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"you're beautiful

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"you're beautiful."
in that moment, everything felt just a little bit lighter.
as the black wings recoiled and claws and fangs retracted, teddy was left gazing into liam's eyes in full colour.
liam smiled, seeing her own warm brown irises return.
despite the colour returning, the tears didn't stop.
"hey, hey,"
liam hushed, wiping each one away carefully.
"i'm sorry.."
the brunette mumbled softly, looking at the blue eyed boy stood before her.
"how come?"
liam whispered, his breath fanning the girl's lips.
"what happened?"
he asked again when teddy remained silent.
finally, her voice provided liam with an answer.
"we were all scattered along the floor. you-you were unconscious, and the furthest away from me."
teddy paused slightly, her lips parted, as another tear fell.
"when the man- when he poured the gasoline, the wings, my wings- i shielded scott and malia. so they targeted you."
teddy looked liam up and down— the boy was still coated by gasoline; it rolled off his body slowly and onto the floor.
"you-you were covered, and i-i couldn't protect you."
her brown doe eyes met liam's, and when she spoke, her voice was a hoarse whisper.
"i thought you were going to die."
the silence was imminent before the girl spoke again.
"and in that moment, i forgot everything. i forgot how much i regretted kissing you because i didn't know if it was the right thing to do. but then, i wished i could do it again. because i was so scared liam. i wished i'd have asked you what you meant when you called me your girl. i wished i could kiss you again, liam."
liam dunbar ignored the shirt which clung to his body; he ignored the smell of gasoline.
instead, he placed a hand on teddy's waist, a small smile forming on his lips as he bit down on them.
"then do it. kiss me again."
he whispered, closing the space between them.
the pair's lips met and teddy felt no sense of remorse as she placed her hands on liam's jaw.
liam smiled, pulling her even closer, his hands tight around her waist.
eventually, the pair pulled back, but their noses were still centimetres apart.
"regret it?"
liam whispered, causing the corners of teddy's lips to curl up slightly.
"not at all."
then, teddy stepped back, and intertwined her fingers with liam's.
"come on. scott needs us, and you need a shower."
liam let out a stark laugh before letting the girl drag him out the doors and into the night.
the distress call came late at night, in the pouring rain.
it was a simple text, from brett; a plea for help.

from; brett
hunters. surrounding me and lori. get scott.

such basic instructions, so easy to follow.
so why did teddy disobey them?
maybe it was the events of the previous night; her inability to save everyone had sparked something inside of her, much like it had with her brother years before.
or perhaps it was her dwelling on the resentment she held against scott, for always being the hero.
teddy wanted to be the hero.
shifting her leg over the ledge, teddy hauled herself through her window.
her heart was pounding as loud as the rain on the rooftops.
teddy wasn't sure how it worked, but she gave it a go.
she imagined the plumes of black feathers sprouting from her back, the claws and fangs emerging from her skin.
with her eyes clamped shut, the brown haired girl toppled into the open air.
the large black wings held her weight easily, beating in the downpour.
her vision was black, but enhanced, as her fangs curled over her lips.
soon enough, the fairy was spiralling above the lacrosse field, her eyes locked on the panicking wolves.
red lasers found themselves locking in position on the chests of brett and lori.
the blonde girl clung to her brother, fear amassing inside for her.
brett's only thoughts were for his sister,
the thought of her life ending stirred up anger inside of him, but there was no way he could fight.
like lori's, brett's eyes fell shut, as the first arrow was shot.
in a blur, teddy's wings were up, shielding the talbot siblings.
the blackness deflected the arrows away from the born wolves.
then, teddy mccall span on the balls of her feet to face the enemies.
with a loud hiss, teddy brandished her claws for the attackers to see.
arrows continued to fly through the air, which was thick with darkness and downpour.
each arrow was intercepted in an arc around brett and lori; each weapon taken from the air until they stopped coming.
her hair plastered to her face, and her wings extended massively behind her, teddy mccall let out a guttural roar.
the rain never stopped as teddy's wings shrunk back down, her claws and fangs disappearing until the girl was seemingly normal.
her vision altered back to it's regular state, also, but teddy didn't notice due to the dark hue that hung in the rainy night.
brett gasped, his eyes wide and his brown curls sticking to his forehead.
"we were right."
lori finished, never releasing the tight grip she held on her brother.
"and that was amazing."
a small smile formed on the wolf's face at his sister's awed words.
"thankyou, teddy."
he breathed.
brett's eyes darted around the dampened field quickly.
"where's scott?"
teddy shifted her weight from one foot to the other at the mention of her brother.
the girl bit down on her lip, hard, before answering brett.
"i-i didn't tell him. it's just me."
teddy expected brett to patronise her.
she expected the wolf to lecture her on her immature decisions; how she shouldn't have come alone, it was too dangerous, or how she should have told scott, because he's the alpha, he's the hero.
because that's what everyone did.
instead, through the darkness, brett gave her a lopsided smile, and nodded slightly and slowly.
"good going, teddy."
instantly, scott was on the phone to kira, to stiles, and most importantly, to liam.
none of them had seen her.
that's why, at two am, the alpha threw on his denim jacket and raced down the stairs, knowing his mother was out on the night shift.
he was met by liam at the foot of the stairs.
scott handed his beta a motorcycle helmet and kept walking as he spoke.
"kira says she got a text from brett. teddy was with them. they're fine, but we
gotta go."
"more assassins? teddy- and, uh, brett, do you think the assassins went after them?"
"possibly a lot more. and yeah. i think so."
"different than the ones who tried to set us on fire?"
"i think so, yeah."
scott said, swinging the door open.
the alpha halted when he heard liam's breaths become heavier.
the boy paused, looking down at the helmet in his hands.
he placed it on the table slowly, taking a step backwards.
eyes wide with surprise, scott closed the door gently.
he placed his own helmet down, approaching liam slowly, a worried look spreading across his face.
scott paused a moment, facing his beta, and breathed in heavily.
a fresh scent rolled of the boy in strong waves; fear.
the older boy licked his lips slowly, offering the freshman forth the helmet he placed down.
"how about i take you home?"
liam sighed slowly, his gaze rested on the floor.
"i'm not like you."
he spoke slowly.
"not yet."
scott replied, watching sadness pool in the boy's blue eyes.
"i don't mean i'm not strong, or i'm never gonna learn how to be in control. i mean everything else."
liam paused, willing the tears forming in his eyes to go away.
"you and your friends try to protect everyone. have you been doing this the whole time?"
the alpha's heart twinged with sympathy for liam, who looked so afraid.
"i mean, how are you all still alive?"
scott's warm brown eyes suddenly became a whole lot deeper.
images replayed in his mind, images he didn't want back, that he'd tried his hardest to forget.
aidan; with black blood dripping from his mouth, tears in both him and his brother's eyes.
allison; his first love, dying in his arms, telling him it was all okay.
and teddy; his sister's halted breath as she lay, her skin bubbling in the boy's locker room, with a thermocut wire knotted round her neck.
scott was so close to losing the person he loved most in this messed up world.
the alpha sighed deeply, as though the weight of the world rested on his shoulders.
tears brimmed his red eyes.
"not all of us are."
liam watched as scott held the helmet forwards once again.
"let me atleast take you home."
the blonde boy sighed and took the helmet, refusing to look scott in the eye.
guilt ate him from the inside, out, as scott drove him to the safety of his home.
liam was safe, whilst the pack was out fighting for their lives.
liam was safe, whilst teddy could have been dead.
scott arrived at the lacrosse field ten minutes after dropping his beta home.
the three teenagers stood central; disheveled, windswept and soaked to the skin.
the alpha dismounted his motorcycle slowly, before making a direct beeline to teddy, and engulfing his sister in his strong arms.
his chin rested atop her head as he held his sister tight, never wanting to let go.
alas, he finally did, and held her at arms length.
"never do something like that again."
teddy's gaze fell to the floor, as scott's eyes moved to the other pair of siblings.
"you two are okay?"
he assured, and lori nodded quickly.
brett, on the other hand, stepped forwards.
"yeah, thanks to your sister here."
he gestured to teddy.
"go easy on her."
he said.
"everyone needs to play the hero at some point. and she did a pretty damn good job of it."
scott swallowed thickly, taking in the wolf's words.
"we're meeting kira at the clinic."
he said slowly.
"we better go."
scott and kira's happy, romantic reunion made teddy long for liam.
yes, the pair weren't official, but the feelings were very real, and impeccably strong.
teddy's heart pounded just a little bit faster at the thought of the beta with dirty blonde hair.
"is your mom?"
"she's okay, healing."
"what about you?"
"are you okay?"
"right now? very."
scott pressed his lips onto kira's once again, almost forgetting present company.
as adorable as her brother and kira were, teddy found the moment agonising to watch.
instead, she lead brett and lori through to the operating room of the clinic.
there, she was met by the sight of other wolves, a good few, which kira had found that night.
"satomi, this is who i was telling you about."
kira entered the room slowly, addressing the pack's alpha.
"i know who scott mccall is."
the woman— satomi— spoke up and turned to face the couple.
teddy remained with brett and lori, unsure of what to do.
"are we safe here?"
lori's question hung heavily in the room.
in a minutes silence, scott's eyes met each of the pack members; each gaze was pleading and pooled with fear, and pain.
without an answer, scott turned to kira.
"we're gonna need help."
kira nodded briskly.
"a lot of help."

here was a terrible hero moment for teddy but my bean is growing uppp. i love tiam with all my heart and soul. don't worry though, more badass teddy moments and adorable tiam moments coming up. what do you guys want to see in last five (ish) chapters of this book and would you like a sequel?

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