Chap.11: A secret meeting

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I have looked at you in millions of ways and I have loved you in each...


~ Two days later ~

Jungkook's P.O.V.

There was absolute stillness.It was the kind of day even a feather would fall without drifting one way or the other. No air stirred the grass or leaves. No clouds drifted in the sea of blue above. No water dripped or flowed. Not a sound could be heard either close at hand or in the far off distance. Even my own breath seemed to die as soon as it left my mouth. It was an eerie sort of tranquility, so instead of being soothed my senses became heightened. I felt like the prey even though no predator could be detected. It was as if the world were encased in a cocoon, a bubble, and there was no way out. On top of that,I was still injured and couldn't move properly.

"Oppa...please! At least drink the juice!" Jiyeon's voice was really starting to annoy me,the only thing she's been doing for the last two days is force me to eat.

I'm still bandaged here and there and I can't even leave the house.'s really frustrating! I just want to run away and go see Y/N-ah....I miss her like crazy...

"Why don't you listen already? I told you I'm not hungry!" She frowned at me.

"If you would have least tried to put something into your system,you would have recovered by now! Instead of helping your body,you're making it worse!!"

"Stop shouting at me! You're giving me a headache!" I yelled back at her and she sighed.Jiyeon placed the tray of food away and sat on my bed.

"Look at me!"

I looked at her and I could notice the worry in her eyes. It made me feel bad for acting like a 5-year old but I couldn't help myself.I didn't need anything,I just needed her.

"Oppa...I know you want to see Y/N-ah...but,you can't starve yourself! Junghyun needs your help,our pack needs you and you also need to be strong to face all of this."

She took my hand into hers and looked at me once again.

"Give her some time,it's hard for her too. She loves you too much to put you in danger.That's why she is avoiding her feelings."

"I never asked for her to protect me,can't she understand that without her I feel dead already?"


"You understand this better than anyone Jiyeon-ah! You too are dying for Taehyung to open his eyes to hug you and kiss you! I feel the same! I feel empty,I feel like I'm nothing without her!"

I hadn't noticed the tears rolling down my cheek until she wiped them away from my face.

"She will come back..."

"You don't know that..."

"I know it....your love will soon open her eyes and her heart.If she loves you as much as you love her,she will come back."

I sighed and shook my head pulling my hand from hers.

" Please leave now! I am tired and I want to sleep." I said without looking at her.I pulled the covers over my body and turned to the other side.

When I heard her sigh and then the click of the door,signaling she left, I let out the tears I was holding.

Why do you hurt me this way?

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