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teddy was met by the sight of brett crawling along the boy's locker room desperately

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teddy was met by the sight of brett crawling along the boy's locker room desperately.
his legs dragged behind him as he whimpered in pain.
the referees with him were no where in sight.
she called.
brett stopped, but was unable to turn around due to the poison spreading through his body.
teddy took a heavy breath in an attempt you calm herself.
"i know what you are. and i know what has happened."
her voice stayed calm and confident, which surprised teddy.
"let me get my brother. he can help you."
brett groaned.
"he can."
teddy persisted.
"he's an alpha."
suddenly, the echo of loud footsteps filled the locker room, and teddy's eyes widened.
before she could react, violet entered the room.
brett looked up at violet, straining against the pain as teddy stood, motionless.
"what did you do to me?"
brett growled, his eyes flashing gold, which reminded her of liam, and the oblivious crowds watching the game outside.
violet spoke, not noticing teddy yet.
"you were cut with a poisoned blade. it was laced with wolfsbane."
teddy regarded the sharp wire strung between violet's hands.
suddenly, she snapped it back, causing the young mccall to jump.
"it won't kill you."
she regarded brett with a glare, like she was a hyena and he was his prey.
"but this will."
brett's face fell into one of panic as violet pressed the charm in her hand, and the wire became a fiery, sizzling red.
brett made an attempt to crawl away, but was unsuccessful, due to his weakened stage.
he coughed.
"why are you doing this?"
violet kicked out at brett's head, and the boy went down.
"because you're worth a lot of money, brett."
violet placed her legs either side of brett and yanked his head up by his hair as teddy watched in horror.
looping the wire round the boy's neck, violet began to pull.
words were replaying in teddy's mind as she began to panic.
'let me get my brother. he can help you.'
'he's an alpha.'
maybe, this time, teddy didn't need her brother to save the day.
not thinking, teddy launched herself at violet, swinging her fist with all her might til it came down on violet's chest.
she stumbled, still not aware of teddy's presence.
she snarled, and then she did something even more horrific than teddy could've imagined.
violet released the wire from around brett's neck, kicking the dying boy to one side.
she cast a side look over at the groaning werewolf, who's eyes were glowing with pain.
"he's worth a lot of money."
violet advanced a step.
"but you. you're worth a lot more."
teddy fell back as violet swung, so she just clipped her arm.
teddy tried to run, but violet caught her arm.
"i don't think so."
she snarled.
"you're not getting the best of me again, mccall."
teddy thrashed and yelled, and brett attempted to get to his feet to help, but fell back down miserably.
violet wasn't interested.
she swung her fist straight at teddy's cheek with such force, teddy fell back.
tears pricked in the girl's eyes as violet took a grip on her shirt and forced her up.
violet almost laughed at the sight, a smirk playing on her painted lips.
teddy's tears began to spill as violet hooked her wire around teddy's neck, excruciatingly slowly.
teddy was defenceless, and in the arms of a merciless killer because she— apparently— was worth a lot of money.
money which had more worth than her life, anyway.
teddy's eyes clamped shut as she heard the scraping of the charm being run down the wire and closed, cold against her neck.
unbeknown to the panicking girl, her capturer looked around worriedly.
there was no sign.. yet.
slowly, violet stepped closer to teddy's ear.
she whispered, her warm breath on teddy's neck a contrast to the cold wire.
the voice was so faint, teddy thought she was imagining it.
brett was still struggling in the corner, but he heard it too.
so did violet, who pulled the wire tauter hastily, causing teddy to emit a cry of pain.
she said, all too quickly, and she pushed down on the charm in her hand before flying across the room and landing with a sickening crunch.
teddy didn't notice anyone enter the room.
she didn't see scott wrestling with violet as stiles looked around in a frenzy.
all teddy felt was pain.
a searing, burning pain, that made her want to cry out, but she didn't have the energy.
her vision was clouded with black dots as her flesh bubbled.
teddy couldn't breath.
tears stung her eyes as she fought to escape, but the wire was too tight, cutting off her airways, and too hot.
way too hot.
she felt it sear into her skin, as though it was cutting straight through the bone.
everything was hazy as teddy's knees sunk to the floor.
she heard cries, but they were all too far away.
"it's teddy!"
and then, everything went black.
liam entered the school in a panic.
he'd only briefly seen kira leaving the school, with something, someone, in her arms.
he pushed through the crowds, before his eyes rested on scott, who's own were filled with tears.
there was a man stood before scott, who spoke slowly.
"are you okay, scott? you seem pretty shaken up?"
"dad, i'm fine. really, okay?"
he said, though he clearly wasn't.
his cheeks were red and sticky with tears and his eyes were bloodshot.
liam instantly felt panic rise in his chest, and his heart clench.
the man— scott's dad, liam assumed— stumbled as he spoke.
"i-i should've been here. and i said i would be at the games."
"well, i mean, this was just a pre-season scrimmage. i didn't even tell you about it."
scott's voice was shaky and rushed, like he needed to leave— immediately.
"but i promised your mom i'd be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital ."
scott's dad spoke, and liam practically heard scott's internal scream.
liam was curious as to why scott needed to leave so bad.
"i should've been here."
scott's dad said again.
"i mean, look at you. you're so terrified you're in tears."
liam had a feeling that wasn't why scott was crying.
"you're here now."
scott said slowly.
"dad—uh, i have to go."
he said, his voice trembling again.
liam watched as officers brought out violet from inside the room.
she smirked at scott and liam, to which liam assumed it was about them trying to kill him.
fresh tears pricked in scott's eyes.
"jordan parrish?"
violet said, a smile on her menacing face was enough to send shiver down liam's spine.
then, violet turned to scott.
"i'm gonna need that body for confirmation, you know."
scott's lips formed a line as he held back his anger.
his dad placed a hand on his shoulder as sheriff stilinski approached the pair.
"sheriff, what is that? is that the weapon?"
"yeah. it's a thermo-cut wire."
the sheriff responded.
scott's dad walked away at that, and sighing, scott turned to sprint out the school.
liam caught his shoulder.
"where's kira?"
scott said abruptly, his voice still shaking.
"uh— she took off."
liam said.
"what was she carrying—"
"lydia's cracked the second part of the dead pool."
liam nodded, trying to push aside how scott ignored him.
"kira's moms on it."
scott spoke again.
"everyone's on it."
liam said, and scott nodded sadly.
"you're not."
he said eventually.
"not yet."
liam said, trying not to be too harsh with the distraught boy.
"there's still another third, right?"
scott nodded, before his ears pricked.
"she'll be fine."
he muttered to himself before him and liam listened in on the conversation.
derek, stiles and peter showed up at derek's loft just after kira, which was lucky.
after one look at the lifeless body in kira's arms, derek swung open the door, taking the body from the exhausted kitsune.
slowly, derek lay teddy down on the bed, trying not to look at the injuries surrounding her neck and face.
stiles gagged, trying to hide the tears forming in his eyes.
derek yelled to peter.
"get something! do something!"
peter rushed off with a sigh, and derek sat down beside the lifeless girl.
slowly, he took one of her small, cold hands on his own, and watched as his veins turned black.
suddenly, derek winced as the black signs stopped appearing, and derek was left with pain that wasn't easing in any way.
peter arrived back, regarding derek's situation as he had done in the clinic.
stiles didn't seem to notice as he grimaced, shielding his eyes.
"go get this."
peter said abruptly, forcing derek up and taking his seat beside teddy.
derek watched in amazement as peter placed a hand on teddy's arm and began to take her pain.
then, he hurried off.
derek soon returned with all the ingredients his uncle required.
he watched in amazement as peter mixed all nine herbs together and ran them along teddy's wounds.
slowly, colour returned to the girl's skin as she winced in pain.
the green paste bubbled along teddy's skin as the wounds faded.
then, the girl sucked in a large breath before sighing, her face falling slack.
derek smiled.
he looked towards kira and stiles, who's breaths were hitched, and spoke.
"she'll be fine."
stiles sighed and kira's face brightened a little.
suddenly, there was a pounding on the loft door which echoed around the quiet room.
peter exhaled heavily.
"i'll get it, and then i'm leaving."
derek nodded slowly.
not a minute after peter had left, the pounding of footsteps could he heard, and scott and liam rounded the corner, a bag in scott's arms.
he threw the bag to the floor and ran to his sisters side.
"is she okay?"
"she'll be fine."
derek repeated.
"peter healed her."
scott's face became grateful, and his red, puffy eyes regained some of their happiness.
liam approached, staring down derek.
he said bitterly, though his anger was half-hearted.
derek flashed liam a smile.
"i'm derek."
he offered the freshman a hand, and liam shook it reluctantly.
suddenly, liam coughed.
he gestured towards the sleeping girl.
a smirk formed on derek's face as he realised the way the boy felt towards teddy.
"you're welcome."
he smiled, and liam's cheeks turned red.
"it's okay."
derek lowered his voice.
"i get it."
liam looked around nervously.
"go for it."
derek spoke, but then his face hardened.
"but if you hurt her..."
liam's face fell into one of shock.
"i wouldn't dream of it, sir—"
liam stuttered, and a smile re-emerged on the man's face.
liam finished.
scott's voice came from by teddy's bed.
"we'd better go."
the three other teens nodded.
"come on."
scott said, lifting up teddy cautiously so she rested on his shoulder.
"let's go home."
then, scott turned to derek, a small smile tugging at his lips.
scott sat on his bed in silence, his lips tugged into a frown.
his mother was on the phone downstairs, after receiving yet another call from the billing company.
"i'm more than happy to beg."
scott broke at his mother's words.
he had never met anyone as kind, or as gentle, or as brave and compassionate as his mother, and he was overjoyed that teddy was almost exactly the same.
but one thing his mother also was was deserving.
deserving of the world.
deserving of happiness.
but not deserving of this.
scott looked down to where a bag rested by his feet, tucked under his bed.
a bag full of money he had found in garrett's locker from the dead pool.
a bag full of derek's money.
a million thoughts clouded his mind.
with the money, his mother wouldn't have to worry about paying bills.
she wouldn't even have to work.
and they could move out of here, to somewhere were scott could definitely keep melissa and teddy safe.
because, clearly, tonight had proven that he couldn't.
scott looked in the direction of teddy's room, trying to come up with the best way to tell melissa her daughter was almost beheaded.
forget that.
how was scott supposed to tell his mother that his sister was supernatural?
how was he supposed to tell teddy?

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