Confrontation 1

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After getting a text from my wife that her and Judy spoke and that we would have Frankie and Jude for Thanksgiving break I couldn't believe it. That was something I never ever saw coming but I would take it and hoped it would lead to good things. Mike of course was still an issue but knowing we had one extra person on or side was nice. Well, if she really proved to be on our side but only time would tell and I was aiming to be optimistic for the sake of my family. One thing I was not optimistic about was Roxy as I walked into the break room seeing her sitting in the spot Callie and usually shared with her feet up on the table. It seemed as if she was pretending to read a book which I highly doubted and this bitch was surely testing my patience. Patience I didn't have as I walked over to the table and she looked up at me.

"Oh Lena! Hey there. How's it going?" She asked as I looked closer seeing she was reading Callie's book. A book that disappeared about a week ago and now I knew why. From what I could see now Roxy had been bulling her and Callie had neglected to tell either me or my wife. But this shit would end now if I had anything to do with it and I needed to handle it before my wife did and landed back in jail.

"Enjoying your book?" I asked in a cold tone.

"Oh yeah I just started it but it's a good read so far. Callie was nice enough to lend it to me." She lied grinning at me as she chewed on a toothpick. If I could I'd stab the shit out of her with it the bitch she was.

"I somehow doubt she leant it to you and if I don't see it back in her hands in less then 10 minutes I'll ripe yours off." I threatened narrowing my eyes at her as she looked to me letting out a smirk. 

"Lena, Lena, Lena. You must have forgotten I remember what you use to be and how you use to be. You can't tell me that innocent little scared Lena is still not in there. You know that tame one that would probably be dead if my cunt of a sister had not liked you. Had not made sure to call everyone off of beating your ass? MM? You would not have lasted a fucking second just like Callie. Ya'll two have alot in common sister girl. Remember how much you cried when Stef broke precious Miss Roses fingers? Oh the tears you had." She said teasing me as I could feel the anger boiling up inside me. Anger I made sure to put in check as I glanced around noticing the break room was rather empty for I had two choices. I could violently kick her ass and loose my job or I could practiced what I preached and verbally tell her off. Kicking her ass sounded better but I had to be careful. Really careful as I leaned down to her looking her right in her pig face.

"And you seem to have forgotten that that tame part of me is long long extinct. It is and you , babylove, have forgotten that I've hurt, and killed my fair share of people in Chowchilla honey. I mean who know's maybe I would have died without Stef, or maybe I would not have lasted but we don't really know do we. Maybe I only showed you what I wanted you to see then. Maybe I was never really tame, or shy, or scared. Maybe I was always crazy, violent and ruthless."

"I don't believe you."

"That's ok honey you don't need to believe me. But you better believe that I will hurt you if you continue to fuck with my daughter. If you continue to talk to her, or look at her or take things from her. Mama bear doesn't like that too much."

"Oh you will hurt me huh? Really and watch me file assault against you and right back to jail you go with Tracey leaving poor Stef behind to raise your little bastard kid."

All I could do was smirk at her as she looked right in my eyes continuing to chew on her two toothpicks.

"Call assault on me huh? Why too chicken shit to handle your own shit and need the cops to handle it for you? Or is it too frightening to have both of us out of jail?"

"Ha no one is scared of ya'll especially not me. And remember I know Tracey killed the Warden and I can easily go and spill that shit. She could serve life."

"Yeah? You seem to think they would believe your ugly fat ass Roxy. No one would because no one cares about you. But go on do what you feel is necessary honey. Go on because snitches don't get far."

"Fuck you nigger cunt." she said nearly spitting in my face as my stare never ever broke. Ever as another grin spread across my face and I leaned in even closer to her. I had to be smart about this, very smart.

"You know who I really felt bad for in all this. Raquel, because she never had a chance." I began as the look on Roxy's face turned even colder.

"Never, ever  had a chance with a bitch and fuck up as a mother like you Roxy. You never could get your shit together could you? You never could figure out how to love her and now you think marrying some woman that his a kid will make up for it? MM yeah. I don't think so because to me it seems you are pretty sad and always will be. The fact that you had to get a job here just to show your face to us, just to hurt or try to intimidate Callie and me, that doesn't say much about you sweetheart. Doesn't say much at all. But what it does say is that you're the one who is weak, and always will be in our eyes. So I have advice for you.  You fuck off and leave my daughter alone, you don't look at her, talk to her or even go in her direction and you never call my wife a cunt again. Ever. And only a scared little bitch cunt would call the cops on me, or try to get me sent back to jail or even cause me to loose my job. Go ahead Rox try it. Just try it because you better watch your fucking back."

"You better watch yours you piece of shit! Because I could hurt Callie bad!"

"Ok sure honey." I said remaining calm as I saw Roxy's face had turned a deep red. "You go ahead and play that game but make sure you play it real good." Winking at her I grabbed the book and walked off knowing this would not be my first and only altercation with Roxy. Not in the least for she was really playing with fire now and I would really get her in just a matter of days and the last thing she would ever find herself doing was calling the cops.


Don't worry Lena will REALLY get her very soon in a more physical way. And I don't know why people continue to mess with her. LOL


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