” She said, still with a frown etched on her face.

“Why did you leave without me? Couldn’t the three of you wait for like 5 minutes? That hurt my heart.” I asked, sadness and irritation seeping through my voice.

“Oh, sorry pretty boy. You were too slow, we decided to just go ahead. Anyway, it’s not that far. You lazy-ass freak” Ally said, revealing her beautiful smile.

“Ally! I’m pretty? Thank you so much!” I said, grinning like a fool.

“I knew you would catch on to that.” She said.

“It’s okay. You’re pretty too. Wait-no. You’re beautiful. Like a mermaid, with blue fins and shiny and flowy hair like the waterfall. And mesmerizing brown eyes. A cute little nose and yeah, it goes on” I said, without realizing. I just smiled and act as if I meant to say all that.

She blushed. So cute, her tanned cheeks with a tinge of rosy pink. I would take a picture of her and frame it up. Look at it all day like a freakish stalker.

“No Evans, I’m not beautiful” She said, after composing herself.

“But Ally, I’ve don’t lie. As much of a mean person I am, I never lie.” I said seriously, looking into her captivating brown eyes.

“Never say Never Alex” She said, smirking slightly.

“You’re quoting Justin Bieber now? As much as I love that guy, wrong timing Ally. I’m serious. Come on Pumpkin, have anyone ever told you otherwise?” I asked, with a serious face.

“W-well, no has ever told me I’m beautiful except for my mom. And, don’t call me pumpkin. I don’t look like one do I.” Ally said, frowning lightly.

She looks like an angel that just came from Heaven. With her little golden halo floating on top of her pretty head. How can she not know how beautiful she is. My Ally is perfect.

“What are you staring at? Didn’t your mom tell you that staring at someone like that is rude.” She said smirking.

Allison Dean Gonzalez B)

Uh oh.

Alex has his smirk playing on his face now.

What is he thinking?

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