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when they arrived on the rooftop, liam and kira were greeted by darkness

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when they arrived on the rooftop, liam and kira were greeted by darkness.
that was, until, the fuse box exploded.
shards of electricity littered the black sky, and the pair winced back, white light searing their eyes as the box hummed unnaturally.
"looks like someone did something to it."
liam pointed out the obvious.
following the statement came a low growl.
kira and liam both turned; the kitsune's katana was raised instantly when from the shadows lumbered a berserker.
the creature's bone exoskeleton flickered with the flares of electricity, and liam felt his fear prick his neck and arms.
he swallowed thickly, watching as the beast approached.
"i think someone did."
kira brandished her sword, lurching back into a fighting stance.
liam's eyes widened as he leaned back, preparing to pounce.
teddy resisted the urge to cling to stiles' arm as the pair traipsed through the building in darkness.
she remained by his side, using the occasional flicker of light to drown out her thoughts.
suddenly, something firm brushed against her shoulder, and the next thing she saw was a loaded silver barrel pointed at her face.
teddy bit back a scream as stiles' hands flew into the air.
argent put the gun down.
"the power's out in the whole building. i lost all the cameras."
the sheriff's son explained.
the former hunter looked between the pair of teenagers.
"stay with scott. especially you, theodora. text me if you see or hear anything."
argent brandished his watch before the two brunettes; it read 18.03. 18.02.
without another word, argent retreated down the dark corridor, leaving stiles and teddy in the aftermath of the blackout.
liam's golden eyes countered the black state of the berserker.
it's growls reverberated through the boy, shaking him to the core, but all the same, he snarled.
the beast twitched it's knife-like claws, as liam flicked out his own, to the same effect as a toothpick.
then, he let out a guttural roar, his fangs bared whilst staring into the ominous eyes of the beast before him.
liam charged and slashed, his claws shyly missing the skull atop the monsters head before he was caught.
his feet hovered off the ground for a split second before liam was launched across the rooftop into the caging.
the beta crumpled to the floor.
kira span her katana in an aggressive show, igniting sparks off of the caging before launching herself at the berserker.
her sword bounced harmlessly off it's bone hide, but the kitsune continued to press.
with sparks flying, the looming horror deflected the blade and ripped it from the asian girl's grasp, before landing a punch on her cheek.
the impact sent kira sprawling to the floor where she lay in agony.
liam called for the girl, fighting to stand, his legs quivering.
"kira, get up!"
the kitsune's eyes flickered open as liam took her by the hand and hauled her up.
the dark haired girl took in heavy breaths as she bared her katana against the approaching predator.
liam pounced, and instantly was struck down again as kira swung.
once again, their attacks were countered by the tough bone encasing the beast.
blood spurted from the beta's nose, and kira had a large gash trailing from her eyebrow to her lip.
"liam, go!"
she yelled, seeing the blonde boy's blood hit the floor.
she called again as the boy stood, his gold eyes flashing in the darkness.
liam didn't listen; he flicked out his claws and vaulted onto the nearest chain fence, his knees bent, his fangs bared.
kira tried one last time, but it was hopeless.
liam's forehead was beaded with sweat as he leaned backwards and used all his force, pouncing at the beast, his claws bared.
as he leapt, liam's roar was deafening.
stiles stilinski paced the floor of the morgue, muttering incoherent words into his ringing phone.
the lights flickered on and off tediously, as teddy looked over the body of her dead brother.
tears pricked her eyes as her hand traced his cold cheek.
the girl wanted nothing more than her brother to be back to normal, but she knew that wasn't possible.
atleast not until the clock struck zero; for now it was 16.28 and ticking.
other than that, she wished liam were beside her; holding her hand, comforting her, maybe even his arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace.
but not on the roof, confronting the unknown with claws and fangs.
"come on, argent! why aren't you answering the phone?!"
with a clatter, the doors to the morgue swung open, and argent suddenly lay flat on the cool floor.
"theodora, stiles, run!"
teddy's heart raced as the brown haired boy's eyes met hers.
seeing no movement, argent spoke again.
"theodora, get out of here!"
once again, the large metal doors swung open.
stiles eyes bulged and teddy felt her breath catch in her throat, as in walked kate argent.
argent scrambled to his feet, positioning himself between teddy and the woman.
teddy's breaths were coming in rapid gasps now as she threw glances at her brother's form, praying for him to wake and save the day like he always did.
instead, scott mccall remained, well, dead.
"move out of the way, stiles,"
kate spoke, not noticing teddy yet,
"i'm taking the body."
stiles's eyes widened in terror.
"why? visual conformation?"
he questioned.
the werejaguar simply smirked, before stepping towards the trio.
"don't worry, handsome. i'm not the benefactor."
"then what do you want with the body?"
chris growled at his sister.
"i wish i could tell you."
kate said, now only a foot away from where teddy was stood.
instantaneously, argent pounced, his gun pointed at kate like it was pointed at teddy merely minutes ago.
the two siblings scowered at each other before kate let out a brittle laugh.
"i always forget you carry two."
"back off!"
argent yelled.
"are you sure you can pull that trigger fast enough?"
kate quipped back.
"i don't want to."
"you're not going to kill me."
"and i'm not going to let you take his body."
"okay, well obviously you guys have a lot to talk about, so maybe me and teddy could get some coffee, there was a vending machine outside..."
stiles interrupted.
"listen to me, kate. we have a plan."
argent pleaded, ignoring stiles' remark and leaving him stood awkwardly behind the siblings.
kate's scowl deepened.
"and if killing scott was part of it, you're worse than me."
she snapped at her brother.
"he's telling the truth. we're trying to get the benefactor."
stiles took a cautious step towards the chaos.
teddy remained behind the scene, watching over her brother's form for fear his death would soon become reality.
"if you didn't notice, you're on that list, too, and worth more than most."
argent growled, his finger taught on the trigger of his gun.
teddy flinched at the raise of his voice.
"that's why i'm here."
the werejaguar bit back.
"then back off and let us do what we planned!"
kate opened her mouth to yell back at her brother before she stopped, and exhaled deeply, her eyes locking on the watch which now read 3.04.
her features softened as her eyes met argent's, an evil gleam forming.
"take the berserkers and go. kate, please. we have a plan."
chris' voice remained level, but inside, all three pack members were panicking.
three minutes until their alpha really was dead.
in one last, pleading attempt, argent retracted his gun from kate's chin.
and just like that, she left.
teddy's breaths were coming in heavy gasps.
"how long?"
she choked out, gesturing to argent's watch.
his face was solemn in the darkness.
"fifty seven seconds."
stiles rubbed his eyes, pacing round his best friends lifeless form, before resting beside the small girl.
biting his lip, he opened up his arms for teddy, who gladly accepted, hiding her tears in the warm embrace of the brotherly figure.
soon, the only brotherly figure she'd have left.
"it'll be okay, teds."
stiles whispered to the brunette.
"he always manages to survive somehow."
teddy almost laughed through her tears, the statement was so stupid.
thirty two seconds left.
teddy pulled away abruptly when she heard pounding footsteps along the hospital corridors, and the large metal doors bursting open.
in ran kira and liam, both looking worse for wear with cuts and blood peppering their faces.
kira instantly rushed to where scott lay, alongside stiles and argent.
liam rushed to teddy.
the two freshman were wrapped in each other's arms within seconds.
teddy nestled her face into liam's chest, her arms clinging to his back as though her life depended on it.
one of liams's hands hugged teddy's waist closer to him, holding her close, the other one stroking the ends of her brown hair.
his head rested on her shoulder, as he closed his eyes, listening to the girl's quiet sniffles.
the pair separated as argent spoke, and rushed to the metal bed.
"fifteen seconds."
he warned, and teddy clutched liam's arm in fear.
the blonde placed his arm round her waist and pulled her close, his breath hitched.
kira's eyes widened as she placed her hands on scott's heart.
the roar of electricity filled the air, and teddy's muscles tensed, causing liam to pull her closer and rest his head on hers.
there was a moment of deathly silence as the timer hits zero.
and then scott's eyes open.
yelling in agony, scott flew up from the bed, panting and confused.
the alpha gasped, his chest heaving, as teddy's head fell into liam's chest with relief.
the kitsune's hands were instantly on scott's cheeks as she pulled him into a sweet kiss.
then, she stepped back as teddy pulled herself from liam and threw her arms around her brother.
tears fell onto his bare chest as teddy hugged him, and scott's arms wrapped around his baby sister.
"you are never doing that again."
she whispered as she pulled back.
scott gave her a lopsided smile.
"i hope not."
then, the alpha's face fell as he looked between argent and stiles.
"what happened? did it work?"
argent shook his head in dismay as the lights flickered once again.
then, a cough came from the back of the room, and all eyes went to liam.
kira asked the blonde boy, who hugged teddy closer to him, shaking his head, his eyes full of remorse.
"kira. it's your mother."
the beta swallowed thickly.
"she's hurt."
instantly, kira, stiles and argent rushed through the metal doors in a panic.
scott went to sit up, only to be forced down by chris.
"no, you rest. theodora, liam, watch him."
the metal doors swung shut.
the alpha groaned as the room was illuminated for a second, before darkness returned.
"i don't feel too good.."
scott coughed, and teddy rested a hand on his arm.
"you were just dead for forty five minutes. sleep a little."
the youngest mccall offered her brother a small smile before kissing his forehead softly.
scott passed out almost instantly.
liam's hand found its way to teddy's waist as she looked upon her sleeping brother.
a small smile passed his lips as he watched her features settle, the girl he felt so strongly for, at ease for the first time that night.
"we can wake him up before we leave."
she said slowly, brushing her long hair behind her ear.
"as long as i'm not carrying him."
liam responded, stepping closer.
slowly, teddy turned to face the blue eyed boy.
"i wish you hadn't gone to fight.."
she whispered, her eyes falling to the ground.
"i wish you hadn't left me..."
liam's hands dropped downwards as he reached to intertwine his with the girl before him.
teddy looked up as liam's warm hands her cool ones, her big doe eyes full of sadness.
one of her hands broke the grasp and was lifted, until it stroked the blood on the beta's face.
"i don't want you to get hurt.."
she breathed so softly, liam almost didn't catch it with his enhanced hearing.
"hey, hey.."
liam wiped away a tear that traced the brunette's face, his hand resting on her cheek softly.
"i don't mind getting hurt,"
he spoke softly, his voice breaking ever so slightly.
"as long as i'm protecting you."
and with that, the pair leaned in, their eyes fluttering shut as their lips met.
liam's lips were soft, and a little chapped, as they moved against teddy's.
the girl's cheeks burned as the pair kissed in the darkness, as liam's hands wound their way around teddy's waist.
teddy's hands rested on the boy's firm chest as liam's tongue grazed her lips.
and just like that, the pair were apart, eyes opening to the darkness, foreheads against each other.
liam's hot breath fanned teddy's lips as he spoke, his hands still softly resting on her waist.
"i will always protect you, teddy."

doing a happy dance late at night because they kissed but i'm ill so it hurts. ugh, someone get me a liam dunbar asap pls i really want one. that gif 😍🥰. okay rant over, happy november, aka, the start of christmas x

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