Roxy's Reasons

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Roxanne Foster had indeed lost her mind in more ways than one. She didn't want to admit that she fucked up but she had. Big time and her list of enemies was growing day by day inside Chowchilla. For starters no one really feared her like they did Stef and Tracey except for a few. Without her sister there and without her position in the Lion's Den her reputation had changed astronomically even if she tried to maintain it. The den had told people she was a nobody and that if she did bother them they would see to it that she stopped. That along with many other things infuriated the short haired woman as she began to realize just how badly her fight with Stef had gotten. It changed her life and the blondes as well and the day she found out she was getting out ripped her in half to the point that her entire demeanor changed and her soul. Deep, deep inside it was possible the love for her sister was still there but right now it was covered up and possibly would be for years to come. Threatening the kids was a line you never crossed and she had. More than once.

However, Roxy was pissed for a number of reasons. Yes it was accurate to say she was furious that Stef didn't pick her to run the den. She really could have done it in her eyes even if her sister had her doubts. Maybe she had fucked up and let it go to shit back when Stef and Lena got put in solitary but this would have been different and the woman would have tried to prove herself. Especially to the blonde. Picking Tracey felt like the ultimate betrayal, as if their years growing up together had no merit and neither had their bond as sisters. Stef in all honesty had only known Tracey for a few years but Roxy her entire life and she just couldn't understand why the blonde didn't give her another chance. But she had no intention of asking her not any time soon for the level of dislike, bitterness and distaste was at its maximum level.

The heavyset woman was also pissed that the den had nearly beaten Raquel to death and in the end the girl ended up killing herself. Maybe she was partly to blame for her daughters destruction but not entirely she thought in her eyes for Raquel had done it to herself, all of it. But what Roxy failed to realize was how right Stef was in what she told her. That the girl needed her, she needed to know her mother loved her and that she would help her. Maybe that would have helped her in the end and maybe that would have prevented her from being manipulated by Cheryl in the first place. Sadly no one would never know and it would haunt Roxy her entire life.

It was an accumplication that lead to the hard feelings and the destruction of the two sisters relationship. Yes Roxy had adored Lena, she really did and thought she was really good for her sister at the time, she still did. What she didn't like was how displaced she felt after they had gotten married and when they researched their appeals including Callie's never bothering to ask Roxy if she would research her own case and try to get out early. Odds are she didn't qualify but Stef didn't seem interested in helping her sister get out earlier and never asked. To the heavyset woman the blonde was selfish, only cared about herself and her new little family with Callie and Lena. Before they came along she never really mentioned getting out and they had plans to rule the den and continue the lifestyle on the outside. This woman her sister had become she didn't know this Stef Foster, not in the least and that wasn't comforting at all. Even the day she had seen her with Tracey and Lena during visiting time she just didn't know her. Her glares the one she gave people she disliked she never thought would be directed toward her, how she stood with the den in prison and ganged up on her and allowed Tracey to beat her to a pulp. Who did that? Sisters didn't do that and in her eyes Stef had forgotten. She had forgotten where she came from and who the fuck she was. Even if she was trying to forget it was still there deep inside her and alway would be. Maybe Roxy needed to remind her?

It was possible that the short haired woman's anger had gone too far and now she so deep in it there was no coming back. But did she want too? Did she ever want to make up with Stef for Roxy knew her sister was beyond forgiveness at this point and when their paths did cross on the outside the fight would be on. Truth was if she wanted she could probably get her sent back to jail for all the shit she had done growing up. All the crimes they committed, the people they hurt together, the drugs they distributed. The woman had a ton on Stef, a shitload half of which she had forgotten herself. She had thought about, thought about spilling the guts but then she would be adding time to her own sentence which she wasn't trying to do for her wife was waiting for her. Peaches Harris who was now Peaches Foster was waiting and Roxy would be up for parole soon once again hoping to make it this time. The inmate had every intention of being a good wife to Peaches and to the woman's little girl who was only 3. She could do it, hell if Stef was doing it no matter how much she hated the fucking blonde she could and better. So she thought but was forgetting who she really was and that she wasn't like Stef who was ready to change, who was living a straight life and who was committed. Stef was a good lover, she was an amazing wife and tried her best to be a good parent. Roxy had her issues and thought they disappeared and who disappear. However that was not the case and they would resurface especially once she moved in with Peaches and her little girl.

In the meantime she had to put up with the Lion's Den bullshit and Tracey who was a fucking bitch on wheels. God she just wanted to punch the little bitch in the face and the level of power she had only increased her anger. How in the fuck this little shit could scare anyone was beside her. It really was but the den was in control just as Stef left it and people feared her. They really did and it was beyond Roxy's comprehension. But unlike Stef she didn't read most people well, some yes, but most she didn't and she continued to underestimate Tracey. Just like she underestimated her sister and Lena.

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