His Eyes

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   I wake up to the May sun shining through my curtains. I smile at how light and bright and it is. I wish my life was like that. Where everything was as lovely as the sun shining brightly in the sky.
   I move the bed covers off of me and stand to my feet and stretch my arms and back. I walk out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and run it under the water from the sink fosit and put the toothpaste on the bristles.
   I brush my my teeth then comb my hair. I go back to my bedroom to get dressed and put my shoes on the leave for my last day at work.

   I decided to walk to work today since I'm planning it to be my last day on Earth. I observe as I see people walking their pets on the sidewalk, couples walking their babies in a stroller, people waiting for the bus, everyone with smiles on their faces, everything that won't happen to me.
   I make it to the corner store and walk in. The corner store is empty and it's just me standing in the store. I walk into the store and head to John's office. "Hey John." I say. He looks over at me and smiles. "Hey Ben, how are you doing this morning?" He asks.
   Oh, well this after noon I'm going to throw myself in front of a train.
   "Fine." I lie. I form a smile on my face. "Good." He says, still smiling. I turn and walk out of the office and over to the cash register and walk behind the counter. Today is going to be a long day.

   I check my phone, 4:45pm. Time to go.
   I walk over to John's office and lean against the door frame. "John?" I say. He looks up at me and smiles as usual. "Yes Ben, want is it?" He asks. "I'm gonna have to leave early today." I say. "Really? Why?" John asks with a frown.
   I try and think of I good excuse, but nothing comes to my mind and I'm running out if time before I start to look suspicious. "Um..." I mumble.
   You're so stupid. You didn't even think about coming up with a good excuse.
   "I'm starting to feel a bit under the weather, and I don't want it to spread to you or the contumers if I'm getting sick." I say, holding my stomach to make it look like I have a stomachache. John looks at me with an understanding look. "Alright then. I guess for tonight we can close early." He says. "But just this once."
   I look at John and smile. It's sweet that he would do this for me. Well, I am his only employee, but it's still sweet. "Thanks, John." I say, still smiling. "Just make sure you turn off 'Open' neon sign, turn off the lights, close the blinds, and flip the 'Open' sign on the door to 'Closed'." He says. "You got it. See you tomorrow John." I say walking out of the room. I did everything John asked and walked out.

   I walk through the woods, the sun is beginning to set behind me. Twigs snap and leaves crunch with every step I take. Woodpeckers peck at the bark making a rapid knocking sound. The forest is beautiful, I feel like I could stay here for the rest of my life. I see an opening through the trees and I begin to walk in that direction.
   I get to the opening and I see the train tracks in front of me. I check my phone. 5:50pm. I guess I wait.

   I waited for over ten minutes. I check my phone again. 6:01pm. I don't hear or see the train. The sky is now getting to a dark blue and the moon is full and shining its bright silver glow.     A look of frustration forms on my face and don't know what to do. I came all this way for nothing. I get up and begin to walk back through the woods and go home.
   Before I can even take a step back into the forest, I hear the faint sound of a train horn. I turn and wait until I hear it again to make sure I'm not just hearing things. I hear it again. I walk back over the train tracks in watch to see if I can see it coming.
   The horn gets louder and closer, and I can see the head light shine through the trees and a feeling of excitement and fear runs through me.
   It's coming. Do it! Don't be a coward.
   The train rushes out from behind the trees and comes closer down the tracks and my heart starts to race. As the train gets closer my heart races faster and faster.
   I lift my foot ready to jump. I motion towards the tracks and get ready to jump, but something grabs my arm. I look behind me but all I see is a tall shadow as the cars of the train block the moon's light.
   The end of the train passes by and the moon shines on us again, and the the shadow is now revealed. There was a tall, lean man man wearing a red flannel, with, what looks to be, brown hair, and these beautiful grey eyes. His grip on my arm was strong as he stared down at me. "Don't, " He says in a deep, yet soft voice, "It's not worth it." He says.
   He contines to look down at me and I have no words. I look up at his grey eyes. The moon seems to reflect of them, making them have the effect that they're glowing silver. Wait, were they?
   We just stand there in silence just staring at each other. What's wrong with his eyes? I'm still searching for words to say. "Why?" I say the only thing that I can come up with, wondering if he'll even understand what I mean. "Because, all life has value that shouldn't be waisted." He says, understanding my question.
   I continue to look at his eyes and the way they glow a bright silver. "Are your eyes okay? They look a bit...funny." I say, hoping he won't get offended. "I was just born like that." He responds. "Do you live around here?" He asks. I shake my head. Do you live in town?" He asks. I nod my head and stare into his eyes. "Do you know how to get to your house from here?" He asks. I look around and shake my head. "Was assuming it wouldn't matter a minute ago." I say.
   He continues to look down at me and I realize he's still holding onto my arm. He noticed this too and let go. "It's getting dark, and I can't just leave you out here." He says. "What are you saying?" I ask with a confused look on my face. "Come with me, you can stay with me for  the night. I have a guest bedroom you can use." He says. "No, it's fine. I can just find my way home." I say. I walk past him and head towards where I came. "Just said you didn't know the way back." I hear him say behind me. I turn towards him with an exasperated look as I fold my arms to my chest. "Do worry, I'm not gonna try anything." He says with a smirk.
   I look at his eyes which still seem to be glowing a bit, even though the moon is now behind him. I raise an eyebrow. "Fine," I say giving in, "Just for tonight." I say. He smirks and steps closer to me. "So, where do you live?" I ask.

"Follow me."

Eyes of Silver [A gay werewolf love story] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now