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teddy took a steady breath as she shuffled down the stairs

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teddy took a steady breath as she shuffled down the stairs.
her hands held the tops of her bag straps, which sat on her shoulders, with her arms crossed against her chest, in a corpse-like position.
teddy found this rather fitting.
right then, she wished she were dead and buried.
or at least wearing a decent shirt.
inhaling sharply, teddy closed her eyes and then forced them open as she reached the bottom step.
over by his locker stood liam, with mason beside him.
teddy made an attempt to steady her shaking hands.
kira patted the young girls shoulder lightly.
"you'll be fine, teddy."
teddy laughed slightly, as though the terrifying concept of 'fake' asking out the boy she liked was almost funny.
"thanks, kira."
teddy said as the junior walked off towards her boyfriend and friends.
the freshman looked over at the older group.
stiles smirked again, and lydia put her thumbs up.
malia looked plain bored.
as a quick reassurance, teddy raised her arms towards lydia.
she could see herself just fine.
can you see me? she mouthed to lydia, and lydia nodded.
somehow, teddy knew that lydia was the only one who believed that what had happened today was supernatural.
shaking her head lightly, teddy decided to get it over with.
"hi, uh, li."
teddy said, approaching her two friends stood by the row of lockers.
"hi, mase."
she added quickly as mason raised an eyebrow.
"hey, teddy."
liam said, and mason have a small wave.
smiling sheepishly at mason, teddy turned to liam.
"um— li, can i talk to you?"
liam nodded, but made no attempt to move, and leant his weight against the lockers.
after a moment of awkward silence, liam caught on.
"oh, uh—"
he stuttered, and mason laughed.
"it's okay. i'll go."
mason raised his hands as he left, giving scott and stiles a funny look as he passed them.
teddy's eyes wandered to her brother, searching for reassurance, and when scott saw, he nodded firmly.
teddy took a deep breath.
"uh, li. some friends of mine, they're having a party tonight. i, uh— i was wondering if you wanted to come with me."
teddy blushed.
"you don't have to come with me. or come. or—"
liam cut teddy off with a laugh.
"i'll come."
surprised, teddy looked at him.
"you—you will?"
liam nodded, and teddy's heart fluttered.
it was only then she remembered it wasn't a real party.
teddy looked down in shame, unable to meet liam's gaze.
"i'll pick you up at seven."
she mumbled.
"my friend kira can take us."
liam nodded okay, but as teddy left, he furrowed his eyebrows.
what had come over her?
did she not want him to say yes?
well, liam thought.
i'll find out at seven.
that night, kira's car shot along the winding roads.
the radio was blaring, and whilst kira in the front seat didn't seem to mind, the sound was affecting both backseat passengers.
teddy wished she and liam had spoken more.
then kira wouldn't have had to turn the radio on to break the awkward silence.
she felt mildly travel sick as she pressed her forehead against the cool glass of the window.
teddy didn't look over at liam, who was wincing in pain at the strong beat.
"where's this party at?"
liam groaned in pain as kira swung the car round another sharp turn.
"it's lydia martins lake house."
kira said over-enthusiastically.
"well, actually it's her grandmothers lake house, but she's dead, so it's okay."
the kitsune realised what she had said.
"i mean, it's not okay that she's dead, unless she was in pain."
kira smiled to herself, playing off the mistake.
liam and teddy remained in silence.
liam winced again, and then clutched his ears.
"could you turn the music down?"
he practically yelled, his eyes closed, the in his ears pain becoming unbearable.
"you want me to turn the music up?"
teddy raised her eyebrows, confused by the request.
turn it down? but, it wasn't even that loud.
as the sound around liam became dimmer,
he was almost glad kira misheard him.
kira turned up the radio slightly.
suddenly, a phone buzzed between liam and teddy.
liam jumped as it did, but then pulled his phone out of his pocket.
his eyes scanned the text.

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