Chap.12 : Truth hurts

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You're the risk I'll always take...



Y/N's P.O.V.

"What the hell are you doing here Y/N-ah?!" He had placed his fingers around my wrist,now scolding me like a little baby while I was still shocked to see him here as well.

"I could ask you the same.." His eyes softened at my voice as he slowly let go of my hand.Mark looked away from me as if he didn't know what to say. "Why are you here too?"

I was stubborn on finding out.How did he know this place existed? Did he just find out about it like me? Was he hiding something? Had he been following me?

So many questions were running through my mind at that very moment. Just then,someone else called out my name.


Both me and Mark turned around only to find...

"Park Jimin?!" My eyes widened at the sight of him but he seemed rather calm.He and Mark exchanged a couple of looks between them,before he spoke again.

"I think we should tell her everything,Mark..."

"How do you know Mark?" I looked at him and then back to Mark. Neither of them answered my question.

This scene was quite unbelievable, shocking really. My mind was sent reeling, unable to comprehend or process the images and words it was being sent by my eyes and ears.

"Well? Do you mind explaining yourselves? What are you two hiding from me? How on earth..."

I wanted to say more but Mark interrupted me, anger was boiling deep in my system, as hot as lava.

"We'll tell you everything you want to know but not here,it's dangerous..."

"Yes,he's right.." Then Jimin spoke up, "You should come back with us."

"Where to ?" Jimin looked at me before answering.

" To our house."


The way back to Jungkook's pack was dead silent.Only our footsteps hitting the cold ground could be heard. I had so many questions and doubts that were eating me alive but,I had to wait first.

Having lost on my thoughts,I failed to realize we were already there. Mark budged my arm to grab my attention.

"We're here." I nodded my head as we walked to the front door.Jimin entered first,then Mark with me behind him.

As soon as we entered the house,I could see everyone gathered around the living room.

There was Junghyun, Jiyeon,Namjoon and Yoongi.

"Finally! What took yo..." Before Junghyun could finish his words,his eyes widened at the sight of me. Well,everyone did pretty much the same face expression when they saw me.

"She was there too." Mark said, "And luckily I was there too,or else she would have been caught."

Junghyun sighed before signaling us to join the others in the living room.There was silence at first and I really hated the vibes it was giving.

"So? Do you mind explaining me what the hell is going on?" I asked,looking at all of them,waiting for a response.

"Y/N-ah..."Junghyun said in a half-whisper, "You're not going to like's better if you..."

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