Ugly Times

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In the midst of the crazy day it was a few days until both Stef and Lena would meet with the judge regarding Callie's adoption. The young teen had been ok since her run in with Sheila and was feeling rather optimistic. Of  course she didn't want to get her hopes up too much as she was quietly enjoying her lunch outside the breakroom. Usually her and Lena had lunch together but she had taken the day to spend with Jude. Opening her book to read the book suddenly closed shut and looking up she saw Roxy hovering over her and smirking.

"Hey there Callie. Want company?"

"Nope. I'm good." The young mother said opening her book back up as Roxy took a seat. Since she had started the woman had stayed out of both Lena and Callie's way but since Lena was not around today Roxy took it upon herself to buddy up to Callie. In her eyes the girl was pretty weak without the presence of the den and her mother regardless of the things she had done in jail and the overweight woman knew her weakness and soft spots. Very well.

"You know Cal I didn't want any of this. None of it."

"None of what?" Callie asked looking up annoyed.

"This fight between me and your mother. I've been trying to make up with her."

"Yeah could have fooled me."

"True I have. With her and Lena. But they aren't interested but maybe you and I can be close again. We use to be real close."

"Well use to is the key word Roxy."

"What would be the harm?"

"I'm not interested. You're a traitor. So buzz off." The young girl said annoyed as Roxy could only laugh.

"You know Callie you never were tough. I mean maybe with the den around you back in Chowchilla you were but Stef coddled you so much you barely stand on your own feet. I always told her about  and I think she did that far too much probably because she didn't trust you could handle yourself. We knew you couldn't anyhow still can't."

"You talk so much shit how can you even stand yourself."

"What makes you think I'm talking shit little girl. What was your life like before my sister took pity on your little butt? You were knocking on death's door with all those health issues you racked up. You let the den girls kick your ass left and right. So what you hurt Alex. That's all you have for yourself.  But nothing more. You think that one thing makes you tough? You're not tough Callie so you should just stop acting like you are because I could be your best friend again or your worst enemy." Roxy could only smile as she took a bite of her sandwich and Callie could only shake her head. She had two options in her mind. She could kick her fat ass off the chair and punch her face in, or she could walk away for she needed this job. But what was it lately? Why was this kid of stuff testing her? 

"And for the record you know what my sister had to do to try to get you and your kid in that prison program? She had to fuck the Warden. More then once same with going with you to the hopsital. And all for nothing since Tracey killed him. So all you did was bring shit down and you couldn't even handle your own shit. Still can't cause you would be homeless without her."

"You know what your a piece of shit Roxy. You are and if you have to come in her and say that stuff to me to make yourself feel better then that's sad. This isn't jail and I refuse to act like we are still locked up. This is real life, I'm working on being a mother to my little girl and the last thing I have room for is an asshole like you. I don't care what you say, what you think or about the past. You're nothing to me and never will be again. So stay away from me." With that Callie got up but before she could even walk away from the table Roxy had tripped her and she fell right on her face. In Roxy's eyes she had nothing to lose but she knew Callie did and it would cause her not to fight back.


"This is you! This is all you Stef! It was manageable when you were in jail but since you have been out it's gotten worse! And both kids! Both! Thanks to you Frankie is in trouble again and the more time they spend with you the worst it gets!" Mike shouted for she was furious. Furious at the behavior of both Jude and Frankie that day and more furious that his sister saw nothing wrong with it. Nothing.  "Jude nearly got arrested does that make you happy?!"

"What the fuck kind of question is that! Of course it doesn't make me happy! You think I want my son to end up behind bars?!"

"Well you are surely teaching both of them how too!"

"Fuck you Mike!" The blonde shouted standing closer to him as the two continued to argue on his front porch. Lena could only watch from the car as she now got out seeing that this entire thing was escalating.  "I'm a good parent, I'm a good mother and love them more then anything. Fuck you for even implying that I want both of them behind bars! Fuck you!"

"You may think you're a good mother but you're a bad influence! You are a terrible influence and they don't need to be around you anymore!"

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare say that to her! Stef loves those kids and she is not a bad influence at all and she is an amazing mother! How dare you even!" Lena screamed for she was pissed!

"Baby it's ok....

"Lena this is between me and my sister. This doesn't concern you because whatever she does you stand by anyway."

"You are damm fucking right I stand by her. Always! Always! And it's too bad you don't and it's too bad you don't see the effort she makes and how much she does bust her ass everyday! Everyday and  she works 7 days a week sometimes more than 12 hour days! For us! For her kids! For my son! And you for whatever reason refuse to see that. You just try to keep her kids, our kids from us, you will be up for a fuckign fight. I'm not one to play around with especially when it comes to her. "

"Mike I can hear you all inside." Judy said walking out onto the porch and soon noticing the two angry women. She was expecting them to show up as Stef looked to her angrily.

"Now I see why you both are made for each other. I see it now and those kids they don't have a chance. Don't you both get it I'm, we are trying to do what is best for them. What don't you get?" Mike continued as Lena herself was two seconds away from punching him as Stef grabbed her hand and stood closer to her brother face to face.

"You tell me what this about? MM. What is it? I asked you this before but what you need my kids to make your own family? Wifey can't make her own kids huh?"

"This isn't about that! This is about them turning into good kids, not into criminals."

"Oh so me and Lena will raise criminals huh?"

"We can give them what you can't Stef." Judy chimed in as Stef's glare turned to her and she felt Lena grab her hand harder. The blonde knew her wife was about to go the fuck off as she glanced to Lena nodding her head indicating she would handle it. She would as she walked closer to Judy and stared right into her worried face. It was true the young woman feared her as the blonde let out a smirk. She smirked at her and it turned into an angry stare as she spit right in the womans face.

"Fuck you!" The blonde yelled as Mike was beyond furious! He was as Judy ran inside and the blonde turned to look at her brother.

"Get out! Before I call the cops on you and have you arrested! How dare you do that to my wife!

"Oh yeah? You gonna call the cops on me?! What so I can go back to jail that's what you want huh? Just fucking admit it! That's what you want!"

"No I want you off my front steps and you will be lucky to see those kids again!"

"You will be lucky to breath again if you keep them from her!" Lena shouted.

"Both of you get off my porch before I arrest you myself!"

"Yeah go ahead Mike. Arrest us. See if I give a shit. Fucking coward." Stef said  boldly and Lena's hand remained in hers. " And keep my kids from me I'll slit your throat along with your wife's."


This is getting ugly and Roxy is a punk for messing with Callie.

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