Chap.21: The war

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I have tasted your love and I cannot forget its flavor...



Y/N's P.O.V.

Today was the day everyone dreaded the most,the day blood would shed,loved ones would die but also the day this nightmare would be finally over.

The battle was planned to happen in the middle of an open field,far from each other's territories so no one else could get injured.

All of us had gathered to the field to put the end to my monstrous pack and the rogues that had intimidated our kind.I nervously sighed as Jungkook was quick to notice it.

He caressed my cheek to calm me down and assure me that everything was going to be just fine.

"I'm not allowing them to hurt you,Y/ have nothing to worry about."

"I know,but I'm worried about you." I looked at his eyes full of love and my heart melted.He kissed my forehead and hugged me tight.

"I'm not allowing them to hurt me either." He said as I calmed down a little,but was interrupted by loud growling voices from the distance.Flock of birds started to fly away as their silhouettes appeared from afar.

My father and my brother stood in the front,followed by the other pack members.Together with them were also the rogues,twice the size of us.

They stopped about 300 meters away from us,their devilish smirk apparent on their much I wanted to rip that off their faces.My blood was boiling in anger.

"It's nice to see you dogs here in such a lovely day.." Daehyun,the leader of the rogues, spoke.Venom leaked from his words,he was just a despicable being.

We snarled at them but they just laughed as if this was just a joke.

My eyes wondered around and they fell on my father's figure.He looked extremely pleased with all of this.Suddenly,flashbacks of what he did to Mark and Jimin and all the people he had killed came to my mind.

My eyes turned bloody red in anger as I lowly growled.Jungkook followed my gaze and he immediately understood why I was that angry.

"They're going to pay for everything...He'll be my number one target.." Jungkook mind-linked me to assure me that he wasn't going to escape this hell.It was either today or never.

"Well,since we're all here," Daehyung spoke, "Let's start the game,shall we?"

With those words,the wolves from both sides started to attack.

I quickly ran and lounged at one of the rogues,pinning him down on the ground.He was strong though,he bit my arm and pushed me down as he tired to bite my neck after.

I was quicker to attack though and pushed him off me so hard that his body hit the rock behind.I took the chance and immediately started to tear him off to pieces until no more life was left in his body.

As I was about to stand up,I felt someone kick me to the ground as I felt the hard contact on my skin.I looked up and this time a slightly smaller rogue was snarling the fangs at me.

I immediately understood by her form that she was a female rogue and this guy I just killed was probably someone important to her.

"You ugly mute! You killed my boyfriend!" She threw herself as I tried to dodge her,but she managed to grab my leg and pull me back down. Her fangs scratched my chest as I could feel the red liquid rushing out. She was about to bite me again until Jungkook threw himself on top of her and pushed her off me.

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