Chap.1 : Anyone but you

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Once upon a time, two sinners fell in love...



The trees blurred together as we kept running through the forest. The sky turned pitch black and the wind started howling like crazy. My hair was rapidly blown away from my face but this wasn't bothering me at the moment.

I should feel cold in this sent weather but my body is on fire.It's only natural for me to feel this way when I know danger is near. I knew we were getting closer and closer. Then my brother stopped in his tracks and so did I and some other members of the pack. We communicated through our mind link.

"What's wrong Jaebum? Why did you stop?" I asked my brother as his sparkly golden eyes reflected his pure anger.

"They're playing us again! I can smell their scent everywhere!" He answered as raged built up inside him. Then Mark,one of our friends spoke.

"We will never catch them like this! We need to split up and search!" My brother nodded his head in agreement as we gave one last look to each other before going our own way to look for the intruders.

This was my chance to prove myself to my father. Throughout my entire life,he's always been the harshest on me as he's always considered me weak. And I hated that so much. I want him to see that I'm worth of being the Alpha's father was the Alpha of this pack.

And tonight was the night,I wasn't going to let it slip.

The wind continued hitting my face but I didn't hate the feeling of it.I was more focused on finding them, the other werewolf pack which recently likes to attack our territory. I don't know why and I don't even care for that matter,I just wanted to end this all.

Just then,my nose picked up a strange smell. I couldn't explain it,it was stronger than usual and in some kind of way sweeter.I had never come across such thing in my life.

Someone was definitely close...too close. I had to think carefully.The shadows were already dissolving into the nighttime darkness when I hear a footfall only two meters behind me.

Emerging from the blinding darkness came two werewolves, immune to the bitter wind that cut into their skin. At first they were little more than silhouettes and their growling was almost carried away in the howling wind.

In that frozen second between stand off and fighting I see their eyes flick to me before running away again.I did too,as fast as I could following them both.I wasn't going to let them win again.

When it comes to the fight there's no honor, no code. All that matters is the win and we take nothing for granted. These wolves have the exits covered, there's nowhere to run. I'll offer them peace first, a chance to surrender on my terms, something they will of course refuse. Then they will have to surrender the hard way. Perhaps it isn't a fair fight, but isn't that a strange concept anyway? After all, what's the point of winning if there's no-one left to subjugate?

I was so close to catching the black one and I felt my fellow pack members coming to my help.I smirked to myself knowing that the end for them was near. They were getting tired little by little.

I was about to attack when something or rather someone else pushed me forcefully. I almost lost my balance for a second but I got back in my tracks.

Just what the hell was that?

I noticed a third wolf joining the other two we were following,I suppose one of their members coming to the rescue.

And then I felt it again.

The very same scent from earlier.

What was going on with me?

As it became stronger,I felt so light-headed. As if some kind of drug had intoxicated my whole body.It was making me feel dizzy and it made my heart beat faster.

It was definitely the scent of one of these intruders.

"Faster Y/N!" It was only then I shook off my thoughts at the tone of my brother's voice. "They're getting away!"

All of us ran even faster following my brother.We were reaching our territory's border and if we didn't catch them,there was no way for us to follow them anymore. It would be too risky.

My brother's eyes were burning flame of rage as he almost caught him.

He wasn't stopping but the edge of the cliff was only a few meters away.

"Jaebum watch out! You're going to fall!" I shouted as loud as I could and my brother immediately stopped while the intruders jumped recklessly to the other side.

God,they were so powerful...the distance was really big.How could they jump that way?

The three wolves stopped at the edge of the cliff on the other side as they looked at us smirking amused for their little victory while my brother here was ready to kill anyone.

Mark and I approached him to calm him down but I stopped midway.

That scent's making me go crazy! Whose scent is that?

I looked up towards the other strangers and that's when I noticed for the first time the wolf that attacked me earlier.

He was the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen. His fur was in dark russet color with lighter tones here and there. Not to mention his eyes...his crystal blue eyes that pierced through mines,trapping me into their warmth. The moonlight made them shine even brighter,I swear to God that in that moment there were no brighter stars in the sky than his eyes.

We kept staring at each other for what felt like forever. His aura felt so strong and protective and somehow soothed my heart. His pearl-white fangs showing a little made him look even more masculine and mesmerizing. I couldn't feel anything around me anymore,it was as if the time had frozen there for us.

I knew he was feeling it too. The hackles on my back rose in excitement as my heart was pounding so fast,threatening to leave my chest.

I don't know why but I felt the sudden urge to just run to him. I suddenly found myself craving his touch but I resisted the feeling.

It was then that I realised what was going on.

We imprinted on each other.

I quickly closed my eyes in horror as I realized what I just did. I imprinted on my pack's worst enemy and not to mention that if my dad found out about this he would rip both me and him to shreds.

I was glad I had my mind-link shut at the moment because otherwise I would be in great trouble.I tried to look away but I could still feel his intense stare on me.

Then I noticed my brother standing next to me.

"Something wrong Y/N-ah?" He asked in curiosity as I immediately shook my head. "Are you sure you're not telling me something? I can feel a kind of tension and nervousness from you."

"I'm really fine.Let's just get out of here." I replied as my brother finally gave in and nodded his head. We started leaving one by one back home.I was the last one.Before I could go,I looked one last time behind me.

His blue eyes were still staring at me and my chest tightened. Then I looked down and walked away.

This wasn't going to bring any good to any of us. Whatever I felt,I needed to make sure not to feel it again and get as far away from him as possible.

I wasn't going to let this happen.

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