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the next morning teddy mccall walked into school, her head slumped and her hair in her face

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the next morning teddy mccall walked into school, her head slumped and her hair in her face.
scott walked supportively, three steps behind her, but teddy found it off-putting.
that was why, as soon as teddy caught sight of liam and mason heading into the library, she instantly followed.
scott raised an eyebrow at his sisters quickened pace, but follows, finding stiles, kira, malia and lydia on route.
scott watched as liam's happy eyes became one of concern when he saw teddy.
"are you okay?"
he asked the girl as she slumped down on a table.
liam and mason followed at her feet.
teddy nodded before collapsing her head into her folded arms, her brown hair shielding her from the pair's worried gazes.
"why? what happened?"
mason asked, and teddy almost cursed.
mason didn't know about the supernatural yet.
"uh— she got in a fight.."
liam hastily replied.
"with, —violet."
he responded to mason's questioning quirk of his eyebrow.
mason made an o shape with his mouth, but he wasn't sure what to expect when teddy lifted her head.
when she did, both mason and liam gasped.
despite peter's medicine last night, teddy still had wounds showing the battle.
her cheek was purple and black and swollen, not quite coming up to teddy's eye, and she had a red cut across her chin.
liam noticed the burnt flesh ringing around her neck, but teddy shifted her jumper and that disappeared.
teddy had clearly made no attempt to cover up her injuries with makeup, and liam admired that.
in his eyes, she was just as beautiful as ever, if not more so.
it turns out that wasn't what everybody thought.
"oh, teddy— jeez!"
stiles stilinski rounded the corner of the table, only to stumble back exaggeratively.
kira smiled softly at the girl, and lydia hit the boy, who winced dramatically.
sighing, teddy dropped her head again so it hit the table with a bang.
malia looked disapprovingly at the girl.
"okay. i get the bruises and stuff."
malia shrugged.
"but why's your hair a mess?"
a groan was muffled by teddy's arms which her head rested on.
teddy heard lydia hiss at the werecoyote, but still, she didn't look up.
in the presence of the unfamiliar juniors, mason made haste to collect a book for biology.
suddenly, the freshman heard the scuffing of chairs as someone took a seat behind her.
the warmth of their presence hit teddy, forcing her to glance upwards, in order to see her brother sat beside her.
scott's voice is was gentle, but his best friend cut him off.
"since when were you supernatural?"
stiles blurted out, unable to contain his curiosity.
teddy's eyes widened.
"i-i'm not supernatural."
"you're on the dead pool."
malia said blankly.
"wait, what?"
teddy was beginning to panic.
a sigh escaped scott's lips.
slowly, scott wrapped an arm around his sister.
"that day, teddy, you weren't wrong. we- we think—"
scott swallowed thickly.
"we think you really were invisible."
despite the completely rational fear and disbelief teddy was feeling, relief washed over her.
she wasn't going mad.
"do you have any idea when this happened?"
scott asked, and teddy shook her head.
"no— uh, no."
stiles raised an eyebrow.
"you sure?"
the freshman nodded again.
"what am i?"
"that—" stiles said.
"is what we're going to figure out."
after the group of juniors left, teddy remained seated with liam, mason arriving by their side, book in hand.
slowly, mason turned around.
"me and liam have a free period."
he said.
"you still up for that run, li?"
liam nodded.
glancing at teddy, liam spoke again.
"you go on ahead, mase. i'll catch up."
mason quirked a brow, but nodded, excusing himself from the table.
teddy raised her head after mason had left as liam took a seat beside her.
then, the blonde boy sighed.
"i guess i'm not the only new supernatural, huh."
teddy nodded, her lips set in a straight line.
a sigh escaped from liam's own lips as he slumped forward slightly, resting his elbows on the wooden slab of the table.
"i mean.."
liam played his sentence over and over again in his head as he spoke.
"at least you have your family to talk to about it. scott, and, uh— your mom and..dad."
teddy's face fell into one of question at the mention of her dad, but she quickly covered it up.
instantly, liam's stomach plummeted.
did teddy not know her dad was here?
liam didn't know much of the mccall siblings' relationship with their dad, but he knew it wasn't the best.
he was treading on thin ice bringing up their family.
teddy mccall simply sighed.
"yeah... i guess. my dad.."
liam physically tensed.
"he doesn't know about the supernatural. but i have scott, and my mom, so.."
the blonde boy threw teddy a sideways smile.
"yeah. i don't have anyone. can't tell my mom, or my stepdad, or my dad or stepmom, or my sister."
"you have a sister?"
liam smiled at the brunette's wide eyes.
"yeah, two actually. and a brother."
teddy's eyes widened, eager to hear more about liam's home life.
"only one of my sisters is full."
the boy explained.
something about the way liam spoke about his siblings brought a smile to teddy's face, despite everything.
"and then i have two half siblings. my dads kids. alfie has just turned three, and mia is six months."
"how old is brooklyn?"
teddy found herself asking.
liam almost laughed.
with everything going on: supernatural stuff, the dead pool, liam was sat in a library talking about his siblings.
"could i meet her?"
teddy's voice brought liam back to the conversation.
he smiled.
then, liam's phone buzzed.
his face fell.
he explained, standing up.
"i gotta go."
teddy nodded, a smile still evident across her features.
just as liam began to walk away, teddy said his name.
slowly, the blonde boy turned.
"you have me."
liam wasn't really listening to what mason was saying as the pair jogged down the dirt track.
he was too busy thinking about the conversation that had just taken place in the library with a certain brown haired girl.
"they were using us— for their cover."
mason's pants were only just distinguishable as words, but liam could tell he was on about garrett and violet.
"i mean professional killers were using us!"
liam wished his best friend wouldn't raise his voice as he did.
"how are you not freaking out about that?"
breaking into a run, the blonde boy muttered out an answer.
"trust me. i'm freaking out about a lot."
mason ran to catch up with his best friend, an eyebrow raised.
"is this about teddy?"
liam sighed slightly at the dark boys words, but didn't deny it.
he wasn't wrong.
despite everything, the dead pool, the supernatural, the freshman's main thoughts were about teddy mccall.
and not necessarily about her newfound supernatural identity.
about the way she made liam dunbar feel.
because liam dunbar wouldn't deny it.
liam dunbar liked teddy mccall.
and mason hewitt knew it.
without answering the boy, liam continued to run.
he ran so his legs ached, but kept going all the same, ignoring the desperate cries to slow down coming from his best friend.
the beta ran without thinking or stopping, and he ran as though running could help him escape everything looming over him.
finally, the freshman came to a standstill.
looking around at his new environment, liam's eyes widened.
mason was no where in sight.
he couldn't see anything or anyone.
he didn't even see the slick black car emerge from the woods and hit him with such an impact that he went flying into the trees.
sprawled on the floor, liam couldn't bring himself to stand.
he did everything he could, thrashed and flailed as garrett took his hold on the boy's arms, but it was to no avail.
garrett plunged the blade into the boy's chest.
teddy mccall tapped her foot impatiently as coach took a swig of his drink.
both her and scott, alongside mason, had sought out each one of liam's teachers for the day, each with the same result.
coach finstock let out a cough.
"sorry guys. liam skipped my class."
teddy's heart plummeted even further.
"maybe he's sick, like me."
mason turned to the siblings.
"liam didn't look sick on our run."
"or this morning."
teddy butted in.
"he's not getting back to any of my texts."
scott lifted his phone up to show the freshmen.
then, the school bell rang abruptly and teddy's hopes sunk even further.
doors began to open all down the corridor.
"don't worry, i'll find him."
scott said as mason reluctantly took a turn and began to head off.
"text me if you see him?"
then, mason gave a small wave to teddy and walked off.
scott threw a look at his sister, who remained unmoving, before looking down as teddy's pocket began to vibrate.
teddy removed her phone and turned white as scott peered over her shoulder.
her brother read the caller id; liam.
teddy pressed answer almost immediately and held the phone to her ear.
she could tell scott was listening in on the conversation.
"liam? where are you? we've been so worried!"
teddy stammered out all at once.
teddy fell silent following a look from her brother and listened to the voice at the other end.
a small laugh came through the speaker of the phone.
teddy asked again.
"you already know this isn't liam, teddy."
the youngest mccall's throat went dry as she struggled for words.
scott's eyes widened in panic.
the brunette girl swallowed thickly, looking around.
she spoke, her voice hoarse.
"where is he?"
once again, the small laugh from before played into teddy's ear.
"come on. like i'm actually going to tell you that."
teddy wasn't sure what happened after that.
her phone was out of her hand and into her brothers in a matter of seconds, and questions clouded her mind.
panicking, teddy's ears strained to hear the conversation.
"i'll give you the money."
scott spoke, launching teddy into a state of confusion.
what money?
the mccall family was broke, it wasn't hard to tell.
so why was scott offering garrett money?
"what do you want?"
scott asked again.
after a second, the colour drained from scott's face and he hung up the phone.
"teddy, go home."
he said.
"i'll explain everything later."
teddy thought,
here we go again.
teddy mccall left the school that afternoon with no knowledge of where her brother or his friends were.
she had not seen scott since the phone incident, and had not seen kira, stiles or lydia all day.
mason didn't hang around teddy much without liam being there, so teddy was pretty much alone.
on her walk back from school, teddy was regretting letting scott leave her.
also, she wasn't exactly keen on the idea of going back to an empty house, either.
removing her phone from her pocket, teddy took a deep breath.
if she did this, there'd be no going back.
and mason would have a few questions.
teddy rubbed the scar on her neck repeatedly as she clicked onto her messages.
she had received no questions today, surprisingly, just a couple of funny looks and sympathetic glances.
hitching her breath, teddy sent her text.

to, mason
hey, do you know brett's address? just wanted to check up on him :) x

the text back came pretty quickly.

from, mason
uhh, yeah. i do. from lacrosse..
it's 83 windsor way. the one with the green door. m, x

and with that, teddy mccall made her way to number 83, windsor way.

this is hella overdue and a bunch of
trash with plot holes and too much
going on, oops.
hattie x

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