Wake Up

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   I stare down at Luke, who is still in this deep sleep. I've been sitting here for hours just gripping his hand. It's  dark outside now, and the rain is still falling. I'm desperate at this point, I'm worried. The man on the phone said it was temporary, but he could be lying for all I know.
  My shirt is soaked with sweat and my eyes are stained red with tears. My hair is a mess from running my hands through it so much. I'm a mess. The one person who really loves me is stuck in some sort of sleep, which, for all I know, he may never wake up from.
   I finally make up my mind to try and talk to him. "Luke?" I ask aloud, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I want you to know that I love you. We're going to get through this, you and me, together. Please wake up soon. I need you." I say, a few tears escaping my eyes. By saying that, I finally get the courage to pick myself up and walk to the kitchen to get something to eat, leaving him behind to rest.
   I open the fridge and take out some mayonnaise, mustard, turkey lunch meat, cheese, lettuce, and I skip the tomatoes. I never really liked tomatoes, the taste is sour and weird. I put the items on the counter and grab the bag of bread. I take the ingredients and make myself a turkey sandwich. I lean against the counter and take a bite, filling my hungry stomach, letting the hunger go away.
   As I finish the sandwich, memories of Luke and I flow through my head. Like the time he saved my life, when he confessed his feelings for me, when he confessed his love for me, when he and I had sex, when we were outside playing in the rain a few hours ago. All of our time together runs in my mind like a train wreck and I want to break into tears. My eyes start to water and then they just start pouring out. I lean over the sink and let them drip into the silver  bowl. Only that makes me cry even harder. The silver reminds me of Lukes eyes, which now I can't see because they're shut tight into a deep sleep. I shut my eyes and let the tears slip through as I grow shaky.
   I soon hear footsteps behind me and I go still and silent. "Oh my Love, please don't cry so." I hear Luke's deep loving voice say behind me. I quietly turn to see him standing in the entrance of the kitchen. My heart starts to race and my breathing goes heavy. I at first I feels as if I'm seeing a ghost. "L-...luke?" I ask. He smirks and his eyes soften. I slightly spreads out his arms, allowing me to enter into a hug. Tears trickle down my cheeks, only now they're not out of sadness.
   Rush over to him and jump into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and his wrap around my torso as he picks me up and starts spinning. He sets me on my feet, his arms still wrapped around me as I look up into his silver eyes. I smash my lips onto his and he kisses back as we share a long, loving embrace.
    Our lips seperate and I place my hands on his stubbled face and cry tears of joy. Luke's eyes start to water. "Oh BenBen, I'm so sorry I made you sad." He says. I shake my head. "It wasn't you're fault." I say. He kisses my lips and then my forehead. "Luke, someone did this to you. I don't know who, but it was someone who I think has been watching us." I say. He looks at me confused. "What are sure?" He asks. I nod my head. "Remember that night when we were watching a movie, and I got a phone?" I ask, and he nods his head. "Well there was someone that was warning me to leave, or else something bad would happen. They also said something about how 'She was angry'." I say.
   Luke keeps a confused yet conserned look on his face. "They called me again today, saying that the dart that hit you was just a second warning shot, and that now this 'She' is even more angry." I say. Luke lets go of me and walks a few steps away, as if he's trying to think. "Luke," I say, getting his attention again, "I-I'm scared." I say. He walk up to me  and wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "Don't be scared, BenBen. I'm here." He says. I smile up at him. "C'mon, let's get you to bed." He says, picking me up bridal style.
   He walks me up stairs into the dark bedroom. The only light is from the hallway light into the doorway if the room. He lays me down on the bed as he removes my shoes. He kisses my forehead and starts walking away. "Wait." I say. He stops to look back at me. "What about you?" I ask. He chuckles. "I think we can both agree that I've had enough sleep. Plus, I have some...thinking to do." He says. I nod my head, understanding what he's saying.
   He walks towards the door and grips the door knob. "Goodnight, my Love." He says. "Goodnight, Luke. I love you." I say. He smiles. "I love you too." He says,  walking out and closing the door behind him.
   I wrap myself under the blankets and close my eyes. My Love is back with me. My werewolf love is back.


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