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tension hung thick in the air as teddy mccall stood beside her brother, staring through the foggy glass ominously

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tension hung thick in the air as teddy mccall stood beside her brother, staring through the foggy glass ominously.
neither mccall sibling said a word, all too aware of what loomed ahead.
slowly, teddy turned to face her brother, chewing on her lip nervously.
so much played on the young girl's mind, and it hung dangerously low in the midst of the chaos.
cautiously, quietly, teddy took a steady breath.
if either of them where to die that day, there would be no more secrets.
she said softly, conscious of the pack of werewolves and allies that lurked within the warehouse.
"yeah, teds?"
scott asked, placing his hand on his sister's shoulder, seeing her forlorn stature.
the freshman swallowed thickly, her eyes falling to the floor.
"if anything were to happen tonight.."
she started,
"if anything happened to either of us, i-i want you to know. me and liam.."
"you're together?"
scott jumped to his assumption quickly, his anger flaring up momentarily.
teddy's brown orbs widened.
"no, no! not yet anyway.."
she mumbled the last bit softly.
"but, we kissed. a couple times, actually. and i wanted you to know."
the alpha's gaze softened.
"if liam makes you happy, i'm not going to do anything to stop you two being together."
scott smiled warmly at his baby sister.
"but if anything i don't like happens, or he hurts you, then i will need chloroform. and a lake."
the older wolf shifted away from his sister, thinking back to his conversation with liam prior.
how would teddy react to his fear, knowing the boy was too afraid to help the pack fight for their lives?
the alpha tried not to dwell on the thought too much as he wandered through the warehouse, ending up beside kira.
the kitsune glanced at her boyfriend, her lips curling up into a small smile, as scott continued to head towards the gathering of the buddhist wolves.
his eyes switch locations as derek intercepted his path, standing before the alpha.
"they'll be okay."
scott nodded slowly, as derek turned to face the pack before stepping forwards.
"they've got claws and fangs, but they're not fighters."
derek strolled past scott absentmindedly, his eyes focused on the youngest mccall.
"that's why i called you."
scott spoke to derek's turned back.
"well, try to remember i don't have claws and fangs anymore either."
"that's why he called me."
braeden confirmed for the ex-wolf.
"am i the only one still hoping this is all just a false alarm?"
kira furrowed her browns in concern; fear was evident in the kitsune's eyes.
"i mean, it's possible we could wait here all night and nothing happens, right?"
she tried to reassure herself.
teddy looked at her friend sadly, as the rest of the pack gathered did also.
"have you heard anything from stiles or lydia yet?"
the fairy decided to change the topic abruptly.
"lydia's still talking to meredith. stiles and malia are headed to the lake house. they're trying to stop it."
"what about liam?"
teddy asked faintly, secretly longing for the boy to be by her side during these prolonged
hours of fear.
scott pursed his lips, unsure of how to respond, but he was saved when brett spoke
up from across the room.
"what if there is no stopping it? what if it doesn't end until we're all dead?"
brett's words hung heavy in the air, and took their toll on each member present.
each one had their doubts; the born wolf's words just illuminated them.
teddy mccall bit her lower lip firmly.
"then let's send a message."
she started slowly, taking a step forwards, becoming more central to the dozen pairs of eyes, now all focused on her.
"let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. it doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked
up a gun. anyone who thinks they can hunt us and kill us for money, well.."
the brunette faltered, only to be backed up by the brotherly figure stood behind her.
"they're going to be put on another list. our list. they get to be a name, on our dead pool."
derek finished for teddy, placing a hand on her shoulder.
scott smiled proudly at his sister as an up cry of cheers and the cocking of guns resonated through the warehouse.
it wasn't time to give up yet.
not for teddy mccall, anyways.
a green haze clouded the room, but it was almost transparent against the blackness of the tension, which hung in the air.
werewolves and other supernaturals waited anxiously, blocking out the sounds of one another's racing heartbeats.
scott, kira, derek and braeden were gathered around a small wooden crate, which acted as their round table.
tactics and battle strategies were thrown around in an attempt to stabilise some sort of plan, but all they achieved was the heightening of the stench of fear that coursed through their veins.
the dark fairy sat at the opposite side of the gathering, tuning her supernatural hearing out of her pack's conversation as best she could.
teddy's breath was permanently hitched, her knees twitching and her feet creating echoes which bounced around the warehouse.
a million thoughts and scenarios swirled through her mind.
some, of the foreshadowed battle, which held the stakes for everyone holed up in the dark room.
others, were of liam, and his presence; or lack there of.
the girl strained her mind, pulling on any thread as to the boy's location.
where was he?
liam should be there, fighting alongside his pack, alongside teddy.
he should have her hand tight within his, holding it closer whenever her fears peaked.
instead, liam was no where in sight, and, instead, brett talbot was perched on a crate beside her.
the wolf's throat bobbed up and down nervously, but his hands sat in his pockets, resisting the urge to fidget.
"i know you're thinking about him."
brett stated simply, his eyes remaining set on the floor.
teddy's cheeks burned, but sadness pooled in her eyes.
still, she played it off.
a small, sharp laugh came from brett, which seemed out of place in the situation.
"don't play that game."
brett's face fell, and his voice dropped.
"i'm going to be honest with you, teddy. i don't know why liam's not here, or where he is. but i know he'd be here if he could. i know he'd fight with you."
teddy exhaled slowly and heavily.
"i hope you're right."
"get back!"
braeden commanded as the first grenade
clattered along the floor.
gas and sparks seeped from the explosive as everyone threw themselves to the floor.
next came the snipers.
military-armoured men came charging round
corners, guns aimed and shooting askew around the warehouse.
bullets flew past teddy, grazing her skin and causing her body to sting with pain.
chris argent rounded the corner, firing back with as much force, but significantly less man power.
supernaturals and allies alike dived and ducked as the projectiles flew, impaling walls and shattering glass.
chaos emerged in the form of flashing
lasers and ricochetting bullets.
derek hale rolled, shrapnel flying behind his form, his gun in his arms, sending shots back at the enemy.
the man yelled, as two more bullets flew from his weapon.
"you need to fight! to shift!"
teddy nodded towards derek as he continued to plough through the enemy, gun residue littering his wake.
the brown haired girl span, turning to face brett.
"we have to shift!"
she yelled over the madness.
the curly haired wolf nodded, flicking out his claws in an instant.
swallowing thickly, teddy clamped her eyes shut, counting on brett to shield her as she shifted.
the girl evoked all her painful memories, too many, in her case.
she thought about allison's death, about almost losing scott.
she thought about derek losing his power, and about liam.
everything about liam.
like why he wasn't here, fighting beside them.
claws protruded from teddy's fingers, and her fangs came creeping out from under her lip.
her vision switched to black.
black wings unfurled behind her like a curtain of darkness.
"let's fight."
"how many are there?"
"too many!"
teddy had lost sight of brett many minutes ago.
she clawed and kicked her way through attackers, her wings taking the blow from many bullets.
with every strike, she was cautious not to mortally wound anyone.
she didn't need that on her conscience.
teddy ripped a gun from the hands of a man, tearing it to the floor.
she caught sight of scott, blood splattering his face, and his eyes glowing red.
he called out something indistinguishable to brett, who ran through the darkness, giving a small wave to teddy.
suddenly, blunt force knocked teddy forwards, and her head made contact with the floor.
the bullet only cut through the skin a little, her wings taking the blunt of the impact, but teddy was dazed after hitting her head.
slowly, the girl crawled upwards, regaining her balance, and using her legs to swipe out the man behind her.
both him and the gun clattered to the floor.
deep red blood stained teddy's pale jumper as she sprinted towards her brother.
him and an attacker were rolling round on the
floor, engaged in fierce combat.
lori stood to one side, her eyes pooled with tears.
teddy croaked, her head pounding.
"stay with me!"
the young girl crept into the shadow of teddy's wings, cowering and terrified, her face covered with blood and grime.
the battle raged around them, screams and roars and shots filling the warehouse and bouncing off the thin metal walls.
the smoke from the guns was almost blinding, and settled a thick haze over the chaos.
teddy and lori stumbled through sheets and plastic layers until they reached scott.
teddy's fangs pierced her lip when she saw her brother, and blood ran thick through her teeth.
her brother was inhumane.
scott was in full shift, his face animalistic and hard, as his claws tore through the man's skin like paper.
the enemy was helpless; he lay on the floor, fearful, his helmet and gun lost in the madness.
the alpha towered above him, his claws ripping the skin, causing blood to spurt up and stain scott's body.
teddy's hands trembled as she realised how helpless the 'attacker' was.
and scott wasn't backing down; his claws sunk deeper into the flesh, and the man's cries became louder, more full of pain.
teddy cried out, her eyes widening in fear.
"he can't hear you!"
lori yelled, wiping her eyes hastily.
"and you can't approach, not without being seen!"
scott was enthralled by rage.
the alpha continued to tear through his opponent, showing no mercy.
this was not the way they fought.
not in the mccall pack.
"stay here."
the brunette instructed lori.
after receiving a nod, teddy closed her eyes.
she focused on the time when scott was explaining the bite to liam; and how much she didn't want to be there.
she focused on the loud, bustling crowds of lydia's party, and how she wished she couldn't be seen.
teddy strained to keep her focus amongst the madness and violence.
she concentrated with all her might, at that moment, about how much she wished she were invisible.
lori's face dropped as she looked around, disorientated.
"teddy? teddy!"
but the flick of a curtain told the wolf her friend was gone.
teddy charged through the madness, tripping armed soldiers and disarming men.
in an instant, she was by her brother's side.
it was now or never.
with a heavy breath, teddy braced herself, before ploughing her body into her brother's.
the pair went tumbling, and the pressure was released off of scott's opponent.
teddy flickered back into existence.
"scott. scott!"
she panted, seeing her brother's face shift back to human.
"oh, lord, scott."
teddy wanted to lay down and sob, but she didn't.
instead, she helped her brother up.
scott's eyes fluttered to find focus.
"teddy, i-i, i don't know what happened."
he panicked.
teddy took her brother's hands in her own, and in that moment, felt herself change.
like everything was reversed, it was her saving the day.
teddy was the hero.
"you're okay."
she soothed her brother, blocking out the madness.
"you're alive. he's alive."
scott exhaled deeply.
"we're alive."
vibrations shook the room.
in that moment, each attacker paused, discarding their guns and pulling out their phones.
scott leapt forwards, taking the phone from the man who lay on the floor, bloody and wounded.
his eyes flashed a fiery red as he showed the text to the man on the floor, and then to teddy.
the benefactor: all contracts terminated.

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