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teddy felt as if her whole world was crashing in around her

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teddy felt as if her whole world was crashing in around her.
she'd hoped with all her heart, that liam had forgotten about that specific detail on that night.
slowly, her face fell from the smile it was previously situated in.
her mouth moved, but no words came out.
finally, she swallowed thickly.
"yeah.. i forgot about that.."
teddy's voice was small.
suddenly, a loud bang came from behind the wooden door, causing the brunette to flinch.
brooklyn's voice came from the stairwell where her feet pounded up the steps.
"alfie and mia are on their way!"
blush crept up the blonde boy's cheek.
"can we, uh, go out?"
teddy nodded, her cheeks burning.
liam grabbed teddy by the hand and lead the girl out of his room after throwing on a shirt, much to teddy's disappointment, though she would never tell him that.
flustered by the sudden contact, teddy trailed after liam, earning another wink from brooks as they left.
and, for a few moments, the pair walked in silence.
liam released teddy's hand.
"so, you like me?"
liam's voice broke through the cool air.
teddy sighed, defeated.
what was the point in denying it?
she spoke, her voice barely a whisper.
the pair kept walking for a moment or two.
liam hummed, and it was at that, teddy mccall gave up hope.
her first real friendship in years, and she had to screw it up, because teddy mccall became too attached.
just like the boy in fourth grade, or the redhead in middle school.
just like josh from camp, or ollie.
and now liam.
teddy sighed, exasperated.
then, in the cool air, she felt a warm hand meet hers.
liam stopped in front of teddy, halting her walking, and turned to face her.
the girl kept her gaze on the ground.
"you like me, teddy?"
teddy tried to pull her hand away, but the beta held fast.
"teddy, you like me?"
teddy's eyes pricked with hot tears of humiliation.
of course liam would go like this, laugh at her.
and it was all her fault.
"teddy mccall, do you like me!"
"yes, liam!"
she finally snapped, yelling out into the street.
"yes, liam eugene dunbar! i like you, okay? you don't need to rub salt in the wound!"
teddy refused to let the tears trickle from her eyes.
suddenly, teddy flinched as liam placed a hand on her cheek.
was all he said in a soft voice as teddy's chocolate eyes rose to meet his own.
as soon as she looked into the ocean orbs, teddy decided against it and focused on his pink lips, which moved softly as he spoke.
"because i like you, too."
teddy wondered what the world record was for standing and staring into someone's eyes.
she probably didn't beat it, as soon after, the pair were interrupted.
"oh, crap."
liam hissed as the sounding of the siren became louder.
eyebrows raised in panic, teddy acted quickly.
grabbing liam's hand, and ignoring the fireworks that coursed through her, she ran towers the chaos.
the madness unfolded the closer the pair got.
police officers, men in large yellow suits, dashing round frantically.
fencing and tape was in position everywhere, circumferencing the entire school.
teddy's eyes flitted around the scene.
"sheriff stilinski!"
she yelled, catching sight of the older man parading through the crowds.
"what's going on?"
the sheriff turned to face her, a firm look on his face.
"i don't have time to talk."
he said to teddy sternly.
"ask your dad."
teddy tried to ignore the bitterness in noah's voice as he spoke.
instead, she forged on through the hoards of people in panic.
agent rafe mccall was a tall and brooding man.
often consumed by the influence of alcohol, he was known to be harsh and cold and cruel.
it was for that exact reason melissa mccall turfed him out.
but now, here he was again, in beacon hills.
his defined features were deep set in a scowl as he confronted an officer in a yellow suit.
"please. you need to let me in!"
he growled.
"no, i don't know why, but my wife says i have to tell my son something! my son is in there!"
teddy's heart was caught in her throat.
firstly, rafe had referred to melissa as his wife, as he always did when speaking about her.
and second, he had mentioned scott.
scott was inside the building.
teddy wanted to sob.
"scott's in there."
she managed to say to liam without breaking down.
"him and the others were taking their PSATs. and now my dad's trying to get in to tell him something."
liam asked, holding teddy's hand just a little tighter.
"i don't know."
composing herself, teddy kept her eyes shut for a little longer than she would have normally.
then, she took one deep breath, before turning away from liam and hauling him along.
"i need to speak to him."
when the pair arrived by agent mccall's side, he was halfway into working himself into a yellow suit.
teddy placed a hand on his shoulder, causing the man to flinch.
agent mccall coughed.
"what are you doing here? this is a quarantined area."
"scott's in there."
teddy confirmed.
agent mccall nodded sadly, but kept his features firm and cold.
"what's going on?"
"i don't have time to explain."
the man said, continuing to climb into the airtight suit.
"i have to get a message to him."
slowly, teddy nodded and turned to leave, but rafe placed a hand gently on her arm.
"theodora, afterwards, we need to talk. i'll come back to your house after all this is over."
the brunette nodded, dread settling in her stomach.
she swallowed thickly before speaking in a small voice.
"come on, teds."
liam whispered, tugging at the girl's arm.
so teddy did; she followed liam away from the crowds and police cars and commotion and out back into the street.
liam lead teddy to a small park off the back of a block of small houses.
green grass lay out to the size of a small farm field, with a set of swings and some other apparatus in one corner, and a strange array of seats held together by metal poles in the other.
liam opted for the swings.
still with teddy's hand in his, liam took a seat on the black rubber swing and began rocking back and forth, listening to the breaking of the chains in the silence.
the lack of noise seemed weird to liam after the loud and crowded madness occurring around the school.
it set the beta on edge.
"come, sit."
liam tugged at teddy's hand when he noticed she was still standing.
the girl rolled her eyes sarcastically, but she looked on the verge of tears.
"come on. the rocking of the swing is very rhythmic. soothing almost."
he joked.
teddy let out a short laugh before letting liam's hand fall from her grasp and took a seat on the swing beside him.
slowly, the beat of teddy's feet on the mud floor met liam's as they rocked back and forth in sync.
liam mused.
"that's your dad?"
teddy sighed, but she didn't seem eager to expand on the subject.
still, liam pushed.
he'd had his own share of hopeless fathers; he knew it was best to talk about it, no matter how much you didn't want to.
"why did he need to talk to you? have you not— uh, seen him in a while?"
teddy paused before answering with such ferocity, liam almost toppled off his swing.
"my mom kicked my dad out when i was one. he was drunk and stupid. it wasn't the first time."
teddy's eyes welled with tears again, so liam stopped swinging and reached for her hand.
she gladly accepted the gesture, placing her hand into his.
"what did he do?"
liam pried gently, rubbing his thumb along teddy's palm.
"he was drunk. me and scott, we were playing a game; tag, i think. but he was two years older than me, and well, he didn't mean to, but i got hurt."
she paused and sniffed.
"my dad; he was furious at scott. in a drunken rage, he.."
a tear trickled down teddy's pale cheek, and liam reached out to wipe it away softly.
"my dad pushed scott down the stairs. he fell, and, h-he hit his head. he was unconscious for like twenty seconds. my mom— she thought he was d-dead."
the girl's voice broke.
"my mum rushed him to the hospital, me in tow. when we returned— my dad, he was gone. i never saw him again."
liam swallowed the lump in his throat.
"scott doesn't remember a thing. i only know because i heard my mom and sheriff talking about it one day. she wanted to press charges. noah told her not to. said it would complicate things."
liam's eyes became sympathetic as he looked into teddy's.
"and now,"
another tear snaked down her face.
"scott thinks my dad wants to take me away."
instantly, liam was on his feet, his arms wrapped around teddy.
she hugged him back, her face buried into his shoulder as she cried her last few tears.
eventually, the pair pulled away.
"i'm sorry,"
teddy frowned.
"i made your shirt wet."
liam let out a small laugh.
"i won't let him take you away, teddy."
teddy whispered.
the pair stood in silence for a few moments before teddy began to walk towards the climbing frame and slide.
upon arriving, teddy sighed.
then, she latched her foot into the first groove on the wall and began to climb.
"and now, i'm on the dead pool."
she murmured, but liam heard.
"and i'm some weird, supernatural creature that only brett and lori know."
liam's eyebrows furrowed.
"you spoke to brett?"
she ignored him.
"and i keep turning invisible,"
the girl climbed another foot higher.
"and i can't remember what happens when i change,"
another foot.
"and, somehow, i managed to defeat three oversized bone warriors,"
another foot.
"and my eyes—"
"keep turning black."
liam finished.
teddy looked at the boy incredulously.
"how did you..?"
"i've seen it, a couple times."
liam craned his neck.
teddy nodded stiffly.
"it's okay, teddy. i don't care."
liam called upwards.
once again, the girl didn't reply.
she kept climbing until she reached the peak height, and liam made up his mind.
in no more than fifteen seconds, liam had scaled the wall.
he rested his arms again then top, stood next to the wide eyed girl.
"you're not the only supernatural.."
he breathed heavily.
then, slowly, something took over liam, and he began to lead forwards.
his lips were merely a centimetre away from teddy's, and his hot breath fanned against her face.
but before his eyes could close, a yelp was heard.
instantly, liam reached down and grabbed teddy's hand as she slipped off the footholds.
hurriedly, he hauled her up.
"you okay?"
teddy blushed.
"i'm okay."
slowly, the pair began to climb down from the wall, until they reached the bottom.
as they did, liam noticed the sun beginning to dip behind the buildings in front of them.
"it's getting dark."
liam half smiled.
the young mccall agreed.
"i should head home."
"i'll walk you."
liam insisted, and so he did.
midway, he noticed the girl shiver as a cool breeze hit.
her tshirt fluttered loosely around her arms in the wind.
"you cold?"
teddy shook her head.
she shivered, causing liam to laugh.
he said, pulling his black hoodie over his head and offering it to the girl.
teddy shook her head no, denying the offer.
"no, you keep it. i'm fine."
"teddy, i insist."
the brunette sighed, realising liam wasn't backing down, and took the jumper off of him.
she pulled it over head and let it fall over her small body.
it fell down to mid-thigh on the girl, the sleeves well surpassing her wrists.
liam brushed a stray piece of hair from her face, causing her cheeks to redden in the pink light of the sunset.
"you look adorable."
liam admitted, blushing lightly also.
"come on."
teddy wormed one of her arms out the sleeve and offered her hand up to liam.
"lets get home, dunbar."

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