Chap.8 : Attacked

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Dreams are only a memory in this hell of reality...



~ 3 days later ~

Y/N's P.O.V.

My eyes seemed as if they were trained on some invisible spectre, heavy eyelids a fraction too slow to blink, my irises too stationary. It was as if my brain was suffering a massive short circuit and was struggling to compute.

To be honest,staring blankly towards the ceiling of my bedroom was what I had been doing for the past couple of days since our argument. I can't help but think about him.I felt horrible but he was right afterall...I just keep hurting and pushing him away...

A loud knock interrupted my thoughts,I turned my face to the door.

"Come in!" I said as the door opened and my brother peeked his head inside smiling.

"Come on you lazy girl! We have to patrol tonight! Get downstairs in 5!"

And with that he closed the door and walked away.I looked up at the ceiling again and let out a heavy sigh.

Just great...that's what I need right now...

I forced my body to get up and changed my clothes.I walked downstairs only to find everyone ready to leave.

"Gather up everybody!" Jaebum said as everyone formed a circle and listened to him.

"We're going to split up in groups as usual and we need to patrol every inch of the woods,lately some strange activity has been going around.There are enemies outside,waiting to attack. So,be careful!"

Everyone mouthed 'yes' in the same time before we split up. I was going to patrol the east side with Mark this time,the beta of our pack.

Our feet thudded against the earth. Mark was a really fast runner as a Beta but I could easily follow him.I was almost as fast as him.Our breathing slowly ragged as we weaved throught the dense trees.

After an hour or so from running,we slowed down our pace checking carefully the area around.I thought we were going to keep the silence between us but no...Mark spoke first.

" So,what's going on lately?" He asked me.

Shoot! Don't tell me he has noticed it too! First my brother and now Mark? This couldn't get any better...

I tried to keep my cool, acting as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"There's nothing going on." I said and looking around the area,hoping he would stop asking any further.

"Seriously?" He stared at me in disbelief, "Y/N-ah,I'm asking you as a friend not as the Beta of this pack,you know? For once,you can let the warrior guard down and talk to me!"

I sighed and closed my eyes. A lump formed in my throat and I really wanted to break down.Mark has always been nice to me and I wanted to tell him everything,have someone to talk to,someone who could understand me. But,I couldn't.

"There's nothing to tell, Mark." I insisted as he sighed and looked down.

"I know you Y/N-ah,better than anyone in this pack,maybe even better than your own brother..."

I looked away unable to say anything.

"It's getting late and we still have three miles to run. Let's just move!"

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