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scott rocked up at home about an hour after his mother and sister

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scott rocked up at home about an hour after his mother and sister.
his worried voice rang throughout the house.
"come here please!"
teddy obliged, and entered scott's room not a minute later.
"i have a problem."
scott said sheepishly, leading teddy towards the bathroom.
teddy cried, crouching down by the bathtub as scott pulled back the curtain.
the blue-eyed boy lay in the bottom of the bathtub, bound in duck tape completely— even with it taped over his mouth.
his eyes were pleading and terrified, and he whined slightly, fighting in a pointless attempt to escape.
she turned to her brother, filled with rage.
"what the heck, scott!?"
teddy looked at her brother in search of an explanation.
scott stuttered and stumbled over his words.
"uh— i may have bit him."
teddy closed her eyes, praying she would wake up in her own room and none of this would've happened.
"please tell me this is another dream."
"another dream? you barely know this kid! hey, teddy, do you dream about liam?"
teddy felt her cheeks become warm and red.
"stop changing the subject!"
she yelled, embarrassed.
"and by 'another' i meant another stupid, supernatural situation you got yourself into!"
"i've called stiles!"
scott tried, but teddy sighed, turning back to liam.
she never usually got involved with that side of her brother and his friends— partly because scott didn't normally let her, and partly because she didn't want to.
she always felt she was a tag-a-long, and with no supernatural powers, she felt she was no help.
but now, teddy's new friend was involved, she felt obliged to help.
maybe friend was the wrong word for how teddy felt about liam.
teddy touched liam's bound-together hands gently.
he whined a little, pure terror almost overflowing from his blue eyes.
"i'm sorry, li."
teddy said, letting go as scott pulled back the curtain.
liam whined and moaned, but no matter what he did, he couldn't break free.
teddy and scott both threw themselves down on scott's bed.
"why him?"
teddy asked.
"why him?"
"i don't know."
scott shrugged.
"wrong time, wrong place?"
teddy was on a roll, and she didn't back down.
this was the first time, ever, she'd expressed every negative feeling she'd ever felt.
"i mean, first you break his leg! then you turn him into a freaking werewolf, assuming he doesn't die!"
liam whimpered at that remark.
"why are you so determined to ruin my friendship with him, huh?"
scott winced, but for once, teddy didn't care.
"i finally make a friend, i like, maybe even more than like, and your determined to make him hate me!"
teddy realised what she said.
her angry face fell to one of despair.
scott didn't seem to notice, but liam had gone silent.
he heard.
"i-i didn't know you felt that way about him, teds, i'm sorry."
scott said, wrapping one arm around his sister.
"neither did i."
she said truthfully, but quietly.
she didn't need liam hearing anything else.
the two siblings sat in silence for a while, each full of guilt.
a voice came from downstairs.
"up here!"
scott yelled, prepping himself for the brown haired stilinski's reaction.
scott sighed, standing up.
"i better deal with your little crush."
he wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt to lighten the shallow mood.
teddy just sighed, too embarrassed to lash out with some snide remark or a swift punch.
instead, as stiles ran up the stairs, teddy turned to leave.
she couldn't face liam right now.
"you really like him, huh?"
scott spoke as though he'd forgotten that liam was just in the other room.
teddy nodded honestly, hanging her head, and then left.
the eldest mccall sibling sighed.
"maybe this'll end in me burying the pieces of him in the desert."
liam whimpered at this, causing scott to sigh.
teddy didn't hear anything her brother and his best friend discussed about what to do with liam.
instead, she was sprawled out on her bed, her face buried in her pillow, trying not to cry.
liam had still wanted to be friends with her when scott broke his leg.
he truly had, unbeknown to teddy, had still wanted to be friends with her even after scott kidnapped him.
teddy was in despair.
because she was positive that liam wouldn't want to be friends with her now.
teddy had only known liam for forty-eight hours, yet what she had felt had been instant.
she'd felt it right from that moment the pair locked eyes in the history classroom.
but liam hadn't, in her opinion.
but for teddy, this was all new, the concept of love.
she had always been 'too young', or she hadn't known them long enough, and it was 'too fast.'
teddy had had the odd crush— a dark haired boy in eighth grade, a nerd in her fourth grade class.
even, at one point, stiles stilinski.
but she had never acted on them.
teddy always thought they weren't 'real', or she would just get rejected.
teddy mccall used to tell herself she was afraid of love, but in truth, she was scared.
she didn't quite get how a four letter word could be the scariest concept in the world, but somehow it was.
l o v e
it was even scarier than death.
right new, teddy was as scared as ever before over the concept.
she knew, knew, liam didn't feel the same.
and now, despite everything with her brother and lacrosse, and the fact that liam was sat in the room next door to teddy tied in duck tape, it was her own doing that had lost her her only friend ever.
teddy saw everything fall apart.
she'd lose liam— as far as she was concerned, she already had— she'd lose mason, and even garrett and violet, though she wasn't sure if she was too bothered about that one.
in the silence of teddy's procrastination, she heard a yell from the stilinski boy passing through the thin walls.
"is he crying?"
suddenly, a loud crash caused teddy to gasp.
the hairs on her arms stood erect as she heard the pounding of footsteps outside her door.
gingerly, teddy opened the door and peered outside.
for a moment, liam locked eyes with her.
his emotions were unreadable to teddy in that short lived moment before liam came sprinting towards her.
he slid on the oak floor, his eyes glancing down at his once broken leg.
it had healed.
teddy sighed quietly in desperation.
he was a werewolf.
at least he isn't dead— part of teddy thought optimistically.
she shut that part of her up.
being dead was probably better than being involved in this supernatural mess.
come to think of it— teddy thought dying was better than a lot of things.
stiles and scott scrambled out of scott's bedroom door, coated in splinters of wood.
stiles moaned as the two charged.
stiles had clearly been punched, and it looked as though liam had smashed something against scott's body— maybe a chair.
as the two juniors bumbled down the hallway with as much speed as they could, teddy found herself chuckling.
liam turned to face her from hearing her laugh.
he looked at her quizzically as she gasped.
because liam was too focused on teddy's eyes to see the two best friends charging towards him.
damn those beautiful eyes, they were always getting liam distracted.
scott and stiles slammed into liam with such force, the three toppled down the stairs.
standing at the stairwell, teddy watched as scott and stiles wildly grabbed, and liam squirmed his way out of the bundle of limbs.
he finally got free, and turned to face teddy.
quickly, he smiled, his heart racing, before turning and sprinting out the door.
teddy's heart was racing, but she was also full of disappointment.
that looked like a smile of pity to teddy.
teddy went to bed as soon as stiles left.
she was completely done with the events that day had to throw at her.
as she drifted in and out of consciousness, thoughts of a certain blonde haired boy filled her mind.
teddy knew she'd screwed it all up.
it was nice whilst it lasted— she thought as the world around her faded to black.

"get up. teddy! get up!"
scott mccall yanked back the covers on his sisters bed sheets.
teddy yelled, exposed to the cold.
she gathered what she could of the bedsheets back up and snuggled down underneath them.
"come on. i'll do it again."
scott warned.
"i could've been naked under there."
she sassed, and her brother smirked, raising an eyebrow.
"someone's sassy today."
you shrugged.
"get it all out of my system before being confronted by the boy i accidentally told that i like, who happens now to be a werewolf."
"sorry, teds, i didn't mean to. and you don't know if he's a wolf yet."
teddy began to piece together her brothers words.
she said.
scott replied.
"you want to go to school early to spy on him to find out."
scott nodded.
"and i have to come?"
scott nodded again.
teddy groaned, rolling her eyes, but getting out of bed all the same.
"let me dress."
she whined, shoo-ing her brother from her room.
teddy moaned once again, slamming her head against her desk, a loud bang erupting from the impact.
teddy closed her eyes, mentally preparing herself for the day.
"why me?"

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