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scott mccall loved his sister, but he wished she didn't have such bad timing

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scott mccall loved his sister, but he wished she didn't have such bad timing.
he saw the flick of her long, brown hair and the bright neon orange of her sports tshirt just as he climbed into the passenger seat of
garrett's car.
"oh, crap."
he whispered.
garrett's voice came from the other side of the car.
"hurry up."
then, the freshman caught sight of his friend, and a smirk befell onto his lips.
the blonde boy rolled down his window.
"call your sister over here."
scott spun abruptly.
the smirk never left garrett's lips.
"or she'll never see her little werewolf crush again."
the small black box garrett had handed scott sat in his lap.
the alpha looked to the blonde boy for a second, before glancing to the backseat where his sister sat in silence, and then back to the box.
slowly, after garrett's prompts, scott opened up the box.
inside was a small gun, with a couple of bullets beside it.
other than that, the box was empty.
"this is not going to work."
the junior said truthfully.
"all you have to do is stop the car. i'll take care of the rest."
garrett's voice was gruff and firm, yet still laced with panic.
scott pretended like he didn't notice the undertone.
glancing back again, scott locked eyes with his sister.
teddy was as white as a sheet, hunched up in the corner of the car and shrouded by shadows.
fear was obvious in her chocolate coloured eyes, and scott wished with all his heart that freeing violet was all garrett wanted.
he couldn't stand to see his sister hurt, yet he had a feeling that garrett wouldn't be satisfied, no matter the consequences.
an oncoming car passed, and garrett turned his head to mirror scott's.
he didn't say anything, but instead, started up the car.
scott pulled his hood up, and gestured for teddy to do the same.
the last thing he needed right now was him and teddy arrested for hijacking a car their dad was in.
their dad.
oh, crap.
garrett pulled out the hard shoulder and began to follow the car.
after five minutes, scott pulled his hood down in frustration.
sensing the tension in the air, the driver spoke.
"there's a stop sign half a mile ahead."
"so, i take out the tires with my claws?"
scott said, making sure he didn't do anything unnecessary.
"teeth, claws, heat vision, whatever."
garrett sassed.
"just stop them. you ready?"
in the back seat, teddy mccall remained silent.
her heart was racing as panic took over.
how could she have been so stupid?
of course garrett was planning something.
teddy just happened to run in on it.
and now, just by her being here, teddy mccall had put liam's life on the line.
because teddy knew that if the choice was between her life or liam's, scott would choose hers.
and teddy couldn't live with that.
in silence, teddy watched the road.
suddenly, a feeling of nausea washed over her as her brother yelled.
"stop! stop the car!"
in the middle of the road lay the car they'd been stalking; overturned and beaten.
two figures crawled out the way of the wreckage.
panic overtook teddy as garrett slammed on the breaks and scott flew out the door and to the people.
instantly, teddy's hands grabbed for the door handle, but after a small click, the handle was rendered useless.
"let me out!"
she growled at the blonde in front of her, kicking at the now locked door.
"no chance. you're my insurance."
he said, opening his own door and stepping out, the small black box hanging from his fingertips, and his lacrosse stick— blade out— in his other hand.
teddy craned her neck in desperation to see what was going on.
she could hear scott's pounding footsteps on the road as she ran, and his indistinct yelling.
he seemed to be yelling.
but teddy knew that wasn't right; scott wasn't stupid.
punching at the car, teddy caused a slight opening between the door and the car wall.
straining her ears, she finally caught her brother's shout, and her heart plummeted.
scott knelt down beside the two injured father figures laying in the road.
one— his actual father— lay unconscious, his eyes lolled back into his head.
sheriff stilinski was splattered with blood and fighting to escape the wreckage, dragging the taller man along with him.
he whispered, his voice hoarse.
scott noticed garrett charging towards him and the two police officers, and span to face him in a panic, seeing the weapon brandished before him.
"she's not in the car! violet's gone!"
he yelled, praying the boy would see reason.
instead, the boy kept fast approaching, expertly spinning his lacrosse stick around his fingers.
scott turned back to face the sheriff when he felt a tug on his shirt.
"scott, listen to me. listen."
the injured man hissed.
noah's breath was ragged as he spoke.
"they're still here, they're still here!"
the sound of bone clashing against bone filled the air.
from the shadows emerged something so horrifying, teddy bit back a scream.
the creature emitted a low growl before extending its long, dirty claws.
the creature must have been over six foot tall, with claws longer than teddy's whole hand.
the thing wore a huge skull over its head like a helmet— whether it were bear or something else, teddy couldn't tell.
the creature growled again before turning to face garrett.
"you want me?"
garrett yelled, turning his blade between his hands.
"come on, come and get me!"
he screamed.
"come and get me."
garrett brought his blade forward, holding it like a spear.
he spun it in an aggressive fashion as he approached, and teddy saw her brother watch the facade from a few feet away, his mouth hung agape.
"yeah, that's right. you're not so big."
garrett spat, stood only a metre away from the unmoving creature.
"you're not so big!"
teddy only just managed to close her eyes as a second creature sprinted with speed that didn't seem possible for its size.
it caught garrett in the small of his back with one of its large, sharp claws, and lifted him in the air as though he was a trophy.
garrett's speech was stunted as the claw emerged from the boys front, piercing his heart.
garrett's head rolled back in agony, and teddy accidentally met the boys eyes through the window of his car.
tears sprung to her eyes at the sight of the life leaving someone she once called a friend.
no matter what garrett had done, it was hard to watch.
garrett coughed a little as the lacrosse stick fell from his lifeless hands.
slowly coming to his senses, scott ran forwards, a moment too late as the freshman's limp body fell to the floor.
the scream came from the sheriff, and alerted scott just enough to catch sight of his enemy before he was mowed down by its enormous claws.
a weak cry escaped teddy's lips as her brother fell down.
reignited with anger and fear, teddy kicked at the doors of the car, punching the glass of the window until her knuckles bled.
tears made her cheeks sticky and wet as she fought, to no avail.
in her blurred vision, teddy saw two of the things approaching the place that held her captive.
still thrashing, teddy felt the car lifted into the air and thrown to the floor.
the shattering of glass and crunching of metal and bone filled her ears, along with the ruffling of wings and the scraping of small, sharp claws against metal.
then, everything went black.
noah stilinski watched the scene unfold.
it was honestly like something from a horror movie.
scott mccall, the alpha, laid unconscious in the street, blood pooling around him.
a dead body of a teenage boy, the wreckage of a car, the body of an unconscious body of an officer, and him.
and then there was the banging which noah thought was in his head.
but it wasn't.
to his horror, the creatures that had attacked their car paced towards the other car with impossible speed.
leaning down, one lodged its claws into the tires of the suv, and the air escaped from around the points.
for a moment, when the car was aloft, the banging stopped.
the sheriff watched as the creature pressed its ugly face against the back window of the car, and then launched it down the road.
sparks flew when the metal made contact with the roadside.
a great gash formed along the metal of the roof, opening up the inside.
on the backseats of how car was a furrow of black.
the blackness twitched inside the wreckage, as though it were adjusting, and then all hell broke loose.
a figure flew from the shattered window of the car, spraying shards of glass onto the tarmac.
the figure was small, and resembled that of a girl, with tumbling brown hair.
the now burning remains of the car illuminated the figure so noah could see clearly the large, black, billowing wings that kept the figure aloft.
he saw sharp, pointed claws on the end of each narrow finger the figure possessed, and he saw the eyes.
pure black, with no iris, no white, nothing.
just blackness, nighttime, emptiness.
the dark.
the figure flew with amazing speed and agility, surrounding the other creatures.
a green flow began to ooze from the figure as it smiled from its position in the air, baring it's small, pointed fangs.
then, it hissed, diving at the closest creature, scraping its claws along the monsters back.
for such a big creature, the monster let out a pitiful cry and began to sprint into the shadows.
the rest of its herd followed until there were none left, and teddy mccall sprinted into the woods.
no claws or fangs or wings.
just teddy.
with those startling black eyes.

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