Chappie 4 : Castle Mansion

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Heyy there sweet little readers :D Enjoy! This is just a little filler! Exams are coming in a few days! We're sorry for the inconsideration :) Get mad at us, THROW WHATEVER YOU WANT TO OUR FACES. We deserve it :/

Picture of Alex at the side- - - - - - ->

Childish Reject

Chapter 4

Castle Mansion

Alex Rae Evans

Finally! At last we're here! I got out of the car as I turned to have a good view of the...HOLY BLUE DINOSAURS! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? THAT IS ONE HUGE HOUSE AND I MEAN HUGE!

I gawked at the sight of the gigantic house before me.

It is a five level   medieval-like cottage. There  are  a few little cottages at the sides. It is nothing compared to this huge house in front of me. That is amazing! There is a large garden and a rocky pathway that leads to a thick, green forest and a wide farm full of animals which are taken care of. Wow!

The whole of Evans family is as amazed as I am. The first time 

we have  ever agreed between each other. As I made my way to the almost-palace-looking-old-medieval-house, I took a glance at that weird-looking girl as she smirked at me knowingly. Awkward...

The inside is incredibly better than the outside. It does look like a palace! Maybe during my unexpected summer vacation, I will be treated royally.


Allison Dean Gonzalez :)

I smirked. Yeah.  I'm proud of my parents for owning such a humongous house. This is going to be awesome.

"Ally! Mom is calling for you!!" Austin, my cute and adorable little brother called out for me. He's cute isn’t he?

I made my way inside to find mom.

"Ally, you know people would think that you’re an emo freak. Go and change now!" she said as she glared at me. "Uhh  whoa! Calm your pants woman. I'll change." I said. You're not going to die if I don't are you? Oh shut up brain! Stupid brain cells.

I went up to my room on the fourth floor and change into something nicer. Ugh! I really wanted to wear something different  today. I love feeling like an emo. Having very deep thoughts. I feel unique and extraordinary.

After changing into something more pleasant than black, I made my way down the staircase with a book in my hand. I saw him. What's his name again? Ah yes.. The one and only Alex Evans.

I wonder what his middle name is. James? Ryan? Oh forget that, why would I care. You realize something Allison? You talk to yourself too much. Shut the hell up Allison Dean!

"Hey, yourself" I mutter, quietly. Not knowing whether he heard me.

"Hey. What's your name? I haven't talked to you since at the airport" Whatever-his-name-is asked me in a tone sounding as if I was a little kid who doesn't get basic English.

"Why would you care?"

I felt a tug on my leg. Seconds after, I made contact with the floor.

Whoa, hold up, hold up! Why isn't it painful? There is absolutely no piercing pain shooting through me.

I opened my eyes. I see the most beautiful set of eyes. A set of beautiful brown eyes.  I see a black rim around the iris itself and a vivid reddish-orange around the pupil.  Within the iris itself seems to be a balance of gold and lighter-brown rays.

Whoa, wait. Who is this?

I blinked.

"Are you okay? What's your name again? Alabama. No. Olive. No. Amanda .No. Alloy..Al..Al.." He trailed off.

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