Chap.9 : Bleeding hearts

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This is a fairy tale with teeth and claws...



Y/N's P.O.V

Tears start to blind me and I turn, running as quickly as my legs can carry me, bolting through the forest way like an Olympic champion at the start gun; quickening my pace to an all out sprint. The pounding noise of my shoes resonating off the ground of the forest with a clanging echo that matched my heart throbbing inside my chest with the thick grief and fear I felt as I ran.

Fear of what had happened to him...fear that I wouldn't be able to do this anymore...

We reached the house quickly and entered inside.

"He's in his room." Jiyeon said as I practically ran upstairs,her following me behind.I lighty knocked on the door and opened it.

At first,all I could see were the other pack members surrounding Jungkook's bed and his brother seated next to him.

When they all noticed I had entered the room,they all looked at me with sad eyes. My heart wouldn't stop beating out of control.I was scared of everything,especially scared of seeing Jungkook in his condition.

"We're glad you came." Namjoon gave me a quick smile before looking towards his bed again.

As I walked closer,I finally caught the sight of Jungkook laying there.

Purple welts were scattered across his abdomen like a disease. It seemed like it hurt to breath and I wondered if some of his ribs were cracked where the area covered with bandage was.

Jungkook is in so much pain his complexion is ashen. His natural golden skin has sunken in tone to something so lifeless it scares me just to look at him. His eyes are closed and he sucks himself into a deeper place to cope. It hurt so much to see him like that,I just wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him that everything would be okay.

Suddenly,I felt a hand on my shoulder.I looked at my side only to meet with Junghyun's face.

"Is he going to be okay?" Was the only question running through my mind.He gave me a reassuring smile.

"His body will heal itself eventually,helped by the medication. It might look really bad but Jungkook's strong Y/N-ah...he will recover soon."

Tears were threatening to leave my eyes,yet I forced myself not to break down in front of everyone.

I really hoped Junghyun was right...Jungkook was strong...he had to be strong...

"Guys,let's leave them alone for a while." Junghyun spoke as everyone nodded their head and left the room. Now,there were only the two of us in the bedroom.

I took the seat next to his bed.All I could do was stroke his chocolate hair and hold his hand. My palm caressed his cheek. Then my eyes wavered to his hands, the lines on his hand catching my attention. They swirled on Jungkook's hand like an unfinished drawing.

His hand was sweaty and intertwined in mine. It fit perfectly, his long and thin fingers, completing the space left in mine. My heart warmed at the feeling of it.

From time to time my eyes drop to the bed sheets, but mostly they are fixed on his face in a soft stare so that whenever he opens his eyes I'm the first thing he sees. I've been in his dark place before, felt more pain than I knew I could bare and it breaks me to see him hurting this way.

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