Chap.10 : Explanations

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When I saw you,I fell in love and you smiled because you knew...



Y/N's P.O.V.

We both sat onto the cold grass next to a tree. I closed my eyes taking deep breaths while Mark waited impatiently for me to explain the situation.

The smell of the rain was in the air,the night sky as dark as ever. It perfectly matched my life.

When did my life turn out this way? How could this happen without me having a sort of control over it? I've always worked hard to make my pack and my dad proud but it never seems good enough. And now I'm seating here with Mark's gaze trying to understand every thought and feeling of mine.

"So?" His deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts.I just looked at him and sighed. It took every strength I had to find the right words and explain this to him.

"It started the night of the intrusion..."

And so I did tell him everything. The fact that he and his pack were the intruders in our territory,the fact that our pack would so gladly kill them and my imprint...

My forbidden mate that shakes my heart like nobody before....

Mark silently listened to my story and he surprisingly didn't show any sign of anger or disagreement to me. At least he made me feel comfortable about talking honestly to him.

I licked my lips before taking a deep breath.

"And that's how it's come to be. You know the truth now."

As I scanned his face for a reaction the silence hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the ground. I expected him to yell, wail or punish me, but he did none of those things.

His silence was the most terrifying part to me. Like before a bomb. Until he surprised me with a single simple question.

"Do you love him?" His big sparkly eyes stared at mine,waiting for a sincere answer. Yet,I looked down and bit my lower lip.

"Why are you asking me this? It's absurd."

The sigh that came from his mouth was a signal, not of his resolve leaving but of the level his tension had reached. He was obviously frustrated of me trying to escape all of this.

"Don't try to avoid the question Y/N-ah." He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me. "It's useless to deny the imprint at this point, you love him?"

I stared at him with my mouth wide open.How was I supposed to answer him? The Beta of our pack? This was forbidden and here I was,confiding everything to him! My life had literally gone crazy these past days.

"So?" He questioned me again.I gave up and sighed.

"Yes. I love him." My voice came out in almost a whisper. I closed my eyes.not wanting to see his face or hear any word come out of his mouth.I knew I had done something bad.

But,Mark did the unexpected.

He pulled my body into a hug and I froze in place. I was too confused by his action,so I lightly pushed him off and stared at him in awe.

"I'm happy for you." He gave me a warm smile.

"You what?!"

I swear to God,I had never ever been more shocked in my life.Did I hear it correctly? Or was he out of his mind?

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