A Birthday Wish

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"Hey sweets." I said to Frankie as she smiled wide at me coloring at the kitchen table. It was Friday once again and Mama Rose had taken the other kids out so that Lena and I could talk to Frankie.  I thought really hard about what Judy said to me and my own wife about her party and yes I realized maybe I was going overboard. Maybe I was and I had to realize it really wasn't all about having a big party and giving Frankie whatever she wanted to make up for lost time and me not being there. It was about spending time with this sweetheart and cherishing the moments and time we had now.

"Hi mama. Hi Mama Lion."

"Hi sweetie." Lena said taking a seat.

"Where is everyone mama?"

"Oh Nana Rose took them to the park. We will join them in a bit but um me and Mama Lion wanted to talk to you bit. Can we?"

"Yes. Am I in trouble."She asked looking rather concerned.

"Of course not honey." My wife said as I grabbed Frankie gently placing her on my lap. Lena scooted closer beside us as the smile remained on my little girls face as well as mine.

"Is Aunt Peaches ok mama? Will she be back soon?"

"We hope so love but right now she is still in the hosptial and they are doing everything they can to help her. Everything." I said as she played with the ends of my long blonde hair and I couldn't help but glance to my wife who looked just as worried. We had decided we wouldn't tell Frankie what really happened for she was just too little.

"But what happened to her? Did she fall?"

"Um yeah sweetheart. She did. She fell down some steps."

"Mariana told me Roxy hurt her. That she hurt Aunt Peaches and use to hit her."

"She told you that?" Lena asked.

"Yes. She said she is a really, really bad person. And use to scream at them and pull her mama's hair.  Is that what happened again? DId she hurt her mama?"

With that question I looked to my wife again who had a concerned expression on her face. Our plan of not telling her had gone out the window but we knew we had to be careful. We just didn't want this little girl knowing to much but she already knew more then we realized. And Mariana told her more then we realized as well as I cleared my throat and Lena began.

"Honey, yes Roxy did hurt her. And we aren't sure why sweetheart but it was not right of her and it was not nice. And no she is not a good person."

"Is she in jail Mama Lion?"

"Yes she is honey and that is where she is going to stay for a very, very long time. She will never be able to hurt Aunt Peaches or Mariana again."

"Good. I don't like her and Mariana doesn't either."

"We know sweetheart and Mariana never has to worry about her ever again. Ok?" I said gently stroking her cheek.


"Now on to let serious stuff, well not really but um we wanted to talk about your party sweet girl. I know you want a roller skating one with all your friends but um, well um, me and Mama Lion can't um ..

"We can't afford to have so many people sweetheart. You can invite a few but not 30. "

"Can I invite Callie and baby Stef, Noah and Jude?"

"Well of course." I said.

"Can I invite uncle Mike and aunt Judy, and Nana Rose and Mariana?"

"Yes love."

"Will you come mama?" She asked looking at me so innocently as my heart nearly broke in half.

"Love I wouldn't miss it for the world. Of course I will be there baby."

"And you too Mama Lion?"

"Of course sweetheart. And you can invite a few people from your class if you want honey. Just not 30. We can make a list and try to narrow it down." Truth was Lena and I could only afford about three of her friends.

"Nah. I just want my family there."

"Aww well that is very sweet babygirl. We would be there regardless." I said continuing to play with her pretty curls. "Me, Mama Lion, all your siblings and family. That was never a doubt my love. But is there anyone from class you would like to invite? What about Darlene? She is welcome to come if you would like sweetheart."

"Can she!??"

"Of course love."


"Yes love?"

"Can we have it here?"

"Here? You don't want the roller skating party?"

"No. I want it here. At my home. Can we do roller skating when I turn 10?! Doubt digits!"

"10? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"No!" She giggled as Lena did as well and the smile only remained on my face as I poked Frankie's little nose.

"Are you sure honey?  Are you sure you don't want the roller skating?"

"Yes I just want it here.  Can we make hamburgers?"


"Yay! Can we go to the park now?"

"Yes honey. Go change your clothes and we will had over." Lena said as my little girl jumped off my lap running to her room. But turning back she ran back over to us.

"What's up love?" I asked.

"I'm happy you can have my birthday with me mama. You and Mama Lion. That's all I wanted every year. And last year I wished for it when I blew out my candles. And now it's true. It's true mama."

"Yeah sweetheart it is and always will be. I'm never, ever going back to jail ever. I promise you that."

"I believe you mommy."

"Good. Give me a hug." Wrapping her arms around me she hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. Pulling apart she did the same to Lena as Frankie giggled at the both of us while I blew on her cheeks.

"I love you mama's."

"We love you too Frankie." My wife said as our little girl ran into the bedroom to change her clothes. Glancing to my beautiful Lena she could only smile at me as I was lost for words.

"I'm confused." I said.


"So she doesn't want the party?"

"Didn't you hear anything she said honey?"

"Yes she changed her mind."

"No. She wants it just to be her family. Just like Judy told you. That is what is important to her even at almost seven years old. She's a special kid Stef just like her mother." Winking at me I could only smile for Frankie was a special kid and an old soul at that.


A little fluff mixed in! 

Some spoilers, well not really but just some ideas of what will still take place. Callie will look for her siblings, Roxy's trial and we find out if she goes back to Chowchilla, and Miss Rose has her own surprise!

How many of you believe Stef will visit Roxy in jail? Assuming she lives that long.

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