Chap.4 : Wolfsbane

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I want more of this...

More of you,more of us.




Y/N's P.O.V.

Stars filled the sky like pale corn into freshly turned ground. It was the promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the cold. The night sky was such a welcome sight, appearing like magic at each sunset, promising to return as she faded in dawn's first light.

After walking,Jungkook and I both sat on the grass,leaning our backs on the tree behind.My long hair was randomly blown away by the wind.We didn't talk much. After arguing with each other,Jungkook finally stopped asking me to go with him. He didn't leave my side not even for a second.

Despite me not wanting to accept it,I was glad he stayed.His presence somehow made me feel felt complete.

"Why did you fight with your dad?"

His sudden question startled me,it had been so silent up till now...I didn't expect it.

"I skipped today's training session." I answered looking down at the grass.

"Oh my, what a big mistake you have done!" I could sense the sarcasm in his tone.I looked at him in annoyance.

"You really know how to get onto people's nerves,don't you?"

"'s you that has quite a bad temper."

"I don't. You're the cause of it!"

Jungkook stood up and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.Then,he looked at me.

"How come? You're the one that's been acting cold since the beginning!" I kept looking down,I didn't want to face him. "Besides,I've seen your pack too,they act the same way."

I looked up in anger.The mention of my pack by him was certainly unpleasant to me.

"Don't push it Jungkook..."

"Or else what Y/N-ah?" His blue eyes once again pierced through mines. "I can't believe how protective you are of them when they don't even respect you.A member should not be treated this way."

"They're still my only family Jungkook! Whether I like it or not!" He just looked at me as a soft sigh escaped my lips. "I don't expect you to understand.."

He also sighed in frustration,then silence fell once again.I could feel the tension building up.

Suddenly,he took my hand into his.I immediately felt my cheeks turn red and butterflies exploded in my stomach.The feeling of his hand on my skin drove me crazy.I felt as if my cold skin was burning up into flames. badly I craved his touch...

Everything was so new to me...I never lost control like this before...I never felt like this before.

I wanted him,every inch of my body was screaming his name yet I knew these thoughts were so wrong. I had to stop.

"Y/N-ah..." I could never get used to the way my name sounded coming from his mouth. "It's true...I can't understand,but it hurts me to see you get treated this way,you deserve better."

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