Poker Nights

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The next few days with the kids had flown by for the women as it felt like they blinked and Sunday night had arrived and there wasn't much they could do to not feel the sting in their hearts. 

Callie couldn't help but tear as baby Stef cried her eyes out and clung to her mother so tightly almost making herself sick.  Lena tried to hold her tears back as Stuart came to pick up Noah and Stef, well she couldn't cry. She couldn't as Mike had arrived to get both Frankie and Jude and the waterworks from the little girl were like nothing else. It was bad as Mike kneeled down to his niece drying her tears when something surprising happened. And it happened to all three women.

"How would you like it if your mom picked you up on Friday's after school?


"Yeah, that way you get more time with her and how about she drops you off Monday mornings to school so you can stay over Sunday nights?"


"Yeah really kid."

"Really mama?" She asked looking to Stef who smiled so wide at her and at Mike for she didn't expect this at all. 

"Yeah really baby. But no crying tonight.Ok?"

"Ok! I won't! But you will pick me up Friday at school?"

"I promise sweetheart." She said knelling down and wiping her tears. But no tears my girl and no tears in school and you behave yourself. Yes? Don't give uncle Mike and aunt Judy trouble. Remember what we talked about?"

"I remember. Ok."

"Ok give me a hug and kiss."

Leaning in the little girl hugged her mom so tight for what seemed like forever as Jude moved closer to his mom and she gently lifted his chin up. The two had come so very far and the love Jude had for his mom would last a lifetime.

"I love you sweet boy even if you are almost as tall as me now."

"Yeah."He grinned shyly. " But um is it the same for me Ma? Can you..

"You do not have to ask that. Of course it is. I will see you Friday as well." She smiled hugging her son just as tight. "And if you like you can still come to work with me Sunday mornings. If you want."

"Yeah I do." Hugging both her kids once again she thanked her brother as Mike took them home. However, after hearing what the cop planned to do in terms of the kids visiting both Stuart and Sandra agreed to do the same for Lena and Callie.  Even if it in some sense violated the court orders but it seemed they were all willing to do whatever they could to help the women as they were fully on their way of regaining their rights back. Also they would soon hear from the new judge that was handling Callie's case in terms of Stef and Lena adopting her. What they didn't know was that Mike knew the judge and so did Judy and they would put a word in. A word that would make a difference.

With all the kids leaving the women dried their tears counting the days until they would see them again as Lena set up the Poker table. Callie wasn't even into it but she was grateful for the distraction as she set up the chips, music and beers awaiting Miss Rose and Judy. Stef made her usual drink but maybe even stronger then usual reminding her of the days they played and drank in Chowchilla. 

"Jesus baby we are going to grow hair with that!" Lena laughed taking a sip as Stef winked at her and she took out the cigars. 

"Maybe. But you can handle it Mama Lion! I've seen how you put it away."

"Yeah, yeah." She laughed soon getting the door for their guests as both Judy and Miss Rose walked in bringing food and drinks for everyone as well. 

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