Chap.22 : Grief

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 Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal...  



Y/N's P.O.V.

Death is permanent. 

Death is forever. 

Death is when the spark in the eyes is extinguished, yet unlike fire is utterly without smoke.  

Death is a transition, we've known that for sometime. 

The individual, the personality and the memories die but the soul moves on. It seems so strange that humanity didn't understand the soul for so long, that like any other form of energy it cannot be created or destroyed.Our souls come from God and they return to Him, ready to be reborn.

I should be happy for Mark, happy that he is moving on to a new adventure,probably having a second chance to meet with the love of his life, but I want him back so much I think my heart will explode.

 Looking at his body I can see he isn't there, no more than I am still in my clothes when I have cast them off at the end of a long day. 

The coffin gleamed in the early morning light. It was expertly crafted not to bring comfort to the departed but to soothe living. It was built with love to be the final resting place of one who had been so adored in their lifetime,well,at least for me. He had been one of the most important people in my life.

It's faux-gold handles and polished sheen helped to reduce our trauma to wracking waves that were at least more manageable. I had to see him in something of beauty, something that showed what he had meant to me. Everyone laid flowers on the top that would be placed at the gravestone, everything beautiful to hide a reality our hearts could not bare. 

A hand gently placed above my shoulder grabbed my attention.I looked up with eyes still swollen and sore from all the crying I had earlier. Jimin gave me a comforting smile.I knew exactly what it meant.

It was time to say goodbye.

This time though...forever.

I inhaled deeply and took the smallest steps I had ever taken in my entire life. With every single one,I felt a piece of my soul shatter in sadness and grief.

I bent down to read the gold lettering at eye level and lay the roses down, fully bloomed and fresh,unlike the cause they were meant to be used for.  

A forced smile appeared on my lips as a single tear escaped my eyes again.

"Thank you.." I whispered,strength already drenched off me, "For everything..."

And just that easily,I broke down again.Jiyeon and the others didn't hesitate to help me up and pull me away.It was unbearable.The fact that I had to see him buried 10 feet under me.

I just wanted to leave.Right there.Right then.

I grabbed Jiyeon's hem of shirt as she looked at me.

"Please...take me home...Take me to Jungkook."   


Opening the bedroom's door, my eyes softened at the silhouette in front of me.A feeling of warmness filled my cold body and eased the terrible pain in my heart.

Struggling to fix his new bandage that stretched from his waist to his chest, I found the tough and warrior boy extremely adorable. 

Without realizing,a small chuckle escaped my lips and the next second I was greeted by the most beautiful eyes in the entire! In the entire universe!

I knew, in that moment and in that moment only, that the twinkle in his eyes was the most beautiful thing I could witness in my short-long lifetime. My home. My safe.

"'re back already? I'm sorry I couldn't join y-" 

Before even letting him finish, I sprinted towards the bed,throwing myself into Jungkook's arms...oh those arms of his that engulfed me in pure love.

So,it's true what they say : The power of love brings hope at times the steps towards life cause loneliness.

"Babe..." He tightened his grip around my fragile figure, "I'm really sorry.."

I shook my head numerous times,still burying it on the crook of his neck,inhaling the oh so familiar scent I couldn't get enough of every single second of the day.

"I wanted to enjoy a new life filled with love...I wanted to be happy,I was supposed to be happy..not griefing the loss of my best friend..."

I wanted to cry so bad but there were no more tears for me to shed.I felt so powerless,so guilty.

"Hey,love..." Jungkook placed his thumb on my chin and made me look up, "This is not your fault,none of it is. Sometimes,we just have to face the storm before enjoying the sunshine."

He caressed my cheek and brought our faces closer until our foreheads touched.

"This too will pass, time will heal all our wounds..."

"I know." I simply responded as I gently pecked his lips and looked him in the eyes. "I'll be fine...just please,don't ever leave me."

"Never." He whispered against my skin with no hesitation. "I love you,Y/N-ah."

"I love you too,Jungkook."

Unable to resist any longer, he stooped, and our mouths pressed together in a long, passionate kiss.There will always be something unique in all the world about our kiss, and it is that we love one another down to our souls - a sacred bridge between two minds, two souls, two bodies. 

Simply natural and free.


Sorry for the late update everyone,but I hope you've enjoyed this short chapter!

This is actually the last one and soon I will post the epilogue before this book finally ends!

I just hope you stick by my side even in the future!

Stay healthy and happy! I loveeeee youuuu! ♥♥♥

Stay healthy and happy! I loveeeee youuuu! ♥♥♥

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