Chap.5 : Uncontrollable feelings

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So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you...



Y/N's P.O.V.

The hypodermic needle grew as I watched it. The doctor had Taehyung lie on his back. Next, he examined the inflamed muscle in his left, lower abdomen. When he pressed his fingers on that spot, the pain exploded up his spine to the top of his head. He shot his bloody eyes open and growled loudly before passing out again.

"Doctor,what's wrong with him?" Jungkook asked. "Will he be okay?"

The pack doctor sighed.He laid the long needle on the table and took off his white gloves.

"He is alive but his temperature is not constant at all. I'm afraid that the young lady here was right, it is indeed wolfsbane."

Everyone gasped after hearing it and they looked at me.

"How do you know about it Y/N-ah?" Jimin asked innocently and I sighed.I was afraid they were going to ask me sooner or later.I stayed in silence for a moment.

"I..." I breathed in deeply before talking again. "I know about its existence because...because my mother died of it." The last words came out almost like a whisper.The death of my mom still hurt me to this very day.I loved her so much and yet I had to watch her hasn't been exactly fair to me..

Everyone just nodded their head,Jimin too looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry Y/N-ah...I shouldn't have..."

"It's okay.You don't have to apologize."I said and I felt Jungkook's hand on my shoulder,trying to soothe me.

"So,what are we going to do now, doctor?Is there a cure?" Namjoon asked.Doctor shook his head as if he had already given up.

"I'm sorry but since wolfsbane poisoning is very rare,no one has found a cure yet."

"A-are you saying he's gonna die?!!" Jimin asked in shock and a sort of tension from the others could be felt in the air.I felt that I had to talk and calm them down.

"He won't die." I spoke and they looked at me again, "Wolfsbane can kill you instantly,seeing he's still alive,the chances are he has taken only a small dose of it."

"But our bodies can heal naturally,wouldn't he be okay by now?"

"Wolfsbane paralyzes your inner wolf,therefore you can't heal by yourself."This time, the doctor answered. "But,I will try to find a cure as soon as possible for him.We can't waste anymore time."He said and then left the room.

I looked at the almost lifeless body of Taehyung,thinking to myself how all of this could have happened.Then,I felt a pat on my shoulder.It was Jungkook.

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's... weird..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean,how all of this could happen.Something is definitely not right."

"Yoongi hyung said they were attacked,didn't you hear that?"

"I did but still,why ? And who is behind it?"

Just then,the door slightly opened and a almost-healed Yoongi entered the room.Everyone gathered to help him as he was still weak from earlier.

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