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stiles and malia didn't bother to knock when entering the mccall household

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stiles and malia didn't bother to knock when entering the mccall household.
in a situation like this, courtesy could wait.
seeing the empty living room and kitchen, the brown eyed boy pulled malia up the stairs hurriedly.
the coyote charged ahead, her hand ready against the bedroom door of teddy mccall.
stiles sighed slightly, tugging on his girlfriend's sleeve.
"don't you think, maybe, we should knock?"
malia's neat eyebrows furrowed and she shrugged, forcing the door open aggressively.
the sheriff's son scoffed before following his girlfriend in.
stiles' eyed widened, and malia bit her lip seeing the two freshmen rested against the head of the bed.
even malia paused, as the juniors gaped at the pair.
teddy's head rested on liam's chest, and his chin was atop her messy brown locks.
liam's hand held teddy against him as the pair slept.
stiles' voice faltered.
"maybe- maybe we shouldn't wake them."
"yes we should, we're in her house."
malia answered indignantly.
stiles exhaled steadily, crouching down beside the bed.
"mal, you go to scott's room. start trying to catch his scent. i'll wake them."
the werecoyote nodded, and stiles winced at the lack of consideration she gave with each step to the sleeping couple.
gently, the brown haired boy placed his hand over one of teddy's, and gently shook the girl awake.
she groaned softly, a small smile on her face when she noticed liam by her side.
she didn't remove herself from his grasp.
her smile fell when she saw the brother-like figure crouched beside her.
teddy asked, pushing her unruly hair from her face.
at that moment, liam began to stir.
"stiles? why is stiles here?"
he said groggily.
the corners of the stilinski boy's lips curled up slightly at teddy and liam, but his smile was quick to fade.
he whispered.
"we've found scott."
relief gathered in the girl's chocolate orbs as she looked around suddenly, but worry clouded her expression when she didn't catch sight of her brother.
"he's in mexico."
stiles continued gently.
"kate and the berserkers have him and kira. we're going to go save them. are you up for coming?"
teddy nodded slowly, and stiles stood up, placing a small kiss to her forehead.
"get dressed. and -not- in the same room as wolf pup here."
he gestured to liam, who groaned, pulling teddy closer.
stiles closed the door gently, as teddy shook her boyfriend fully awake.
the beta sat up, keeping his arm tight around teddy.
"they've found scott. he's in mexico. we need to get dressed."
"i won't look."
liam smiled sleepily, only to wince as a pillow came into contact with his face.
a slight grin was present on teddy's face as she kissed the boy's cheek.
"get out, dunbar."
ten minutes later, liam came downstairs to stiles, malia and teddy gathered by the door.
liam gave a small smile, seeing that the brunette had accompanied her pale blue jeans with liam's black jumper he had leant her the other night.
"okay, liam, go home. you're not coming with us."
stiles declared as he walked into the kitchen, causing three pairs of eyebrows to knit together in confusion.
"why not?"
the boy whined in protest.
"because, it's a full moon. and i don't feel like driving all the way down to mexico just to have you rip my throat out."
"you can lock me up, right?"
liam asked, determined not to be left out.
"chain me down to the backseat or something."
"you tore through the last chains, remember?"
malia said, siding with her boyfriend.
"yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonate to get you down there."
the sheriff's son responded sardonically.
liam didn't catch on.
"okay, then where do we get carbonate?"
teddy's gaze fell to stiles, as she stifled a laugh, who's face was painted with distaste.
"seriously, you haven't seen it either?"
"-i have."
teddy cut in, standing between a smouldering stiles and her confused boyfriend.
"wait, stiles,"
she started as the boy continued towards the door.
teddy stood in front of stiles, lifting her gaze to avoid the rather large height gap.
"if you really want to, we can put him in the trunk-"
the fairy started, ignoring the whiny protests coming from liam.
"but i'm not going without him."
stiles moved his eyes from teddy to her boyfriend.
he started softly.
"you've been a werewolf all of five minutes. you don't have to do this."
"i do."
liam answered determinedly.
"i'm not backing out of another fight. besides—"
the blonde boy's hand found its way to teddy's and wound their fingers together.
"she's my anchor. i'll be find if teddy's there."
heat rose up teddy's cheeks and her heart pounded in her chest.
she prayed liam wasn't listening.
stiles said, running his hand through his dark, messy hair.
"maybe there's something else we can do."
malia and stiles opened the doors to climb into stiles' blue jeep as teddy and liam clambered into the back.
glancing at the girl as she buckled her seatbelt, liam made the mental decision and took his seat in the middle of the car, instead of at the left.
pink crept up teddy's cheeks as liam sat beside her, intensifying each time their knees brushed against each other.
it was sweet, really, that after even dating for such a time period, her heart still fluttered when around him.
softly, liam's fingers wound their way between teddy's, forming a warm hand hold.
liam's blue eyes caught stiles' gaze in the rear view mirror, and the older boy smiled, onlooking the girl that was like his little sister and her first love.
"take care of her,"
stiles whispered, knowing only liam would hear him.
liam's smile grew larger as he pulled teddy closer and kissed her forehead.
"i will."
"what's this about?"
teddy whined, sensing she was the topic of the exchanging.
the fairy buried her face in liam's chest as stiles continued to drive down the road.
malia answered the girl abruptly, seeing that no one else would.
"stiles is being overprotective and liam is being dorky."
liam's face stiffened indignantly as he spoke in sync with stiles.
"i am not overprotective!"
"i am not dorky!"
the corners of teddy's lips curled up.
"yes, you are, stiles. and yes, you defiantly are, liam."
the beta's face fell, but teddy brought her lips up to liam's ear before whispering.
"you're my dork, though."
a small blush dusted liam's cheeks, eliciting a light laugh from teddy.
malia scowled in the wing mirror.
"stop being gross!"
"why the heck is there a prison transport van in the warehouse?"
teddy asked, swinging the jeep door open and letting her feet hit the floor.
the door to the truck opened, and braeden stepped out, walking towards the four teenagers and eyeing liam up and down.
liam shyed away self-consciously.
"i think the question is how'd you get a prison transport van?"
stiles answered teddy and questioned braeden simultaneously.
braeden scoffed.
"i'm a U.S. marshal."
teddy noticed the three scars trailing down braeden's neck that the woman wore with pride.
a small smile played on her lips at the thought of her own scar, which no longer hurt, but instead decorated her neck.
she wondered if it made her look as badass as braeden did.
the girl zoned back into the conversation at the slam of the door of a third vehicle.
"are we really bringing him?"
derek asked, causing teddy's hand to grasp liam's protectively.
"are we really bringing him?"
she sassed back, gesturing to peter hale, who stepped out the car behind his nephew.
derek raised his eyebrows at teddy, but the corners of his lips curled up into a slight grin.
"we're bringing everyone we can."
peter defended.
"and considering scott and kira were taken the night before a full moon, we should probably get going."
"what's that mean?"
malia countered her father.
"if kate took scott back to the same temple that she took derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?"
liam shook his head, one of his blonde curls falling into his face, thus causing a grin to erupt on teddy's face, despite the situation.
"what, she wants to make him younger?"
"or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf."
derek answered.
teddy digested that.
she wasn't too keep on having a younger brother, especially one who would be defenceless against a pack of berserkers.
her grip on liam's hand tightened.
"a werewolf can't steal a true alpha's power. but maybe, a nagual jaguar, with the power of tezcatlipoca behind her..."
peter sighed,
"maybe she can."
silence formed thick in the air.
"so, if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, i say we get going."
"we can't,"
stiles scowered, agitated by peter's need to intensify the fear they were all already feeling.
"not without lydia."
teddy's frown deepened as stiles continued to pace, lowering his phone from his ear.
"what's she doing at the school anyway?"
derek asked, becoming agitated by the hyperactive boy's movement.
"we got kira's sword, but we need something with a stronger scent. lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker."
malia answered her cousin.
stiles sighed, dialling lydia's number yet again.
teddy took this as an opportunity, and took her boyfriend by the hand, leading him behind stiles' jeep.
a small smile was fixed upon her lips as she spun liam round to face her, her brown eyes focused on his startling blue ones.
"are you okay, li?"
teddy asked, her hands still linked with his.
liam nodded.
"i'm fine."
"are you sure, li? you know they're going to be there, we're going to have to fight them. and they're going to be real."
the beta's shoulders tensed as his face fell; his words slipped past his lips softly.
"i know..."
"i'm not going to let anything happen to you,"
teddy said, swallowing thickly.
"scott, stiles, the others. they won't let anything happen to you."
liam smiled for a moment, but it fell almost instantly.
"i'm not worried about something happening to me. i'm worried about something happening to you."
teddy bit her lip gently, releasing liam's hand, and instead grazing her own against his cheek softly.
"i can't promise you that i'll be okay, liam. i can't promise you that nothing will happen to me. but i don't want that to make you stop fighting."
the beta tipped his head forwards, so his forehead rested against his girlfriends.
"i will never stop fighting."
a small smile flickered across liam's gorgeous face that teddy adored.
"i've told you before, i'll do anything to protect you, theodora reuben ellis mccall."
teddy scowled playfully.
"how do you know my full name?"
"how do you know mine?"
and with that, liam placed his lips on hers, and teddy melted into the blonde boy she loved so much.
these past few weeks had been crazy and painful and more dangerous than teddy had ever been allowed to experience by her true alpha brother.
but, looking back to the girl she was, teddy wouldn't change a thing.
as long as she had liam by her side.
as much as she wished that moment could last forever, her pack had a problem.
she grabbed liam by the hand and lead him back round to the gathering of supernaturals and stiles, where the hyperactive human had stopped pacing.
"we're not leaving without lydia."
stiles finalised, pocketing his phone after many useless tries of contact.
"if she has a car, she can catch up to us."
braeden reasoned.
"that's a good point."
peter pointed out.
"we'll call her from the road."
stiles pestered, determined.
"what if something happened? what if she's in trouble?"
teddy had to agree with stiles as she nodded curtly.
lydia was her best friend other than liam, and she couldn't stand it if anything happened to her.
patience deteriorating rapidly, peter scowled.
"fine. you stay, you find her. we're gonna go on without you."
teddy started, hating the idea of abandoning the only two people without claws and fangs.
besides, she needed stiles with her, in case liam did lose control.
she believed in him truly, but whether she believed in herself, and her ability to anchor him, was a different matter.
liam stepped forwards, squeezing teddy's hand lightly.
"i could call mason?"
he suggested.
"he had a study group in school. maybe he could look for her."
derek shrugged, looking to the hyperactive boy for confirmation of the groups only decent plan.
stiles was always susceptible to the former werewolf, and sighed.
"alright, fine."
with that decision finalised, the pack separated into their separate cars, and stiles, derek, liam and teddy clambered into the back of the military transport.
just before liam could plant his food, peter spoke up from behind him.
"remember what we're dealing with here."
the four climbing into the van turned around to face the former alpha.
"it's not just kate. it's berserkers. you might see human eyes behind those skills. do not assume that there's any humanity left."
peter pulled on his jacket, watching as liam's eyes fluttered to the floor.
seeing his reaction, teddy's hands traced down liam's sides to his waist, where she hugged him lightly.
peter picked up on liam's fear, a small smirk setting into place on his face.
he looked liam up and down.
"this little one is terrified of them, aren't you?"
liam shuddered, his eyes meeting teddy's nervously.
"don't worry, my friend."
peter grinned menacingly.
"it is that fear that will keep you alive."
teddy's arms crept all the way round liam's front as she pulled him closer, resting her chin on his shoulder.
the boy relaxed in her hold.
peter looked around, his eyes falling malevolently on each one of the frightened teenagers surrounding him, before taking a step back towards his car.
"a reminder to everyone; you do not fight berserkers to survive. you fight to kill."
the music was loud in teddy's ears as derek finished restraining liam.
"all good?"
the older man asked, and liam tugged against his restraints to answer his question.
"okay, i brought something to help you."
as derek reached into the pocket of his leather jacket, liam felt a twitch.
instantly, he roped his fingers in between teddy's, and the girl rested her head against the beta's shoulder lightly.
liam's blue eyes dropped to the small, metal disk that rested in derek's hands.
three spirals adorned each third, as the former wolf traced his finger across the pattern.
"this has been with my family for centuries. it is a very powerful, supernatural talisman."
both stiles and teddy cocked their eyebrows similarly and stifled a laugh, knowing that the man was bluffing.
the fairy's smirk soon fell as, for the first time, realisation settled inside of her.
scott and kira had been kidnapped on a full moon by a werejaguar and her army of inhumane bone warriors.
none of them had any clue if the pair were even alive, let alone safe.
teddy's eyes clamped shut as she forced her body closer to liam, ignoring the speech and listening to the hum of the engine.
teddy's body jolted forwards as liam heaved at one of his handcuffs.
the beta groaned in agony as teddy forced her heavy eyes open to look at him.
his breathing was ragged, and his claws curled round the talisman, which he gripped tightly.
liam's grasp on teddy's hand fell.
"whatever you were going to teach me—"
he panted, his eyes shimmering gold.
"i think you better start."
teddy flinched backwards as fangs ruptured from liam's mouth, resting over his lips.
"liam, you with me?"
liam tried to nod in response to derek.
"we have a mantra that we use. you repeat it, you focus on the words, aswell as focusing on your anchor. i'm assuming that's teddy, right?"
wide-eyed, the brown eyed girl nodded hurriedly.
"it's like mediation."
the former wolf tried, seeing liam's panic heighten.
"you say the words until you feel control coming back to you."
"okay, okay, okay!"
the beta cried.
"what are the words?"
"okay, look at the triskelion. see the symbol? have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. each spiral means something."
stiles looked between the raging wolf and and the frightened fairy, urging for teddy to do something.
seeing his gaze, teddy spoke up.
"alpha, beta, omega."
derek continued.
"it represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another. betas can become alphas—"
"alphas can become betas."
teddy nodded, trying to pull herself back from the panic.
"can alphas become omegas?"
liam panted.
derek nodded.
"all you have to do is say the three words. and with each one, you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control. go ahead."
he encouraged.
"alpha, beta—"
liam rushed, his breathing the only sound breaking the tension.
derek warned the beta, his now-nervous eyes flicking on to teddy, urging for her to instigate something to calm the wolf under the moon.
liam hid his blue eyes under his eyelids and repeated the mantra, slower this time.
when liam groaned in agony, stiles and derek locked their gaze.
derek commanded.
"you need to do something. you're his anchor."
at that moment, liam lurched forwards, his roar shaking the truck.
stiles yelled as the vehicle veered off the road.
braeden's jaw clenched as she tugged at the wheel, trying to force the truck back on track.
"woah, woah!"
teddy yelled as liam pounced at stiles' face; the hyperactive boy leapt backwards into the embrace of derek, who shrugged him off, annoyed.
one of liam's chains snapped as he slashed his claws through the air, causing the truck to lurch sideways.
braeden called as the van was jostled to and fro with the momentum of liam's attacks.
"i think we're gonna need to go a little faster!"
stiles called, his skin pale with fright.
the beta snarled at derek and stiles, his golden eyes glinting in the darkness.
"keep going!"
derek called to his girlfriend, before clasping teddy's wrist.
the brunette looked at the man, wide eyed, fear amassing within her.
"derek, i don't think alpha, beta, omega is resonating with him!"
stiles cried,
dodging a swing.
"do something!"
derek shouted urgently, as liam took another swing for him.
"do what?!"
"i don't know! say something! another mantra, maybe."
the older wolf cried, clasping liam's wrists as the beta broke free from his final cuff and launched himself across the truck.
the van swerved sideways.
"do something, say something! teddy, now!"
stiles yelled.
teddy's eyes were wide with fear as her brown hair splayed out over her pale face with the movement.
"like what?!"
the hyperactive boy paused, his hazel eyes locking with teddy's.
"tell him you love him.."
he said lowly.
at the words, liam hissed and lurched towards stiles.
"teddy, now!"
the boy yelled from under the roaring mass.
teddy tried to steady her voice as a pair of glowing golden eyes swivelled round
to face him.
slowly, liam's breath steadied, as he paused, crouching before the girl, who dropped to her knees gently.
teddy whispered, tracing her hand against liam's cheek in the darkness.
"what do i say?"
the brown haired boy smiled slightly, a thought coming to mind as he placed his hand on the shoulder of his sisterly figure.
"what three things cannot long be hidden? the sun, the moon, the truth. tell him the truth, teds."
exhaling heavily, the brunette steading her breathing.
the wolf growled lowly.
"liam, i need you to look at me."
liam cocked his head, his yellow eyes shining up at teddy.
"no, liam."
she caressed his cheek softly.
"i need you to look at me with your other eyes."
at this, the beta made a noise in the back of his throat, snarling at teddy's request.
"please, liam. i need to see your other eyes. be-because,"
she faltered.
"as much as i love the beautiful wolf, i love liam dunbar more."
stiles' breath hitched in his throat at the declaration of love, as the blonde boy's head dipped into the shadows.
"that's the truth, and it's no longer hidden. i love you, liam."
teddy whispered softly— as liam glanced back up at her with his baby blue eyes.
overwhelmed with relief, the brunette threw her arms around her boyfriend as they embraced in the silence.
liam's reply was muffled by teddy's brown locks, but audible enough to form a smile upon the fairy's face.
"i love you too, teddy."

sorry it's so very overdue, i don't really like this chapter as it's a filler other than the last bit, but i'm almost done.
i think i might write a sequel, not really for you readers, as i feel many of you may not want it, but for myself, as i'm not ready to let this world and teddy go when she has so much development left to go. and there's two new ocs i'm planning on adding in the next book so stay tuned.
not too many chapters left, maybe five?
hope you're enjoying,
hatts :)
also, big ups to anyone who got the spiderman reference at the end

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