Lets Work Together

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The entire day I had been a wreck as Callie and I continued watch holiday movie after holiday movie. Truth was I wasn't really watching them and had zoned out completely while downing a beer and smoking half a pack of Newports.  I was so upset about my fight with Stef that I almost didn't know what to do with myself and more upset by the fact that  I didn't know where she was or if she had in fact gone over Mike's. She could be in jail again right now for all I knew and if she was where did that leave us? Where did that leave everything we worked so hard for up until this point. Where did it leave everything? My heart was breaking and my anxiety was through the roof as I felt Callie gently tap my shoulder.

"Mama Lion no offence but you are going to kill me. Do you plan on smoking another pack?" She she as I looked to her surprised and putting my beer down.

"What honey?"

"I know you are upset about mom but you smoked about 15 cigarettes. Not to mention the beers you drank and the pint of ice cream."

Looking into her worried eyes  I put my cigarette out as I let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry babygirl."

"No it's ok. I know you're upset but why don't you try to call mom again? I mean I really don't think she went to Mike's. Sure she was really angry but I don't think she did. She probably went to Miss Rose's."

"I know baby. She most likely did.  Listen I'm gonna go change into my pajamas and start some dinner for us ok?"

"I can make it. I don't mind." She said softly as I gently stroked her cheek.

"I got it honey. You relax on your day off too."

"Mama Lion, look, I know I'm young and I've never ever been in a relationship in my life. So I don't really know everything that goes into it. But I mean it's not the first fight you and mom have had and it's not the first one that I've heard." She admitted as I glanced to her feeling somewhat embarrassed. Stef and I did not make it a habit of arguing in front of Callie or in front of our babies for that matter. It rarely happened but at times it could and we usually tried to end it quick or wait to really have it out when no one was around. This fight had been different and I never had threatened to kick Stef out ever. But it was my fear talking and my hopes that it would cause her to rethink what she wanted to do. 

"Honey we don't make it a point to argue in front of you or so that you can hear. I apologize for that." 

"It's ok you both are human and stubborn and super fiery." She said laughing as I couldn't help but laugh myself. "It's just I think even if mom is super impulsive sometimes and even if she was on her way to Mike's I don't think she went through with it. At the end of the day she always tells us her main goal is to take care of all of us and to build on what you both have already built. Even if she is hurting because of Frankie and Jude she will do what's best. I know it. She will and she always has."

All I could do was smile once again at her as I held her hand tightly.

"Mom loves you so much Mama Lion. I think from day one she did and I think you did too. You both are so much better when you work as a team. When you listen and fight together.  I'm sure she will be back soon because you  know she can't keep her hands off of you."  She joked and playfully rolled her eyes as I busted out laughing for it was true Stef really couldn't keep her hands off me.  Even in jail she found ways to touch me anyway she could and I never complained. Still didn't.

"Well Callie girl for someone that has never been in a relationship you give pretty good advice. Thank you sweetheart. I really appreciate it and I'm sorry I was so off today and not such great company."

"It's ok. Honestly. You have feelings you both love each other so much so when you fight it's hard. I get it. But y'all make up and it will be ok."

"I'm sure you are right. But honey I want you to know mom and I are doing everything we can to try again with your adoption. We have no plans on giving up and Wilson is doing what he can to. We are getting letters from friends and people we work with, people from Miss Rose's church to show that Stef would be a very good parent legally. We won't allow her past to interfere with this and we are determined to prove that. You hear me?"

"Yes. I know Mama Lion. But if..

"No buts. No buts about it baby. And another thing you need to start really telling the both of us what is going on. I know mom can be a little intimidating at times but you need to keep talking to us Callie. We are here for you about everything. Everything you understand me?" Gently cupping her cheek she looked deep into my eyes for this was the most stern I had ever really been with her.  I knew Roxy had said a few things to her in addition to what she told us and I had every intention of confronting her very soon. Sooner than she thought and whatever she was telling our little girl would end. And quick. "Mom and I don't care how little or big it is you come to us. You aren't weak, you are our daughter and you are our life. So do no hide things from us."

"I promise."

"Ok honey. Now give me a hug sweetheart." Smiling softly at me she leaned in and wrapped her arms around me as I hugged her tightly.  Callie was such a sweet girl and she always managed to put a smile on my face from the time I met her in the library. "You will always have a special place in my heart and in moms. Remember our first talk? In the library?" I asked softly kissing the side of her head as she pulled away.

"Yes and you knew I couldn't read but never verbally told me or anyone esle.  Only mom knew."

"I know that honey. But you were very special to me even then and I knew you would always be in my life. And I promise you , mom and I both promise you that you will legally be ours one day. Because we will never give up on that. Ever. You hear me Callie Adams Foster? Do you know we are about to have our first holiday together as a family, and with your little girl? How exciting is that?"

"It's really amazing and ..." she started as I could see tears rolling down her cheeks and I softly wiped them.

"It's ok baby I know it's emotional. But it's a great thing. It really is and that's what we need to focus on. Understand?"

"I do and I love you so much Mama Lion."

"I love you too sweetgirl." Hugging her once again  I soon heard the car pull up knowing it was most likely Stef and I could finally breathe. Despite how angry I was with her for leaving all day, for not calling me back and for storming out in the first place when she walked through the door I had never been so happy to see her in my life. Ever and just by the look on her face alone I knew she didn't do what she intended. 

"Go to her." Callie whispered as I glanced to her and back at my wife who let out a soft smile and looked just as worn out as I did. Maybe it had only been a few hours but in our book that felt like years especially when we fought. Squeezing Callie's hand I got up and quickly ran to my wife as she hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry." I said softly to her as she hugged me back so hard. Her smell, the way she held me, and just seeing her made my heart feel complete all over again for I had been such a mess. A complete mess as I felt her softly kiss my lips.

"I'm sorry too my love. I'm sorry too. Let's try to fix this together? Yes?" Gently wiping the tears that fell down my face all I could do was nod my head and hug her once again.

"I love you Stef."

"I love you too baby. I love you too."


I love when they make up! And I have some surprises in this story soon! We will see where it goes!

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